Chapter 141

"Dad, don't you have business to talk about? Go to the study, Xiaoxi and I will play games on the TV in the living room, and it will disturb you." Nian Tong said to his father, but he winked at Gu Junyao as a sign He offered to help, lest his father refuse.

Gu Junyao smiled slightly, before Mu Qifeng could speak, he said first, "You came back after a long time, and today you are going back to the door again, so don't mention other things, just talk about homework."

Nian Tong was stunned.I don't understand why my father repeatedly refused Gu Junyao's help.

"Qi Feng, Jun Yao is so busy with work that Tong Tong called him back, just to let him think of a way to see if he can help you. Don't be ungrateful for the kindness of the two of them."

Wen Meihua came out of the bedroom, and couldn't help but said anxiously when she heard Mu Qifeng's words.

"What help? What do you know as a woman?" Mu Qifeng's expression darkened.

"I don't know anything else, but I do know that you might not only fail to be the mayor this time, but also go to jail. Think about it, if you really ask Jun Yao to help at that time, it will be too late."

"Dad won't go to jail, you don't want to hurt my dad." Nian Tong glanced at Wen Meihua, frowning in displeasure.

Wen Meihua stared, but suddenly thought of something, and the sullen expression on her face magically became gentle and amiable.

"Tongtong, I said that to persuade your father to accept Junyao's help, and hope he is safe and well."

Nian Tong snorted coldly.She was afraid that if her father lost the title of mayor, she would not be the mayor's wife, and would not be able to continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Actually, even if Tongtong doesn't say anything, I will do my best to help if I can." Gu Junyao said suddenly, with a calm expression on his face.

Hearing this, Wen Meihua was overjoyed, "As long as you are willing to help with this matter, there will definitely be no problem."

Gu Junyao glanced at Wen Meihua, and said in a low voice, "I'm not in the political and police circles, so I'm sure I can't help much. But I will hire the best lawyers, and then ask some friends in the political and police circles for help. We can minimize the harm of this matter as much as possible.”

"Minimized?" Wen Meihua frowned, "meaning that even if he won't go to jail, he still can't be the mayor? Can't you just let the whole thing never happen and let him continue to be his mayor?"

"Aunt Hua, he is not a god, so don't be too demanding. It would be great if he could find a way to keep my dad from going to jail."

"What's good? He can obviously—"

"Shut up!" Mu Qifeng stopped Wen Meihua, his face sullen. "You don't need to worry about this, you go to the kitchen and have a look."

Wen Meihua opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but seeing the veins on Mu Qifeng's forehead twitch, she immediately swallowed her words, and walked to the kitchen resentfully.

"Yun Yao, don't mind what she says."

Gu Junyao hooked his lips with a smile that was not a smile, but his eyes were a little colder.

"Dad, he already said to help you, you go to the study to talk, Xiaoxi and I are going to play a game." Nian Tong urged his father while pulling Gu Junyao to get up and push towards the study.

Mu Qifeng's face froze, with an expression of embarrassment and hesitation, but finally sighed, got up and walked over.

**************************************split line********** *******************************
When Mu Yu'an came home from get off work, he was really taken aback for a while when he saw the big one and the young one playing games in the living room in a crazy mood.

"Yuan, are you back?"

Mu Yuan looked at his mother, "Mom, that kid who played games with my little sister..."

"It's Gu Junyao's son."


"Why did my little sister bring him back?" I didn't hear my little sister mention it when I called him in the morning.

"Not only Gu Junyao's son, Gu Junyao is also there."

"What?" Mu Yu'an's expression changed instantly, "Gu Junyao is here too?"

"Yes, that girl called him to come."

"Then what is he here for?"

"What do you think he's here for?" Wen Meihua asked her son back, lowering her voice and saying in displeasure, "Jian, how many things did you and your father hide from me? Do you still see me as a mother?"

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. You father and son chatted in the study for more than two hours last night. Why did you chat for so long?"

"Nothing, just some work matters."

Mu Yi'an was perfunctory to his mother, and was about to say hello to Nian Tong, but Wen Meihua grabbed him.

"I have something to ask you, come here." She let go of her son's hand and walked to the bedroom.

Mu Yu'an frowned and followed.

"Mom, what do you want to ask me?"

Wen Meihua glanced at the open door behind her son, raised her finger, and signaled her son to close it.

Mu Yu'an was puzzled by her mother's mysterious behavior.

"Jian'an, tell me the truth, who did your father offend? Why did the other party punish him like this?"

Mu Yi'an looked at the expression on his mother's face, confused why she would ask such a question suddenly, did she know something?
"Don't try to perfunctory me and get away with it. I heard very clearly what you and your father said in the study last night."

Hearing this, Mu Yu'an's face became ugly.

"Mom, why did you overhear my conversation with Dad?"

"If I don't eavesdrop, how do I know that your father and son have concealed so many things from me? Who is the person who punished your father? From your conversation, I can tell that you know that person."

"Mom, don't ask me any more. I didn't offend anyone. It was Xiao Yu's fault that caused Dad to be like this."

"Damn Xiaoyu, but she didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"That's because she doesn't have a good brain, and she never thinks about the consequences when she does things. She was injured when she provoked the little girl in the bar. After hitting the little girl's hand, she broke her own hand. She won't learn to be good after so much thanks. This time I also want to ruin my little sister's reputation, I'm afraid she won't even know how she died one day!"

Wen Meihua was shocked.

"If you're really doing it for Dad's sake, then you must discipline Xiao Yu well in the future, and don't let her cause trouble, especially..."

"You especially can't touch that girl?" Wen Meihua interrupted her son with an expression on her face that suddenly understood something.

(End of this chapter)

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