Chapter 146

"Why?" Nian Tong didn't understand why his father said that.

"Your mother and I met because of camellia back then. I promised her that we would grow a lot of camellias with her, grow old together, and die together... But none of the things I promised her did. Even if she asked me to take good care of you, I couldn't do it."

"Dad, don't say that..." She once resented her father for being cruel to her mother.But after all, her mother has been away for so many years, she shouldn't keep resenting her father, otherwise she is afraid that she will regret it in the future.

"You came here, Yun Yao, do you know?"

Hearing his father's mention, Nian Tong remembered that she forgot to call Gu Junyao.

"I'll tell him now."

As soon as I opened the zipper of the bag, the singing came out.

"He called me."

Nian Tong walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows while answering the phone.

Mu Qifeng looked at his daughter's side face shyly answering the phone. Countless complex emotions flashed across her face, and finally merged into a struggle that ran violently through her body, looking for an exit.

Say it, or don't say it.

Said that he might lose this daughter forever.Not to mention, she will know one day, and he will also lose her at that time.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

After answering the phone, Nian Tong returned to his father's side. Seeing him clenched his fist against his forehead with one hand, his face was full of signs of struggle and hesitation, with a very distressed expression, he couldn't help but ask.

Mu Qifeng stared at his daughter intently, and sighed self-deprecatingly.

Call him a coward or a coward.

He really didn't have the courage to confess that to his daughter.

Anyway, if you say it or not, you will lose her. It would be good if you can spend more time together and hear her call you daddy more.

"What did Yun Yao say?" He changed the subject.

Nian Tong smiled shyly, "He was in the supermarket and asked me what I wanted for dinner. He bought it and made it for me."

"He doesn't know you're here?"

"I told him and he said come get me."

Mu Qifeng nodded, looking at his daughter who couldn't hide the smile when Gu Junyao was mentioned, her mood also improved.

"Tongtong, Dad opposed you being with him at the beginning because he was worried that you were just a whim, that you would regret it in the future, and that he would treat you badly. But now Dad doesn't think so." He sighed long, smiled wryly, "Perhaps letting you marry him was the one thing Dad did right."

"Dad, why did you suddenly talk about this matter again? Let's not talk about the previous things. You should think about how to reclaim the deserted garden in the backyard. That will be enough for you."

"Growing camellias is my father's favorite thing, and I am willing to toss about it."

"Then don't think about those things that give you headaches. As for Aunt Hua, she may just find it difficult to accept it for a while, and she will say those things when she is too emotional. Don't take it to heart."

"Silly girl, Dad just wants to persuade you not to take it seriously. I have been with her for so many years, and I still don't know what kind of woman she is?" Mu Qifeng snorted coldly, and continued, "I have committed a crime today. If she continues to make trouble unreasonably, the only option is divorce. Anyway, I have nothing to worry about now. "

"Divorce?" Hearing what Wen Meihua said just now, Nian Tong thought it was said casually in anger, but he didn't expect that his father really meant it.

"Dad, you see that you and Aunt Hua have been together for so many years. Don't do things that you will regret in the future because of impulse. If you do this, big brother will be sad."

"But I really can't bear her getting more and more mean to you."

"What's the matter? I don't live with her. I'm going back to school in two days. How can I have time to argue with her every day?"

"She made things difficult for you and you still pleaded for her?" Mu Qifeng was very surprised.

Nian Tong shrugged, "I'm not pleading for her, I just don't want elder brother to be sad."

"You, if you always think about others, you won't love yourself." Mu Qifeng sighed helplessly.

"He is my elder brother, not someone else."

"Yes, he is your elder brother, not someone else. Fortunately, Dad still has you." Mu Qifeng sighed, and then said, "Go downstairs first, he should be here soon. I will go down later."

"it is good."

******************************************split line****** *********************************
As night falls, neon lights shine brightly.

Gu Junyao saw Mu Yu standing by the side of the road with a suitcase waiting for the bus at the gate of Xiangxian Xiaozhu's community. She raised her thick eyebrows, and drove the car past her, and then heard a burst of shock in her ears. Shrieks of fright.

He sneered and drove the car to the front yard of Mu's house.

Nian Tong had been waiting at the door, and the moment he saw him, his small face couldn't hide his joy.

"Why didn't you give me a call when you came here?" Gu Junyao got out of the car and walked over. Under the night, he had a fatal charm that confuses people's minds.

Nian Tong hugged his arm with a smile, couldn't help but tiptoed and pecked his lips, but found that those bottomless deep black eyes became darker, conveying something that made her heart beat like thunder message.

—I'll be back early the evening after tomorrow.

She remembered what he said that day when she was teased so distractedly that her face suddenly became red, so hot that it was frightening.

No wonder he was so active after get off work today and went to the supermarket to buy groceries, dare you...

"Tongtong, do you look at me like this and want me to drive home right away?" Gu Junyao clasped her soft waist with one hand and pressed towards him, looking at her black eyes that were as hot as red-hot iron.

Nian Tong bit her lips lightly and gave him a coquettish look, but she couldn't help laughing, her beautiful eyes flickering with sly light marks.

"Uncle Gu, my guest will leave tomorrow."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows lightly, looking at the girl with a bright and charming smile, a strange emotion suddenly grew in his heart, wanting to severely punish her for possessing her, and make her beg for mercy like a cat under him.

Nian Tong felt the message conveyed by his fiery eyes, her heart trembled, and her arms suddenly wrapped around his neck, "Let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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