Chapter 153

Gu Junyao came back after answering the phone with a serious expression on his face.

"Tongtong, there is an urgent matter in the company that I need to go back to deal with immediately. I'll come pick you up after I'm done."

Looking at his tired face, Nian Tong felt a little guilty.

For her these days, he didn't have a good rest for a day. He had to deal with his busy work and take care of her at the same time. She really caused him too much trouble.

"Go ahead, don't worry about me."

Gu Junyao nodded, but was still a little worried, "Do you want me to find someone to accompany you?"

Nian Tong chuckled, her mouth flattened, "You really think I'm a child, I know how to take care of myself, I really don't need you to worry, you go, don't delay business."

"Okay." Gu Junyao leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, straightened up, "Call me if you have anything to do."

Nian Tong'ergen was feverish, so he responded in a muffled voice, watching him stride towards his car, and then drove away.

"Do you feel very happy?" Just as he was about to turn around, a gloomy voice drifted past his ears, making his scalp tingle.

Nian Tong frowned, and slowly turned around to look at Wen Meihua who was standing behind her at some point, her pale face was full of intense hatred, like an invisible fire spraying towards her.

"Why don't you talk? You are not very good at talking, can you make my head smoke every time?" Wen Meihua said with a strange air.

Nian Tong understands the pain of her having a white-haired man give away a black-haired man, and doesn't want to argue with her.

She looked around for her father and elder brother, hoping that they would come to help her out, but Wen Meihua snorted coldly, "Don't look for it, your father and your elder brother have both gone to the funeral parlor, otherwise you think how could I see you alone face?"

"What?" Nian Tong was stunned, unable to understand the meaning of her last sentence.

"When you went to Xiangxian Xiaozhu yesterday, your father and your elder brother were actually at home."

Nian Tong was startled, and she continued to say, "It's not that I don't let you in, or that I don't want to see you, but they don't let you in. Do you know why?"

"Aunt Hua, what do you want to say?" Nian Tong wondered if she was too sad and really mentally disturbed, otherwise why would she say something inexplicable.

"What do I want to say?" Wen Meihua smiled, her face distorted, "I have many secrets that you don't know, but your father and your elder brother watch me too closely, and I have never had a chance to say it."

"What secret?" Why didn't the eldest brother and father let her tell it?
"A secret about the man you love deeply." Wen Meihua turned and left after speaking.

Nian Tong was confused and followed unconsciously. When she saw Wen Meihua enter the bedroom, she hesitated for a while.

"If you don't come in, is it because you don't want to know those secrets? Or are you afraid of what I will do to you?" Wen Meihua suddenly laughed, "Your worry is too much. Gu Junyao is so cruel, I'm afraid he won't have time, how dare he do it What does his woman do?"

Hearing how she described Gu Junyao, Nian Tong's face darkened.

"Aunt Hua, I know you're feeling uncomfortable now, but please don't slander others. You can hate me, but I am me and he is him. Don't confuse them."

"You are you, he is him?" Wen Meihua returned to the door, staring at Nian Tong angrily, wishing to kill her with her eyes.

"You still have the face to say that you are you and he is him. If you hadn't led the wolf into the house, how could he have done all those unconscionable things, and even caused my Xiaoyu to die tragically!"

"Aunt Hua! You are not allowed to talk nonsense!" Seeing her anger at Gu Junyao, Nian Tong couldn't help retorting loudly, and the anger in her heart was also ignited.

"I'm talking nonsense? You can't believe what you heard? Do you want to know how miserable the man you love has made our family? You think he is the best person in the world for you, don't you? But He is actually a murderous bastard, an out-and-out devil!"

"You're crazy!" Nian Tong said coldly, turned around and planned to leave, not wanting to hear Wen Meihua continue to slander Gu Junyao.

"If you leave, no one will tell you who caused your father to go to jail, and no one will know how Xiaoyu died."

Nian Tong's body froze, but she couldn't take any steps.

No, she must leave quickly, and can't listen to Wen Meihua's nonsense.

She urged herself in her heart, but Wen Meihua's voice continued to sound behind her, "Because Xiaoyu accidentally smashed your hand with a vase, Gu Junyao quietly asked people to rob Xiaoyu that night, and even broke her hand into bones on purpose." The last time the woman surnamed Du approached Xiaoyu and said she wanted to deal with you. Gu Junyao knew it but didn't stop her. She even asked people to follow them and take photos and send them to your father. Afterwards, those rumors and reports about you being an illegitimate daughter The letter was all planned by Gu Junyao, just to pull your father down. But this time he was even more vicious, because you were kidnapped and he simply killed Xiao Yu!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Nian Tong clenched her fists tightly, letting her nails sink into her palms.

"Aunt Hua, it's really embarrassing for you to fabricate such outrageous lies in order to stir up my relationship with him." She turned her head to Wen Meihua with calm eyes.

"I won't believe what you say, because I believe my eyes, my heart, and the man I love won't do what you say."

"You believe him? Are you deceiving yourself?"

"I love him, so I trust him." Nian Tong didn't want to say more, "You have a good rest, I'm leaving."

"You said you believed him, so do you dare to ask your father and your eldest brother about these things? Ask them, and you will know if I am lying. "

"I'm not as boring as you."

"Coward, I don't even dare to prove it. It's because your father loves you so much. He eats Coptis chinensis because of your dumbness. He was framed so badly by Gu Junyao but he didn't even dare to say a word. If I didn't hear their father and son talk about it by chance, I would It never occurred to me that the person who framed your father in prison was actually his son-in-law."

"Enough! Stop telling stories! No matter what you say, I won't believe it!"

"Since you don't believe it, why are you angry now?" Wen Meihua asked her back, "Or are you starting to question the truthfulness of what I said?"

Nian Tong took a deep breath, turned around and left this time.

"Sure enough, it was the water poured out by the married daughter. With a man, even the parents and family are gone. The person next to the pillow has done such an outrageous thing and can pretend that nothing happened. He caused Xiaoyu to die. I won't let you go!"

Wen Meihua yelled at Niantong's back, seeing that she was still going forward, she couldn't help but think about it more and more unwillingly, and hurriedly chased after her.

"Damn girl, it's because of you, Xiao Yu, that you died so badly, you paid back my daughter's life!" Wen Meihua roared angrily and rushed towards her.

Nian Tong leaned aside and dodged quickly.

"Aunt Hua, can you stop making trouble?" Nian Tong couldn't bear it anymore, "Sister's death has nothing to do with him! You clearly know in your heart that she died because of an overdose of drugs, how can you wrong others?"

"I wronged him? He can break Xiaoyu's hand just because your hand was injured a little. This time you were arrested because of Xiaoyu, and he always hated Xiaoyu, so he let the one who sent Xiaoyu back to City A They gave Xiaoyu drugs and killed her at the airport."

"The more he talks, the more outrageous he is. He is a serious businessman. Where did he get the drugs?"

"He is the kind of man who dares to do anything to achieve his goal. Maybe he is a drug lord who manufactures and sells drugs."

"You are simply unreasonable!"

If you go on, you will really be pissed off.

She admitted that she felt cold when she heard Wen Meihua say that Gu Junyao did those things, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was impossible.

He said he would not lie to her.

So there's no way he did it.

While thinking, I heard the sound of the door opening.

Then footsteps.


Mu Yu'an came back to get his things, and seeing the silence in the room, he couldn't help shouting.

Wen Meihua's expression changed, but she suddenly grabbed Nian Tong's hand while she was not paying attention and walked towards the living room.

Nian Tong was startled, and hurried to shake her hand.

Wen Meihua clung tightly and didn't let go, and said as she walked, "Don't you believe what I said? Now that Zhuan is back, you let him confront me."

"Mom, what are you doing?" Seeing her mother holding the little sister's hand with an angry expression on her face, Mu Yu'an's heart skipped a beat, and strode over to pull the two of them away, protecting Nian Tong behind her.

"Mom, didn't you take the medicine and fell asleep?"

Wen Meihua looked at her son coldly, "Give me sleeping pills, do you hope that I will never wake up after falling asleep?"

"Mom, that's the medicine prescribed by the doctor to calm your nerves and help you sleep, not a sleeping pill."

"What's the difference? Even if you don't want me to die, you still want me to sleep all the time, lest waking up will ruin your father and son's affairs, right?" Wen Meihua pressed her son.

Mu Yu'an turned back to look at the little girl who was frowning, but didn't return to her mother, she took Nian Tong's hand and walked out.

"When Dad and I left, I didn't notice that you didn't leave with Gu Junyao. What happened to him? Why did you leave you alone?"

Before Nian Tong could speak, Wen Meihua's voice came.

"Jian'an, it's too late for you to rush to take her away now. I've already told her everything, including Gu Junyao's killing of Xiaoyu."

The mother's words were like a thunderbolt, and Mu Yu'an was stunned, his face turned pale.

Nian Tong noticed his change, her heart skipped a beat, and her heart beat suddenly fast.

"Yu'an, she believes what you say, tell her that what I said is true, it was Gu Junyao who made people interrupt Xiaoyu's hand, it was Gu Junyao who caused your father to almost go to jail, and this time killed Xiaoyu again! "


Mu Yu'an's throat twitched, but he couldn't speak.

"Brother?" Nian Tong shook the hand holding his wrist, his voice trembling slightly.

Mu Yu'an closed his eyes, not daring to turn his head to meet the younger sister's questioning eyes.

"Jian, tell me, why don't you tell me!"

Wen Meihua walked over and shook her son's body vigorously.

"You tell her the truth! I want them both to die!"

Mu Yu'an was shaken so dizzy that he let go of Nian Tong's hand and turned to face his mother. He swallowed and said, "Mom, Xiao Yu's death is her own fault, and it has nothing to do with them."

"Slap!" Wen Meihua slapped her son hard on the face, her angry face was extremely ferocious.

"The thing with the elbow turned outward! It's your own sister who died! You clearly knew that Gu Junyao killed her, but not only did you dare not even let P go, but you also said that Xiaoyu was to blame!"

"If you hadn't chased Xiao Yu away that night, she wouldn't have been framed and taken to City B, and she wouldn't have died so badly. You were also at fault for her death. You indirectly killed your own sister! "

Mother's words were like sharp knives piercing Mu Yun'an's heart.

Indeed, if he hadn't chased Mu Yu away that night, nothing would have happened.

But no one thought that things would turn out like this.

He has been living with guilt and self-blame these days, but his mother still uses this incident to stab him and hurt him from time to time, making him suffer every day.

"You are all murderers, I curse each of you will not end well!"

Mu Yu'an's heart was shocked. Before he could speak, he had already heard Nian Tong's injustice for him, "Eldest brother is also your own son. Can you stop being so biased and only think about your daughter? You treat elder brother like this. Aren't you afraid how sad and painful he will feel when he hears this?"

"Shut up!" Wen Meihua glared at Nian Tong, her face full of ruthlessness, "It's you, a dead girl who deserves to be hacked into pieces, I curse you and Gu Junyao to go down to the eighteenth floor of hell and never be reborn! "


"Tongtong, she's out of control, let's go." Worrying about being forced by his mother to ask about Gu Junyao again, Mu Zhuan urged the little girl to leave.

"If you don't speak clearly today, no one will leave." Wen Meihua stood in front of the two of them, and took a crystal bottle from the decorative wall cabinet beside her to face her forehead.

"Yuan, anyway, Xiao Yu is dead, and Mom doesn't want to live anymore. Now I give you two choices. If you want Mom to live, you have to admit that those things were done by Gu Junyao. Otherwise, next year today will be the anniversary of Mom's death!"

(End of this chapter)

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