Chapter 155

I could vaguely hear a few intermittent birdsong outside the window.

Gu Junyao opened his eyes, subconsciously stretched his hands to the side, but missed nothing.

He froze, looked at the empty side, his brain went blank for a few seconds before he gradually regained consciousness, flashing through yesterday's scene in his mind, his brows were unconsciously frowned.

The little thing was angry with him, and he didn't even want to share a room with him, so he kicked him out.

——Don’t tell me that I still think that I have a place in your heart so that I can call you to help my father. At this moment, I suddenly realized that I have always been self-indulgent.

Pretending to be sentimental?
How could she think so.

If it wasn't because he cared about her, if it wasn't because he loved her, if it wasn't because he had her in his heart, why would he waste so much time and energy on her?
He didn't want to see her blindly being bullied by Mu Yu and had to swallow her anger, so he broke Mu Yu's hand.

And even if La Muqifeng stepped down, it was because of her.

It's just that he couldn't tell her the reason, because he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

—No matter what you have done, I will never hate you.

The stubborn and tear-filled little face appeared in my mind, and my heart ached again.

I have never been so troubled by a woman before.

Even for Du Zixin, he only had a crush on her, but he had never felt the way he felt for her like a little thing.

I said that I would not love her, but I would pamper her and love her and give her everything she wanted except love.

But he fell in love with her.

Although this kind of affection is not enough to love, it is more than liking.

Maybe she was a special existence in his heart from the beginning, that's why he pampered and cherished her extraordinarily, and even accommodated and cared for her in every possible way.

So, how could she be self-indulgent.

Glancing out of the brightly lit window, he rolled over and got out of bed.

But instead of going into the bathroom, he went straight to the door, opened the door and walked to the bedroom diagonally opposite.

The door opened, and there was no one on the bed, and the quilt was neatly folded.

My heart suddenly panicked.

"Tongtong?" He walked to the bathroom, but was also disappointed that he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

When he turned to leave, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a note pressed on the low bedside cabinet.

——I'm sorry, I want to be alone, don't look for me, I won't go far.

Clenching the note into a ball with a fist, he strode out.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
There is only one possibility for people who will be hurt all over the world, and that is to trust your lover too much.

No matter how deep the love is, it becomes a stranger.

Nian Tong looked out of the car window, listening to the songs played on the radio, a wry smile unconsciously overflowed from his mouth.

This song really fits the occasion.

She happened to be hurt by the person she loved the most, and she thought she knew him very well, but it turned out that everything about him was so strange.

——You don't even know what kind of man I am, so you just include it head-on like this, aren't you afraid of being lost in the future?
Heh, at first I thought he was deliberately scaremongering in order to reject her.

It turned out to be the case.

I once saw a saying that telling the truth is always cruel.

It's really true, the truth is cruel, the Gu Junyao she knew and the real Gu Junyao are two completely different people.

She was afraid that if she stayed and faced him, she would not be able to help but say some hurtful words, which would destroy the already thin and outrageous relationship between the two of them, so she chose to leave temporarily.

He should have seen the note she left, right?

I don't know what the reaction is?
Angry or indifferent?
It shouldn't matter, anyway, he doesn't love her, so he doesn't care if she stays or not.

Laughing at himself, he took a deep breath when his eyes were sour.

"Master, go to Wutong Street."

Wutong Street is the place where Niantong has lived for 15 years.

In the past, there were luxuriant sycamore trees all around, but later because of the new urban planning, all the sycamore trees were cut down.

And her mother was also diagnosed with cancer at that time, and she was taken back to Mu's house after that, and she never came back these years.

Looking at the rusty anti-theft door of her house, she was moved by the scene, and scenes of what happened when she was a child appeared in front of her eyes.There are joys, sorrows, sufferings and joys, but most of them are the scene of climbing the window with Lu Heng.

At that time, she often forgot to bring her keys, and when she came back from the Taekwondo gym every day, her mother hadn't come home from get off work. In order not to let herself stay on the street hungry, she chose to climb the window, but because the window was too high, with her then The height is far from enough, so I had to ask Lu Heng for help.

As time passed, she simply didn't bring the key, and asked Lu Heng to climb the window to open the door for her every time.

In a daze, the ringtone from the bag interrupted her thoughts.

Realizing that there was an incoming call, her heart skipped a beat, and her hands frantically rummaged through her bag.As soon as he touched the phone, he withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

It must be him calling.

Don't pick up.

She was afraid that she would not have the courage to leave when she heard that familiar voice.

The bell finally stopped, but footsteps from far to near came from behind.

She froze.

"I thought you wouldn't come back to this place."

The voice behind him was familiar.But fortunately, fortunately, it wasn't Gu Junyao's.

Nian Tong turned around, with a forced smile on his lips.

"Brother Lu Heng, what a coincidence."

Lu Heng looked at her steadfastly, walked up to her and stood still.

"It's not a coincidence. When I went out, I saw a figure walking this way that looked like you, so I followed."

"Going out?" Nian Tong was taken aback, "You moved back to live with Uncle Lu and the others?"

"They? They moved out of here two years ago to live in another place, and I live here now." Lu Heng downplayed the family affairs, and changed the subject casually, "What about you? Why do you suddenly want to come back and take a look?"

"It's nothing." Nian Tong smiled uncomfortably, "I just came back to take a look on a sudden whim."

Lu Heng looked at her with a look of inquiry, and said after a while, "Gu Junyao is in City A, why don't you let him come back with you?"

"He's busy." Nian Tong looked away, "Brother Lu Heng, didn't you live in the Sands Hotel? Why did you move back suddenly?"

"You answer my question first, don't avoid or perfunctory. Are you and Gu Junyao..."

"No, he and I are very good, there is no quarrel or awkwardness." Nian Tong quickly interrupted him, and said, "I just miss my mother, so I came back to have a look, there is no other meaning."

"Really?" Lu Heng held a suspicious attitude.Then said, "I saw the TV report that your half-sister died of drug use."

Nian Tong stroked his forehead and sighed, "Brother Lu Heng, can you stop talking about this?"

Lu Heng glanced at her and nodded.

"How are you doing?" Nian Tong asked.

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows, "Business or private life?"

"..." Are you deliberately finding fault?

Her mournful expression made Lu Heng chuckle, and then sighed.

"Official affairs are a mess, and private life is also a mess."


"Did you forget that the merchants who sponsored our film crew asked to change the heroine? This movie has been promoted for several months before, and everyone knows who the hero and heroine are. Now the sudden change of the heroine means that all the previous publicity It is invalid, and the replacement of the heroine has brought a lot of new troubles to the crew. I am so busy every day, but I have to take care of her when I get home. Do you think I am much thinner than the last time you saw me?"

Lu Heng pinched his obviously thin cheeks and asked.

Nian Tong looked confused.

"Brother Lu Heng, the one you said you will take care of when you get home...Which one is it?" Woman or man?
Lu Heng was silent.

He rolled his eyes, "You better not know."

What do you mean?
Nian Tong narrowed her eyes, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

"Du Kewei?"

Lu Heng was stunned, as if a little surprised.

"I guessed right? Is it really Du Kewei?"

Lu Heng paused before nodding, and just as he was about to explain, Nian Tong said angrily, "Brother Lu Heng, why are you with Du Kewei? Do you know how hateful and despicable she is? What about my illegitimate daughter?" She also planned this incident on her own! It was she who caused me to be pointed at behind and laughed at as an illegitimate daughter! She is so bad, how can you be with her?"

"I know all of this." Lu Heng replied softly.

he knows?
Nian Tong froze as if struck by lightning suddenly.

"You know? You actually know?" Nian Tong raised her voice, and anger filled her chest. "Why are you all like this? You all know that Du Kewei did it but you don't stop it, and even hide it from me, treating me as a fool?"

"It's not like this, Xiaoye, listen to me." Lu Heng went to grab her shoulders, but was thrown away severely.

"You keep saying that your feelings for Du Kewei are just infatuation, not love. It turns out it's all a lie. She has done so many bad things and you can still be with her and even take care of her. You must love her badly, right? "

fraud!They are all liars!
She clutched her chest that was throbbing with anger, staggered away from Lu Heng and walked away quickly.

"Xiaoye!" Lu Heng strode up to follow with a serious expression.

"I was in Hong Kong that day, and I didn't know she had spread the news until I came back. At that time, you already knew that she did it. And she did it because Gu Junyao wanted to block her."

Hearing this, Nian Tong turned around suddenly, her beautiful eyes were tinged with anger, "You mean that Du Ke is the only one right, the one who is wrong is Gu Junyao?"

Lu Heng was speechless.

"Then let me ask, why did Gu Junyao block her?"

"Xiaoye, it's useless to say these things now, but Wei has done so many things wrong, but she has also received the punishment she deserved, and even paid a price that she can't bear for the rest of her life..."

"Oh, your heart hurts? That's why you hold her in the palm of your hand and love her?"

"No, it's her..." Lu Heng patted his forehead hard, then took her hand, "Come with me."

"Where are you taking me?" Nian Tong tried to break free from his hand, but he held it tighter.

Forcibly taken to his house by Lu Heng, Nian Tong immediately understood what he meant - he wanted to take her to see Du Kewei.

"You let go! Otherwise, I don't guarantee what I will do to her when I see her!"

Lu Heng looked back at her, and rang the doorbell with his free hand, saying, "If you saw her now, you would never do anything to her."

Nian Tong sneered and was about to refute when the door opened.

As the door was slowly opened, the thin and thin figure behind the door came into view.

Sharp and thin chin, pale complexion, timid eyes, shrinking body movements.

Nian Tong stared wide-eyed at the woman who was clutching the door panel with both hands, her shocked gaze fell from top to bottom. It was hard to believe that the woman in front of her was the forever arrogant Du Kewei in her memory.

" did you come back so soon?" Du Kewei blinked and looked at Lu Heng, with confusion in his timid eyes.

"I forgot to take something." Lu Heng let go of Nian Tong's hand, walked over and opened the door further, motioning for Nian Tong to enter.

"She... is your friend?" Du Kewei let go of the door and grabbed Lu Heng's arm, and asked with most of his body hiding behind him.

"What is she doing?" Nian Tong walked over, watching Du Kewei, who was hiding behind Lu Heng, backing away, as if afraid of her approaching, full of suspicion.

"She doesn't know you." Lu Heng returned her with calm eyes.

"You don't know me?" Nian Tong sneered, "Brother Lu Heng, what are you kidding? She hates me so much, she probably can recognize me when I turn into ashes. Besides, it's been a long time since we saw her, so she doesn't know me anymore?"

"I didn't lie to you. To be correct, she doesn't know everyone."

Nian Tong was taken aback, her beautiful eyes half-closed, "You said she lost her memory?"

Lu Heng gestured to wait, then turned to Du Kewei, who was trembling all over, and said, "I have a chat with my friend and I'm going out soon, you go to draw your picture, no need to say hello."

Du Kewei nodded, slowly let go of his hand, and walked away anxiously under Nian Tong's suspicious gaze.

"She was already in this state when I got a call from the hospital and rushed back from Hong Kong. The doctor said that she was severely stimulated both mentally and physically. She woke up after being in a coma for a week, but forgot everything and everything, even who she was. I don’t know. And my personality is like a completely different person, just like what you saw just now, I’m afraid of seeing strangers, I don’t feel safe. I don’t even dare to go out, I just stay at home and draw some messy things every day.”

"You said she forgot everyone and everything, and didn't even know who she was, so how could she remember you?"

"She doesn't remember who I am either. It was I who took care of her for a period of time before she gradually became less afraid of me and regarded me as a relative."

"She is so good at acting, are you sure she really lost her memory?" Nian Tong didn't believe it.

"There will always be flaws in acting, but she can't find a trace of clues in her words and deeds, and the hospital has done a rigorous examination on her, and it is determined that she lost her memory due to stimulation."

"But with her reputation, how could so many things happen to her that no one knows?"

"I spent money to buy out the blockade of the news about the hospital. Of course, no one knows."

"I still don't believe it." Nian Tong hugged her head.

"If you knew what kind of stimulation she had received, you wouldn't doubt the hospital's diagnosis and what I said."

Nian Tong looked over, "What excitement?"

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Du Kewei who was brushing on the drawing board with a paintbrush on the balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, and said softly, "She was violently gang-raped, and she was the last The cruel sexual abuse left him with wounds of various shapes, and he was dying when he was sent to the hospital. If the rescue was not timely..."

He didn't continue, but sighed heavily, and turned his head to look at the dumbfounded Nian Tong.

"Everything bad she did has paid off. Now she has nightmares about being raped every night, and she still doesn't remember anything when she wakes up."

Nian Tong clenched his fists and was speechless.

"The nightmare is not the scariest yet, and her terrible retribution is far from over."

Nian Tong was shocked, and then heard Lu Heng say, "She is pregnant, and the doctor said that her current physique is not suitable for abortion."

So, Du Kewei is going to give birth to a child whose father doesn't even know who it is?
"I took her home, and she thought the child was mine, so she didn't exclude me from taking care of her."

"Then you..." Nian Tong wanted to ask him if he knew whether Du Kewei's gang rape was accidental or revenge, but he couldn't ask the question.

She is so scared.

Afraid to hear the hard truth for her.

"She has become like this now, she has no one to rely on except me, I can't just leave her alone." Lu Heng put his hand on her shoulder, "Xiaoye, do you still blame me for taking care of her?"

Nian Tong didn't know how to answer.

She hates Du Kewei.

But Du Kewei has already suffered retribution and became like this.

She is not a ruthless person, seeing Du Kewei's current situation, especially hearing that she was beaten to death, how could she still hate Du Kewei.

Now I just feel sorry for her.

"Actually, it's a good thing for her that she forgot everything. She can forget all the dirty past in her memory. Even if she still has nightmares, she will gradually forget them after a long time."

"But it's also possible that she will suddenly remember everything as time goes by." Nian Tong looked directly at him, "Brother Lu Heng, are you going to take care of her like this forever?"

Lu Heng shook his head, "I haven't thought about it, let's take one step at a time."

"Your life is ruined in her hands." Nian Tong said suddenly.

Lu Heng smiled wryly, but didn't say anything.

Nian Tong looked in the direction of the balcony again, and said back, "I'm leaving."

"Wait, I'm with you."

Walking out of Wutong Street, Lu Heng asked her, "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

"No, I want to go shopping. I haven't been here for several years. I want to find my old memories." Nian Tong refused his kindness.

Because she doesn't know where she is going.

Lu Heng looked at her, opened his mouth with a hesitant expression.

Nian Tong frowned, "Brother Lu Heng, what do you want to say?"

"Can you...can you not tell Gu Yunyao about Kewei?"


"It's nothing, I just think he probably doesn't want to hear about her, so you might as well not mention it to him."

Lu Heng's dodging eyes gave Nian Tong a bad feeling.

Could it be that Du Kewei was raped... No, no.

——In fact, what you think in your heart can't be true.I never intended to lie to you, but you didn't ask me.

What Gu Junyao said last night suddenly sounded in his ears, his heart trembled violently, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Xiaoye? Why is your face so pale all of a sudden?" Lu Heng stared at her face in confusion and asked, covering her forehead with his palm, "It's a little hot, are you feeling uncomfortable? I'll take you to the hospital."

"do not want!"

Nian Tong pushed his hand away and took a deep breath to calm down his chaotic emotions.

"Xiaoye?" Her aggressive reaction made Lu Heng feel that something was wrong with her, and once again stretched out his arms to wrap her shoulders, "You are sick, I will take you to the hospital, please be obedient."

"I'm not sick, you go about your business, I'll go first."

After the words fell, she left without looking back.

Lu Heng watched her gradually walking away, with a bitter smile on his lips.

The feelings that I didn't know how to cherish in the past are irreparable now.When he realized this, he had lost forever the love he wanted the most, and the person he wanted.

Life is so ironic.

(End of this chapter)

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