Chapter 140

When Gu Junyao received Nian Tong's call, he happened to come out from Chaoge with a few Fa Xiao.

Qiao Yueqing saw him tick the corner of his mouth in the caller ID, and immediately guessed who the caller was.

"Hey, Junyao is the happiest of the four of us now. The five sons, wives, tickets, etc., have been admitted to the imperial examination. He still lacked a wife before, but now that his little wife is married, he has everything. It's really enviable." die."

Qi Xin sneered, "Isn't it easy to die with envy? Wouldn't it be enough for someone to shoot you in the chest?"

Gu Junyao glanced at the two of them lightly, walked a few steps quickly to answer the phone, and hung up after a while with a gloomy expression.

"what happened?"

A voice came from behind.

Gu Junyao looked back at Leng Xiyun who had a questioning face, and said, "She asked me to help her father."

Leng Xiyun raised his eyebrows, "It's normal for her to ask you for help, after all, you are her closest person now."

"Yun Yao, help or not, you're going to have a headache now." Qi Xin came over to join in the fun.

"What's such a headache? It's enough to just tell the truth?" Qiao Yueqing said.

"Choose it? How to pick it out? Said that Jun Yao just wants Mu Qifeng to fall from the horse, so he won't help with this job?"

"Otherwise what do you say?"

Qi Xin and Leng Xiyun glanced at each other, and at the same time they looked at Gu Junyao.Unexpectedly, he changed the subject, "The pharmaceutical factory will be able to process all the goods in a month at the latest, Qi Xin and Xiyun, you can take a small part of the experimental products to casinos and nightclubs, which are expensive. Experiment with entertainment venues."

The two nodded.

"For the rest, just do as I said before, and I will inform you of any changes."

After the words fell, Gu Junyao walked to his driving seat.

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"When is my dad coming?"

While playing games, Xiaoxi asked Nian Tong who was busy packing.

Nian Tong glanced at the time displayed on the alarm clock on the bedside table, and said, "It should be almost here."

"Then do you want to tell him that you have been bullied and let him vent your anger on you?"

"Exhaust? How?"

"Find someone to chop her up with a knife."

Nian Tong was shocked, and looked up at the little guy who was playing games with eyes shining in shock, but he turned his head and gave her a sneaky smile, "I'm scaring you, my dad is not a black guy, How could it be so violent?"

Hearing this, Nian Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really afraid that what she said just now was the little guy's original intention.

After all, such bloody words came from the mouth of an eight or nine-year-old child, and it was too violent.

"But seriously, your sister and her mother are really annoying."

"Really? But I heard you call her mother-in-law very sweetly."

"Please, did I save face for you?" Xiaoxi rolled her eyes, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't call her mother-in-law to let her take advantage of me for nothing."

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong stopped what he was doing and came over, looked at Xiao Xi with a smile on his face and said, "Xiao Xi, why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?"

Xiaoxi's face panicked, and she said in embarrassment, "How can I treat you well?"

"You came back with me because you were afraid that I would be bullied, and quarreled with them because of me. I was almost moved to tears by you." Nian Tong caught a glimpse of a suspicious red cloud on the little guy's face, and immediately made a gesture. A weeping expression narrowed him down.

When Xiaoxi heard her say this, she suddenly felt awkward, and made mistakes in the game again and again, making her flustered.

"Oh, it's all your fault. I was going to win, but you made me die now." Xiaoxi complained in disappointment, then spread her hands, "I won't play anymore."

Nian Tong smiled, "Then let's not play, let's go downstairs to see if your dad is here."

As if making an appointment, just as Nian Tong went downstairs, the doorbell rang.

"It must be my dad."

Xiaoxi cheered and ran to open the door.

Nian Tong smiled and followed.

The door opened, and Gu Junyao's tall and straight figure came into view.

The afternoon sun fell on him, and the backlit face could not see his emotions clearly, but it still made Nian Tong feel at ease.

"You're here." She smiled and looked at the man who was looking at her from the door, the light from those bottomless black eyes made her heart pound, her pink face turned red and hot for no reason.

The corner of Gu Junyao's mouth tilted, he gently scratched her nose with his fingers, and said, "Silly girl."

Nian Tong found that her face was getting hotter and hotter.

Sandwiched between the two and completely ignored, Xiaoxi watched eagerly as the two interacted ambiguously, the muscles on his face twitched, and he said plaintively, "I'm more than one meter tall anyway, so you can't see me?"

Gu Junyao looked down at his son, patted his head, and asked, "You didn't do anything to embarrass me, did you?"

Xiaoxi curled her mouth, "Dad, what are you talking about? I came here today to protect your little wife from being bullied. Can't you praise me?"

The second time I heard Xiaoxi call herself his father's little wife, Nian Tong couldn't laugh or cry.

"She is Dad's wife, you are a man, you should protect her."

"Tch, I knew it was harder than anything else to get you to praise me." Xiaoxi snorted, but there was no displeasure on her face.

"Jun Yao is here? Don't stand at the door, come in." Mu Qifeng came out of the study at some point, looked at the family at the door and smiled.

Gu Junyao looked over and nodded slightly to Mu Qifeng with the same expression on his face as a greeting.

"Dad, grandpa is better at chess than you. I can beat you in every game, but I only beat grandpa in one game." After lunch, Xiaoxi and Mu Qifeng played a few games of chess, but they only won one game with all their might.

A look of surprise flashed across Gu Junyao's brows—the son's name is Mu Qifeng's grandfather?
"Xiaoxi, stop praising grandpa. Grandpa is old enough to win you by cheating. In fact, you are better than grandpa."

"Dad, don't praise him like that, lest he get carried away." Nian Tong said with a smile, and the three walked towards the living room together.

(End of this chapter)

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