Chapter 147

Before returning to City B, Nian Tong went to Mu's house to bid farewell to his father and elder brother.

It was rare for Mu Yu to keep his promise this time. After going out that night, he cut off contact with his family members, and even Wen Meihua's mobile phone was blown up and he couldn't find her.

Seeing her, Wen Meihua still had a bad face, but because of Mu Qifeng's mantra of getting divorced since last night, she just stared at Niantong, but said nothing.

Besides, with her husband and son present, even if she wanted to say something, they would interrupt her.

I don't know what that Gu Junyao did to them to scare them like this.

It was already afternoon when we returned to City B, and the sky was drizzling.

Before Gu Junyao rushed to the company, Nian Tong asked him to take her to the hospital to visit Cen Huan.

"Uncle Gu, how do you know that Huo Yudong is Huanhuan's brother-in-law?" On the way, Nian Tong suddenly thought of this question.

"Why are you asking this?" Gu Junyao was a little surprised.


Gu Junyao pondered for a while before saying, "Didn't you once say that she was drugged by a professor and her innocence was hard to guarantee, so I asked someone to rescue her?"

Nian Tong was shocked, "The one who can't save Huanhuan is Huo Yudong, right? You knew he was Huanhuan's uncle then? Then why didn't you tell me?"

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "I only found out later."

"This world is really small." Nian Tong sighed.

No wonder Cen Huan went back to his hometown after being rescued that time, because he was sent back by Huo Yudong.

She leaned on the car window alone with her gills propped up and looked out of the window in a daze, wondering what the anger that flashed across Cen Huan and Qin Ge's faces when they embraced each other on the Huoyudong stand on the wedding night represented what the car was Stop slowly.

"I'm not going up, I'll call you later."

Nian Tong regained his senses and nodded, pushed the car door to get out of the car, then turned around as if thinking of something, and quickly kissed Gu Junyao on the mouth under Gu Junyao's confused eyes, but when he backed away, the back of his head was hit by a The powerful big palm grasped, and the fiery tongue pierced into her mouth, forcing her to entangle with his lips and tongue.

"Why, didn't you get bullied enough last night?" Gu Junyao looked at her with a smile, his black eyes flickered narrowly.

Nian Tong has a thin skin, thinking of the madness of the two of them last night, his whole face was incredibly hot.

"Okay, let's go up." Gu Junyao let go of her, his gentle voice was low and moving.

Nian Tong nodded obediently, got out of the car, and waited for Gu Junyao's car to drive away before turning and walking towards the inpatient department of the hospital.

****************************************split line******** ***********************************
Asked the ward number of Cen Huan at the front desk, Nian Tong went straight over and didn't call Cen Huan to report, just wanted to surprise her.

It's just that she didn't expect her surprise to be delivered yet, but Cen Huan gave her a 'surprise' first.

"Do you want me to die or live? I give you two choices, love or not!"

Facing the doorway, Cen Huan stood in front of the stern-faced man, holding a small gun in his hand and pointing it at his forehead, his face was pale, but he stared at the man fiercely, pressing him with every word.

The man frowned, stretched out his long and slender hand, and made a gesture to take down the gun that Cen Huan took from his body, but Cen Huan took a step back to dodge it.

"Tell me! To love or not to love!" Cen Huan's tone became a little anxious, his hand holding the gun trembled a little, and his eyes fixed on the man without blinking, every look contained too much emotion, like a An invisible net spreads all over the man.

The man's brows were furrowed, and the creases between his brows deepened. He half-closed his eyes and looked at the emotional girl, with a rare trace of anxiety flashing across his cold face.

"Cen Huan, don't make trouble."

The concise and concise words made Cen Huan's eyes gradually turn desperate.

"You don't love, do you? Well, you're ruthless, you're really ruthless!" She looked at the man with a still indifferent expression, her eyes blurred, and a miserable smile appeared on her lips, with a desperate and sad expression on her face.

"You would rather die than say you love me. Do you think I really dare not die?" She lifted her jaw slightly, and suddenly moved the gun that was pressing against her forehead, pointing her black mouth straight at the opposite side. Between the eyebrows of a man.

"You don't care about my life, what about your own? Do you want me or die?" She tried her best to bring the muzzle closer to the man to show her seriousness.

The man seemed a little more indifferent this time, he didn't even raise his eyebrows, his eyes were cold.

"Cen Huan, I'm your own uncle. If you're like this, it's incest."

"Incest?" Cen Huan laughed, "Dear uncle, you told me three years ago that I fell in love with you as incest, and you said the same thing three years later. So, what are we when you kiss me?" What about when you slept with me? At that time, you forced me to call you uncle again and again, but why didn’t you just tell me that it was incest like this now!”

The man pursed his lips and remained silent.

"I hate you...Huo Yudong, I hate you..."

The hand pointing at the center of his brow slowly dropped down, tears wet his eyes and flowed down his face.

"Hate it. If you feel better about hating me, then you can hate me. Just don't do such boring things in the future. No matter whose fate it is, love is not everything. Besides, we—"

"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen..." Cen Huan covered his ears and interrupted him, almost hysterical.

The man put his arms around her shoulders to comfort her, but she struggled violently, hitting and kicking him.

"Huanhuan, don't make trouble anymore, the stitches on your foot injury have just been removed."

"I don't want you to care, you go! I don't want to see you again!"

"If you don't see me, who will take care of you?" After a pause, "I'll go through the discharge procedures and send you back to where you live. I promise you won't see me again in the future."

Cen Huan stopped struggling, and used all his strength to hug the man who was about to pull away, with a humble tone, "Actually, since the first time I saw you, you have been my everything. From now on, I will never love you like I love you again." Any man, dear uncle, are you satisfied?"

The man's heart trembled, and the hand that was about to caress the girl's hair froze in mid-air, but finally let it go, and the fist was hanging down on the side of the leg.

It's already wrong, and it can't be wrong anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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