Chapter 148

Nian Tong quietly left Cen Huan's ward, entered the elevator as soon as it opened, followed the crowd out of the hospital, and didn't remember that it was raining in City B until the rain hit her face.

He really didn't expect to encounter such a shocking scene when he returned to City B.

Cen Huan and Huo Yudong...

She closed her eyes, and after thinking about it, she felt that it didn't shock her that much.

I thought there was something unusual between the two.

That day when Huo Yudong looked at Cen Huan, who Qin Ge was holding, his eyes were too weird, it didn't look like an elder looking at a junior at all.

And Cen Huan has become weird recently, deliberately growing long hair, avoiding Gu Junyao intentionally or unintentionally, and saying some inexplicable and sad things... All these must be because of Huo Yudong.

She and Cen Huan have such a good relationship, but they have never heard Cen Huan mention such a relationship.

But she knew that if it wasn't for the fact that this relationship was not visible and unable to speak out, Cen Huan would never hide it from her.

She always thought that her relationship with Gu Junyao was already bitter enough, but it turned out that there was more bitterness.

There is Leng Xiyun, Leng Siyu, Huo Yudong and Cen Huan.

Thinking of their inseparable but uncontinuable relationship, Nian Tong suddenly felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

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After returning to Country Garden, I hurried into the bathroom and took a hot bath, but I almost fell asleep in the bathtub in a daze.

When she heard the phone ringing outside the bathroom, she lazily got up, approved the towels and went out.

It was Gu Junyao who called, saying that he couldn't have dinner with her because of something tonight, and asked her to eat with Cen Huan, and then hung up the phone.

Nian Tong put down the phone and went straight to the soft bed behind him, pulled off the bath towel and got into the bed, some miscellaneous images flashed in his mind, and he fell asleep in a daze.


Hearing someone calling her name while half dreaming and half awake, she wanted to open her eyes, but her upper eyelids were so heavy that she couldn't open them no matter what.

"Tongtong, why did you take a shower and fall asleep without clothes?" The voice continued to ring in my ears, low and gentle, as if it contained infinite love, making people intoxicated and obsessed, and didn't want to wake up.

Gu Junyao frowned and sighed softly, took out Nian Tong's nightdress from the closet and put it on her.

The fingertips slid across the white, tender and smooth skin, and the beautiful touch touched the memories of joy and love that were burned in his mind, and the dark flames flickered in his black eyes.

If it wasn't for meeting Huo Yudong at night and knowing that she wasn't with Cen Huan at all in the afternoon, or maybe he heard something that made the phone so quiet, he almost thought that this girl was trying to seduce him.

"Tongtong, wake up." He patted her face.

Nian Tong only frowned, but her eyes were still tightly closed, and the corners of her eyes were wet.

Gu Junyao was silent for a while, and suddenly covered her nose.

Breathing was blocked, Nian Tong instinctively opened her mouth to try to inhale fresh air, but a hot unknown object blocked her mouth, making her unable to breathe.

Feeling as if she was about to suffocate, she had to forcefully open her eyes, and what she saw was a handsome face that was close at hand.

"Finally awake?" Gu Junyao let go of her hand to give her some fresh air.

Nian Tong was still in a daze, staring at Gu Junyao dumbfounded.

"Stop staring, didn't you have dinner? Are you hungry?" Gu Junyao flicked her forehead affectionately and asked quietly.

Nian Tong shook his head.

"Not hungry?" Gu Junyao was slightly surprised.

Based on what he knew about her during this time, if he didn't eat at night, he would definitely wake up hungry in the middle of the night and clamor for him to get her something to eat.

Nian Tong didn't return him, but just lifted her body up and snuggled into his arms.

"Uncle Gu, what is love?"

"..." Sure enough, I heard something that shouldn't be heard.

"In the song, love is a taste that can't be said but can only be tasted. After trying it, you won't be drunk or return; love is a snowflake that falls from the June sky and has withered before it bears fruit; love is a drop that can't be wiped dry and burned. The tears that have been finished have turned to ashes before they have solidified; love is the rose that has already bloomed when the world first opened; The cycle of reincarnation, no matter in the southeast or northwest; love is a period of right and wrong, teaching lovers to never say goodbye..."

Gu Junyao heard her humming each sentence, her voice gradually choked up, her chest was inexplicably congested.

"Fool, it's just lyrics, why are you so sad?"

Nian Tong buried her face in his chest and said nothing, but tears wet his shirt.

"Okay, don't think about these things, get up quickly, I'll go downstairs to see what's in the refrigerator and make you a bowl of noodles."

"No." Nian Tong hugged him tightly, not only not letting him get up, but also not allowing him to move.

"Then I'm going to take a shower too. Be good, I'll be there in a while."

"You let me hug you." Nian Tong closed her eyes and acted like a baby.

Gu Junyao had no choice but to follow her, adjusting a position that would make her hug him more comfortably, wrapping her in his arms, and resting her chin against her hair to fall asleep.

"Uncle Gu."


"You... have you started to like me a little bit?"

The closed black eyes opened suddenly, but there was no response.

Nian Tong felt bitter in his heart, and the arms around his waist gradually tightened.

Gu Junyao frowned, "Tongtong, I—"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, I will wait, wait until I like me, and then fall in love with me..." Nian Tong interrupted him, inhaling carefully, so as not to let him notice that he was breathing out of order due to discomfort .

It took a long while before a sigh fell from the top of his head.

"Tongtong, don't substitute other people's emotional models into your own. No one has the same feelings as anyone else. Thinking too much will only make you unhappy."

"Although the relationship will not be exactly the same, but the ending is the same, what you want to have will eventually be lost."

Gu Junyao was slightly stunned, stroking her hair with his chin, and murmured, "You haven't lost, I've always been here."

Nian Tong smiled wryly.

What she wants is not only his people, but also his heart.

His people are by her side, but where is his heart?
When will she win his heart.Or maybe, there will never be such a day?
(End of this chapter)

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