Chapter 154

The sudden change shocked Mu Yu'an's expression, his handsome face instantly paled, staring at his mother who was on the verge of collapse, his heart raised his throat.

He didn't expect his mother to do such an extreme behavior, he came back to his senses and hurriedly reached out to grab it, but Wen Meihua took a step back and brought the crystal bottle closer to his forehead, and said sharply, "Jian, if you feel sorry for Mom, just admit it !"

Mu Yu'an clenched his fists, cold sweat dripping from his forehead with throbbing veins.

"Mom, please don't force me." Don't force him to make such a painful choice, he doesn't want to hurt either his mother or his younger sister.

"I forced you?" Wen Meihua's expression was ferocious, "I'm going to be driven crazy by you! I don't understand why you endured Gu Junyao's evil deeds and forced a smile in front of him. How did you do it?"

"That's enough, stop talking, there's no such thing!" Mu Yu'an interrupted his mother angrily, his eyes were red.

"Mom, can you think about where you are wrong? Why did Dad insist on divorcing you? And why did this happen to Xiao Yu? If you are a good wife and mother, caring and considerate to Dad, and teaching Xiao Yu well , then how did all this happen? You destroyed our family yourself, do you understand?"

"You still say such things now?" Wen Meihua looked at her son in disbelief, with a disappointed expression on her face.

"Jian, I'm your own mother. Why is my position in your heart less important than her half-blooded sister? Then what's the point of me being alive? Anyway, you don't want to admit it, so you want me to die. Okay. , Mom will fulfill your greatness and let you be a good brother!"

As soon as the words fell, Wen Meihua gripped the neck of the crystal bottle and slammed it hard on her forehead.

"Mom!" Mu Yu'an yelled anxiously, feeling as if his heartbeat had stopped, he quickly reached out to stop it, clasped his mother's wrist with his five strong fingers, grabbed the crystal bottle and put it back on the closet.

"Why don't you let me die! Get out!" Wen Meihua pushed her son away to get other things, but her wrist was still being held, and she couldn't help but lower her head, bite and beat.

Mu Yu'an was in pain, but he didn't dare to let go.

"Mom, have you had enough trouble? Are you tired? Today is Xiaoyu's burial day. Do you want her to rest in peace by doing this?"

Wen Meihua froze suddenly, tears fell down.

" Xiaoyu..." she cried, hugging her son's arm and weeping bitterly.

Mu Yu'an hugged her mother's trembling body sadly to comfort her broken emotions, but suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly turned her head to look behind her—the little girl who had been silent all this time was pale and Shengxue, her foggy eyes fixed on her His eyes filled with questions.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what else he could say in this situation.

The little girl is not stupid, maybe she has already noticed the truth of the matter from the conversation between him and her mother, but she is unwilling to believe it.

He lowered his eyes and looked at his mother who was crying in his arms and looked like he was about to faint at any time. He sighed helplessly, gestured to his younger sister to ask her to wait, and carried his mother to her bedroom.

And when he came out again, the entrance was empty.

**************************************split line********** *******************************
Nian Tong wandered aimlessly on the crowded streets like a wandering soul, everything around her seemed to be isolated, and Wen Meihua's angry and vicious voice echoed repeatedly in her ears.

——Do you want to know how miserable the man you love has made our family?You think he is the best person in the world to you, don't you?But he is actually a murderous bastard, an out-and-out devil!
——Because Xiaoyu accidentally smashed your hand with a vase, Gu Junyao quietly asked people to rob Xiaoyu that night, and deliberately broke her hand.The last time the woman surnamed Du asked Xiaoyu to deal with you, Gu Junyao knew it but didn't stop her, and even asked people to follow them and take photos and send them to your father. After that, the rumors and reports about you being an illegitimate daughter It was all planned by Gu Junyao, just to pull your father down.And this time he was even more vicious, because you were kidnapped and he simply killed Xiao Yu!
——You are all murderers, I curse each of you will not end well!
——I curse you and Gu Junyao to go down to the eighteenth floor of hell and never be reborn!

No, it's not like that.

That's not who he is, and he didn't do those things.

She covered her ears and took a deep breath, but her eyes felt damp and hot, and tears rolled down like broken beads.

Passers-by looked at her curiously, she didn't notice it, and walked in a daze, until the familiar singing sound came from the mobile phone in the bag, and she stopped as if she was frozen, but she just stared blankly without moving.

Whether it's from elder brother or Gu Junyao, she doesn't have the courage to answer the call now.

I don't know how many times it rang, and the singing finally stopped.

There was another voice in my ear.


She turned around and saw a familiar male face.

"Brother Qi Xin." She looked at the faintly smiling Qi Xin, and moved the corners of her mouth into a smile that was uglier than crying.

Qi Xin looked at Nian Tong who had an extremely ugly face, the smile on his face froze, and he frowned and said, "Why is your face so ugly? Are you sick?"

As he spoke, he went to touch Niantong's forehead, but Niantong backed away and forced a smile, "No, maybe the sun is too strong and I'm dizzy."


Qi Xin raised her eyes to look at the gloomy sky, many questions arose in her heart, but she said calmly, "Are you dizzy? Then I'll help you find a place to sit and rest."

Nian Tong wanted to refuse, but Qi Xin didn't give her a chance to speak, and the moment she finished speaking, he had already grabbed her arm and walked towards a coffee shop.

Qi Xin found a quieter corner, and when he sat down, he ordered a cup of coffee for himself, but a cup of milk for Nian Si.

"Tongtong, how about I call Yunyao and ask him to pick you up?"

Qi Xin asked casually, but fixed her eyes on the absent-minded girl opposite.

Nian Tong was taken aback before returning to his senses, and immediately shook his head, "Don't call him, I, I will go back by myself."

Qi Xin raised her eyebrows and asked again, "Did you quarrel with Yun Yao?"

Nian Tong shook his head.

"Then why didn't you let him pick you up?" Qi Xin continued to ask, although it was obvious on her face that she didn't want to continue this topic, but he didn't mean to let her go.

He has always advocated that when problems arise, they should be resolved immediately, whether it is emotional or business affairs, otherwise the problems will snowball and grow bigger and bigger.

" busy in the company, and I don't want to disturb his work."

"Really?" Qi Xin was suspicious.

Her dodging eyes made him feel that things were not that simple.

"Sit down first, I'll go to the bathroom." He got up and said.

Nian Tong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Qi Xin is Gu Junyao's childhood friend, so he must know how Gu Junyao behaves.

But she didn't want to doubt him.

Even... even if he did something, she didn't want to know it from others, but he told her himself.

After waiting for quite a while, Qi Xin hadn't come yet.

Nian Tong faintly felt that something was wrong, when the phone rang again.

In a quiet corner, the ringtone of the mobile phone is very abrupt and harsh.

She had no choice but to take out her mobile phone from her bag, saw it was an unfamiliar number, and connected without thinking.

"Little sister, where are you?"

Mu Yu'an's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Nian Tong leaned her head against the glass window and said weakly, "Brother, what do you want to say?"

There was a few seconds of silence on the other side before Mu Yu'an's voice was heard again, "I called you but you didn't answer, so I changed the card and called you. Little sister, tell big brother where you are now? I'm very worried."

"I'm fine." Nian Tong closed his eyes, "Brother, I don't want to talk for now, so I have to hang up."

"Wait, don't hang up first, listen to the elder brother's explanation." Mu Yuan shouted anxiously, "Actually, things are not what my mother said, Gu Junyao..."

Nian Tong didn't finish listening to him, so he hung up the phone and turned off the phone.

She doesn't listen.

No matter what the elder brother said, she would not listen to anything related to Gu Junyao.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Qi Xin was still missing, and the feeling of something wrong in her heart became more and more intense. She got up and planned to leave, but when she raised her eyes, she saw a tall and straight figure walking towards her.


Sure enough, it was an excuse for Qi Xin to go to the bathroom, and it was the truth to call Gu Junyao.

On the way back to Golden Bay, the two were silent all the way.

Nian Tong didn't ask Gu Junyao why she appeared in the coffee shop, and Gu Junyao didn't ask her what happened.

The atmosphere was too dull, suffocating and driving her crazy.

Gu Junyao focused on driving the car, his handsome face could not detect any emotion.

When she got home, Nian Tong went back to her room immediately, but Gu Junyao didn't call her.

After a hasty shower, he climbed into bed and got under the covers, forcing himself to fall asleep as if he were an ostrich.

The sound of the door opening came, and the aroma of food was mixed with the breath.

"I made your favorite seafood spaghetti, get up and eat some." A low-mellow voice fell from the top of his head, and the quilt was lifted in the next second, under the orange light, Nian Tong, who was curled up and rolled himself up, was light. Shaking lightly.

Gu Junyao put the plate of hot food on the low bedside cabinet and bent over to hug her.

The familiar aura enveloped her whole body, but for the first time, the embrace that made her sink deeply gave her the idea of ​​running away.

"Tongtong, no matter what you want to say or ask, wait until your stomach is full after eating, and then ask, don't torment your body."

Sensing her resistance, Gu Junyao folded his arms even tighter, picked her up and let her sit on his lap.

"Do you want me to feed you?"

Just a few words, but it easily touches the sensitive heartstrings, making Niantong's heart feel sore and soft, and his eyes are sore and hot.

He is so good, how could he be the cold-blooded and ruthless devil in Wen Meihua's mouth.

The tempting food was brought to her mouth, she looked up at the man with the same expression as usual, and shook her head, "I don't want to eat."

"Eat as much as you want, maybe you won't be able to eat the food I cook for a long time." Gu Junyao said softly, but his expression remained unchanged.

Nian Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to ask him what he meant by that sentence, but he couldn't open his mouth.

Gu Junyao sighed softly, put down the plate, and put her legs down on the bed.

"Since you don't want me to feed you, you can eat by yourself. I'll take a shower first."

After saying that, he walked to the closet, took the nightgown and walked into the bathroom.

Nian Tong stared blankly at the fragrant seafood spaghetti in a daze, and when she heard the sound of water flowing, she picked up the plate and ate without taste, her mind was in a mess.

After eating less than a third, she couldn't swallow anymore, so she got up and went to the kitchen to drink water.

When he returned to the bedroom, Gu Junyao had already taken a shower and came out of the bathroom, and the room was filled with the fragrance of bath liquid.

Gu Junyao, who was answering the phone, glanced at her who was stunned at the door, frowned slightly, walked over and took her hand, closed the door with a hook, took her hand and walked to the edge of the bed to sit down.

Nian Tong saw that he just frowned and listened but didn't speak. She didn't hear him say a word to the other party until she hung up the phone a few minutes later.

Putting the phone back in the low cabinet, I saw her leftover seafood spaghetti, and picked it up to finish it.

Seeing him put down the plate, Nian Tong pulled a few tissues and handed them over.

Gu Junyao took it and said after a while, "Your elder brother called me."

Nian Tong's heart trembled, and she raised her eyes in panic.

Gu Junyao looked at her with soft eyes, "So I know why you are in a bad mood."

"..." Nian Tong wanted to say something, but he seemed to suddenly lose the ability to speak, so he could only listen to Gu Junyao holding his breath.

"If you have any questions in your mind, you can ask me directly. I said that I will not lie to you. As long as you ask, I will tell you everything I can answer. If I can't answer or I can't answer, I will keep silent."

The topic was too serious, and Nian Tong felt his chest was constricted and he couldn't breathe.

She stood up suddenly, folded her hands nervously, and took a big breath, but she didn't know what she was going to do.

Gu Junyao knew that she was very disturbed.

When he received Qi Xin's call, he already felt that something was wrong with this girl, but it wasn't until he received a call from Mu Yu'an on the way to the coffee shop that he confirmed his hunch was correct.

I just didn't expect to worry about whether she would be able to bear it if she knew what he did yesterday, and it happened today.

It was so sudden that he was unprepared.

"Tongtong, you..."

"I, I'm sleepy." Nian Tong covered her ears and climbed onto the bed, wanting to pull off the quilt and continue to be an ostrich, but Gu Junyao didn't like her, suppressed her body and forced her to face him.

"Tongtong, when did you become so cowardly? Just say what's on your mind, don't run away."

Nian Tong turned her face away to avoid his sharp gaze like a falcon, shook her head and said, "I didn't think about anything, and I didn't run away, I'm really sleepy."

Gu Junyao smiled wryly, let her go and sat up straight with her back facing her.

"I said I'm not as perfect as you think. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Actually, what you think in your heart can't be true, and I never intended to lie to you, but you didn't ask me."


"Except that Mu Yu's death has nothing to do with me, the others..."

"Stop talking!" Nian Tong interrupted him loudly, hugging his head into a ball, his face covered with tears.

why is it like this.How can you do this.

Gu Junyao looked back at the way she covered her face and wept, her heart seemed to be hit hard by something, suffocating pain.

"Tongtong." He called her in a low voice, his tone as usual showing a hint of pampering.

Nian Tong slowly moved her hand away, the slightly frowning face in her blurred vision was still so pretty that she couldn't look away.

But at this moment, this face made her feel unbearably heartbroken.

Why can he spoil her so much, but be so cold-blooded to others.

When her eldest brother warned her that Gu Junyao was a dangerous man, she promised herself that even if he was a man who had been in prison, took drugs or was so bad, she would always love him and believe in him.

But now he is dealing with her relatives, her half-sister and her closest relative's father.

He made someone break Mu Yu's hand, and she could understand that he loved her dearly.

But why did he pull his father down in such a despicable way?
"Hate me?" Gu Junyao looked at her calmly.

Nian Tong closed her eyes, blinked away the tears that filled her eyes, got up and got out of bed.

"Uncle Gu."

She stood in front of him with her back turned to him, calling him with a choked voice.

"No matter what you do, I will never hate you."

"But, I'm sorry that I can't be in the same room with you for the time being."

The moment her eyes popped out of the frame again, she bit her lip and walked quickly to the door without stopping, opened it and walked out.

Gu Junyao remained in a stiff sitting posture without moving, looking at the door with gloomy eyes, veins burst out in the hand holding the bed sheet, and his face was cold.

After a long time, he got up and went out.

Still at the door, he heard suppressed crying from another bedroom, which hurt his heart.

After a pause, he still couldn't help walking over.

The door was ajar, and the door was gently pushed open, and the crying sound penetrated into the ears more clearly.

Gu Junyao stood at the door and looked at the person lying on the bed crying uncontrollably, the throbbing pain in his heart became more and more obvious.

The warm palm covered the twitching shoulders, the body under the palm froze slightly, and when he turned around, his tear-covered face was pitiful.

"If you don't want to see me, I can ask Lian Nuan to take you back to City B tomorrow. I will show up again when you want to see me."

Gu Junyao raised his hand to wipe away the tears on her face with a gentle tone.

Nian Tong brushed his hand away, bit her lip and sat upright.

"I don't... don't want to see you, it's just..." She took a deep breath and repeated several times before asking the question in her heart. "Why did you do that to my dad? I hope you can give me a reason that I can accept."

Gu Junyao looked at her stubborn profile without any hesitation, "I can't answer this question."

Nian Tong suddenly raised his eyes, "Can't answer?"

She laughed out loud, and a dark flame rose from the bottom of her eyes.

"Dear Uncle Gu, are you really coaxing me like a child? What do you mean you can't answer? Do you have any difficulties in designing to frame my dad? Or is it hard for you to tell?"

Gu Junyao rolled his eyes, "Whatever you think, if you think it's hard for me to say anything, you can do as you please."

"You said you wouldn't lie to me, but you use this attitude to perfuse me?" Nian Tong asked him in a hoarse voice, tears falling wildly.

"I beg you to tell me, why did you do that? I don't care what you do to other people, but he is my dad, and you did it, why do you still act like nothing happened in front of me?" Look? What good does it do you to frame him?"

"Mu Qifeng's report letter was written by Du Kewei, and I didn't do anything."

"Even if you didn't do it, but you know it very well, but you don't stop it. You know that Du Kewei exposed the identity of my illegitimate daughter, and you know that my father may go to jail because of it, you Why didn't you stop it? If I hadn't begged you, you probably would have stood by and watched my dad go to jail, right?"

"You look at me like this?" Gu Junyao frowned slightly, his eyes darkened.

Nian Tong was silent.

Gu Junyao looked at her sideways, and a trace of gloom flashed across his bottomless black eyes, "If I want Mu Qifeng to go to jail, who do you think can persuade me?"

Nian Tong felt a pain in his heart, but chuckled softly.

"Uncle Gu, if you don't tell me, I still think that I have a place in your heart, so that I can call you to help my father. At this moment, I suddenly realize that I have been acting passionately on my own."

Her contemptuous tone made Gu Junyao feel a little irritated.

He doesn't like her like this.

"You said just now that you would never hate me." His aggressive tone was mixed with a hint of depression.

"I don't hate you." Nian Tong looked into his eyes, grabbed his hand and placed it on his heart, "But here, it hurts, it hurts..."

Gu Junyao choked for breath and was unable to make a sound for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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