Chapter 138

Coming out of the study, the more Nian Tong thought about it, the more he felt that his father's frightened expression when he mentioned that he wanted to ask Gu Junyao for help was very strange.

But why is it the expression of fear?
What is father afraid of?
She was so engrossed in thinking that she didn't notice that Wen Meihua was walking towards this side with a plate of fruit, but she realized that she couldn't dodge and bumped into it. Wen Meihua exclaimed, the fruit plate in her hand fell to the ground, and the fruits inside were scattered all around .

It's over!This time, if he is not scolded to death, he is really naive and it is going to rain red.

Nian Tong wailed in her heart.Thinking about being scolded anyway, it's better to wait for Wen Meihua to finish scolding before considering whether to help her clean up the fruit all over the floor.

But the strange thing is that Wen Meihua seemed to be a different person, she just frowned and glanced at her, then bent over to pick up the fruits one by one back into the fruit plate, then turned and left without saying a word to scold her.

Nian Tong was stunned, almost really thinking that it was raining red and wanted to run to the balcony to look at the sky, but at this moment there were sharp screams from upstairs.

Mu Yu?

Nian Tong thought of Xiao Xi who was playing games in his room, his heart skipped a beat, and he had already run to the second floor quickly.

"Xiao Yezhong, what are you, you dare to hit me in my territory, if I don't fix you today, I won't be called Mu Yu!"

"You are the bastard! Dead woman, who made you want to attack me?"

The sounds of Mu Yu and Xiao Xi scolding each other mixed with the sound of crackling and throwing things came from Nian Tong's room and poured into her ears.

"Stop it!" She yelled and pushed the door open, but a UFO flew towards her at high speed. She was startled, and lowered herself to dodge. There was a crash behind her, and the sound of glass shattering.

She turned her head and saw that it was her favorite crystal cup that fell into pieces, her beautiful eyes immediately stared at the culprit - Mu Yu.

The latter didn't realize it, still swearing, picked up an induction lamp from Niantong's desk and threw it at Xiaoxi.

Seeing this, Nian Tong felt like her heart was still beating, and instinctively rushed over to hug Xiao Xi into her arms, the desk lamp hit her back and fell to the ground, the lamp base and lamp body split into two.

Mu Yu was dumbfounded, her face turned pale and she lost her voice.

Because he was wearing two pieces of clothing and the jacket was made of denim, Niantong didn't feel any pain when the desk lamp hit him, but when he thought that if it hit Xiaoxi, his face might be covered with blood by now, the feeling in his heart The smoldering anger could no longer be contained and exploded out.

She let go of Xiaoxi, turned around and slapped Mu Yu hard on both sides.

"These two slaps are for you to reflect on what you have done! You just bullied me, and ruined your father's great career in your hands! You still don't know how to repent after stabbing such a big leak, so take a child to vent your anger , you make all of us look down on you and treat you as a useless piece of trash!"

Nian Tong reprimanded angrily, and when he finished speaking, he heard a rush of footsteps from far to near outside the door.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Wen Meihua walked in anxiously, but the mess on the ground and her daughter's swollen face made her face change and change in shock.

"What's going on? Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

She walked up to her daughter to touch her face, but Mu Yu was crying and howling in pain.

Niantong glanced at the mother and daughter indifferently, then looked at Xiaoxi and said, "Xiaoxi, tell me what's going on."

Xiaoxi shrugged, "You said you wanted to chat with your grandpa, and I was playing games in your room, but the door was not closed when you left, and then I saw her sneaking in from the mirror and trying to attack me, I Of course I won’t just sit and wait for her to bully me, and then it’s what you see, she hits me with your crystal cup and hits me with a desk lamp, if you don’t help me block it, there will be a murder case gone."

Hearing this, Wen Meihua's expression became even uglier.

She heard from the servant that Nian Tong brought Gu Junyao's son back with her. At that time, she wondered why she didn't see any children at home. It turned out that they were hiding in the girl's room to play games.

After what happened last night, she repeatedly told her daughter not to cause trouble for her father, but she didn't have a long memory at all, and she didn't take her words to heart, and caused trouble for her again in the blink of an eye.

And this time, he actually wanted to attack Gu Junyao's son!

"Mom..." Mu Yu gritted her teeth and gasped as she wanted to say something, but her mother, who had always loved her to the bone, slapped her across the face again.

Mu Yu was shocked, she couldn't believe that her mother slapped her.

"Mom, you... you actually... hit me?"

"I should have woken you up a long time ago!" Wen Meihua yelled angrily, "You have made your father like this and still don't know how to repent. No wonder your father called you useless. You are really useless!"

Mu Yu originally wanted to act like a baby to her loving mother, and asked her to teach Nian Tong and Xiao Xi a lesson for her, but she was slapped by her mother to make matters worse.In a moment of rage, a horrible face twisted like a ghost, but there was nothing he could do about Niantong and Xiaoxi, he held his breath in his chest, almost dying of anger.

Wen Meihua ignored her daughter's grievances, turned to Niantong, and said softly, "Tongtong, let auntie see if there is any injury?"

Wen Meihua's uncharacteristic attitude reminded Nian Tong that she treated her like this last time because she wanted to persuade her to give up Gu Junyao so that Mu Yu and Gu Junyao could become a pair.

Then what was she doing for this time, suddenly she was as amiable as a loving mother?
But no matter what the reason was, in short, she would not believe that people like Wen Meihua had a sudden conscience discovery and reformed themselves.

She snorted secretly, and gave the order to evict the guest in a bad tone, "I'm fine, the room is too messy, I have to clean it up."

Wen Meihua's expression froze, and she forced a smile, "Then I'll ask Xiao Xue to clean up, don't get tired."

"Aunt Hua, I'm not that delicate. I still pack my own things, and tonight I will take away all my things, so that no one will say that I occupy your room."

Wen Meihua heard the meaning of her words, her face was full of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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