Chapter 156

Standing blankly on the street, watching people coming and going, a large piece of golden warm sun enveloped his body, but Nian Tong only felt cold.

It was as if all the blood in his body was frozen the moment he saw Du Kewei.

She couldn't believe that Du Kewei's cruel experience was caused by Gu Junyao.

So what if you don't believe it?

All the signs pointed to him, and even Lu Heng acted defensively that the matter was what he did, and even asked her not to mention to him that she had met Du Kewei.

The man she knew, how cruel was his heart?
"Are you crazy! Do you really want to divorce me?!"

In the study, Wen Meihua stared at her husband who had been married for more than 20 years in disbelief, with an angry expression.

"I'm not crazy, it's you who are crazy." Mu Qifeng didn't even bother to lift his eyes, and there was a kind of indifference in his expression, "It was you who forced me to make this choice, and I couldn't do it again." continue to live with you."

"Why did I force you? Mu Qifeng, you've been bullied too much!" Wen Meihua opened her teeth and claws like an angry female beast.

"I don't want to tell you any more, get out!"

"Tell me first, are you determined to divorce me?" Wen Meihua persisted.

"You'll get your lawyer's letter shortly."

Her husband's resoluteness made Wen Meihua's face turn pale.

She staggered a few steps in a vain manner, quickly supported the desk in front of her with both hands, her eyes touched the book on it, and without thinking about it, she picked it up and threw it at Mu Qifeng, who had been lowering her head and hated even looking at her.

Mu Qifeng was unprepared, the book fell from his body, his face darkened, and finally he raised his eyes and stared at the angry Wen Meihua, gnashing his teeth, "It's not enough that you caused Xiaoyu's tragic death and Tongtong's marriage is not happy. You have to continue to toss and make everyone feel uneasy, right?"

"Xiaoyu was killed by Gu Junyao, why do you blame me?"

"Don't shirk your responsibility, the root of all sins lies in your perverted doting on her!"

"I dote on Xiaoyu, so what about your daughter born to that slut? Oh, in order to maintain her marriage happiness, you can even endure being framed by Gu Junyao yourself. Your love for her is so perverted!"

Mu Qifeng stared at his wife, and after a long silence, he gritted his teeth and said, "Wen Meihua, the reason why I endured that is to atone for my sin."

Wen Meihua was taken aback, "What sin are you atoning for?"

"What crime?" Mu Qifeng sneered, "You have completely forgotten the sinful thing you did a few years ago, do you want me to remind you?"

As if suddenly remembering something, Wen Meihua's expression changed suddenly, with a little panic in her eyes.

"You mean, Gu Junyao knew about that, and even used it to blackmail you?"

"He didn't threaten me, nor did he force me to do anything. Everything is retribution. I shouldn't have lost my conscience and done something that I regret for the rest of my life. Now it's all punishment for me."

"But how did he know that?"

"You don't need to worry about how he knows, anyway, before you go crazy next time, ask yourself if you really don't want to live anymore?"

Wen Meihua shuddered and collapsed on the chair behind her.

"Then what is he going to do with me?"

Mu Qifeng glanced at his wife who was trembling with fright, his eyes were full of sadness.

"You only know how to be afraid now? But it's too late." If she had realized her mistake earlier, maybe all this would not have developed to this point.

His mayor may not want to, but at least his daughter will not run away from home and will not die.

"Why is it too late? Is he going to kill me?" Wen Meihua jumped up, threw herself on Mu Qifeng and shook his body vigorously.

"Mu Qifeng, is it because you knew he was going to kill me that you insisted on divorcing me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who said he was going to kill you?" Mu Qifeng shook her off, "I said it was late, meaning that if you had realized your mistake earlier and treated Tongtong better, everything would not be the way it is now. Like this."

"But didn't you threaten Zhuan with death yesterday, saying that you don't want to live anymore? Then even if someone wants to kill you, you have nothing to be afraid of. You don't want to live anyway." Mu Qifeng mocked her.

Wen Meihua was too frightened to speak.

She doesn't really want to die.

At that time, he only threatened his son so he did that, but who knew that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this?

"You have already killed Xiaoyu, don't hurt Qiu'an anymore. So divorce, I will give you a sum of money after divorce, you go far away, and don't contact us father and son again."

"No! I don't want a divorce, I won't!" Wen Meihua suddenly came to her senses, "Qi Feng, you can't treat me like this. Anyway, we have been married for more than [-] years, how can you abandon me at this time?"

"It was you who gave up our father and son." Mu Qifeng told the truth calmly, "You broke the heart of Zhuan, and I am tired after fighting with you for decades, so let everyone be free."

After saying that, Mu Qifeng got up and walked towards the door of the study.

"Qi Feng, if I change you, will you not divorce me?"

"Change?" Mu Qifeng sneered coldly, "It's easy to change the country, but hard to change the nature. You have been selfish, narrow-minded and vicious all your life. You have the shortcomings of all women in this world. How do you change it?"

"I can, I will really change it, don't divorce me, Xiaoyu just left me, you can't let me lose all my family at once. Otherwise, how would you let me live?"

Mu Qifeng didn't call her back, opened the door and walked out.

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The taxi stopped at the entrance of Xiangxian Xiaozhu Community, and Nian Tong got out of the car.

Because of the good weather, many housewives of residents in the community gathered to chat about their daily routines.

She glanced at it casually, and then walked towards Mu's house, but found that there were eyes following her all the way, and the voices of discussion were even more ear-piercing.

"It turns out that she is not the adopted daughter of Mayor Mu's family, but his illegitimate daughter. Last time my daughter said she saw it on some network, I still didn't believe it. This time, if Mrs. Mu hadn't been so loud all the time, I wouldn't have known. "

"What is Mayor Mu? Didn't you hear that he took the initiative to ask for sick leave? Although it hasn't been approved yet, he can't do this mayor."

"I don't know what kind of bad thing I did, but I have to get sick and retire when I'm doing well."

"Hey, isn't that what happens in the officialdom? Corruption, bribery and playing with women."

"Tsk, I can't tell that she is still doing this at such an age. No wonder Mrs. Mu wears gold, silver and jewels every day. She dares to be embezzled and bribed."

"Yeah, I just said how can a mayor be so rich."


Nian Tong suddenly clenched his fists, took a deep breath to suppress the churning emotions in his chest, and walked quickly towards the closed door as if he hadn't heard.

As soon as Mu Qifeng came out of the study, he heard the doorbell ringing outside.

He was about to ask Aunt Xue to open the door, but he remembered that Aunt Xue left Mu's house half a month ago.

When he opened the door and saw Nian Tong with a pale face, he was stunned for a moment before realizing that he hurriedly pulled her in.

"Tongtong, why didn't you say a word when you came here? Have you eaten yet?"

Nian Tong shook his head, "I'm not hungry yet."

"It's already one o'clock, how can you not be hungry? Wait a minute, my name is Xiaoxue... Oh, I'll get you something to eat."

"Dad, don't be too busy. I have something to ask you when I come back." Nian Tong held him back.

Mu Qifeng turned around with a trace of uneasiness in his expression.

"Tongtong, it's all over. Dad doesn't want to mention it anymore. Can you stop asking?"

"Dad, I feel uncomfortable if I don't ask. So you must tell me, why did he deal with you and make you step down?"

After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to come back and ask her father clearly.

She wanted to know, why did Gu Junyao do that?
"He didn't deal with me. He didn't do that." Mu Qifeng defended Gu Junyao, and then said in a comforting tone, "Tongtong, you and him are husband and wife, so no matter what he does you You have to believe that he is definitely not out of bad intentions."

"But I can't understand why he did this to you."

"It's Dad's fault, I really don't blame him."

"Your fault?" Nian Tong was confused, his eyes were a little blank.

"You are an official and he is in business. Well water does not violate river water. What did you do wrong?"

"Don't ask any more." Mu Qifeng pinched his aching eyebrows and walked towards the sofa in the living room.

"Tongtong, everything Junyao does is for your own good, don't blame him, let alone get angry with him and quarrel with him."

"He treats my family for my own good?" Nian Tong laughed, his expression was full of sarcasm, "Dad, how do you want me to believe it?"

Mu Qifeng sat down on the sofa, leaned his head back, and sighed deeply, "Father has nothing to say, but can only advise you to cherish your relationship with Yunyao. He really cares about you."

"Yeah, I didn't even notice that he was plotting against our whole family." Nian Tong sat down beside his father, with a bleak smile on his lips.

Mu Qifeng looked at his daughter in surprise, "Do you hate him?"

Nian Tong shook his head.

Seeing this, Mu Qifeng seemed to heave a sigh of relief.

"No one can do the kindness he treats you. No matter what happens, you must remember what Dad said to you. Otherwise, one day you will regret it very much."

Nian Tong was shocked.

Why did my father still praise Gu Junyao with such a calm mind after what Gu Junyao did to his father?

He even persuaded her to cherish him again and again?
And why did the father say that it was his fault?Could it be that what he did to Gu Junyao made Gu Junyao treat him like this?

Originally, I thought I could get the answer when I came back to my father, but the more I asked, the more confused I became, and the more questions I had in my mind.

What happened to make them so tight-lipped?
Why no one is willing to tell her?
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"Yunyao, since she knows, you might as well tell her the truth, lest she have a cold war with you."

In Chaoge's box, Qiao Yueqing said while looking at the man with a deep expression on the opposite side, looking back and pushing Qi Xin beside him, motioning for him to persuade him.

Qi Xin emptied the wine in her glass, nodded and said, "I also suggest that you tell her, anyway, she will know sooner or later."

Gu Junyao glanced at the two of them, but remained silent and said nothing.

Qiao Yue clicked his tongue again and again, got up and walked towards Gu Junyao, and sat down beside him.

"Yunyao, there are so many women who have slept with me, doing things I love on the bed, but none of them can make me feel the so-called love. Tell me, what is love?"

——Uncle Gu, what is love?
Gu Junyao stared blankly at the blood-red liquid in the cup, remembering that the little girl asked him the same way when she was resting on his chest that night.

"Love is a play between a man and a woman." Qi Xin replied with a smile, and added at the end, "Isn't that how Carmen sings?"

"Love is a man and a woman playing a show?" Qiao Yueqing repeated his words, and suddenly his face was stunned, "No wonder the exercise on the bed is called making love."

The corner of Qi Xin's mouth trembled, and he gave him a blank look.

"Yunyao, it's hard to describe the relationship. It depends on how you handle it. Sometimes we think it's good for the other party, but the other party doesn't necessarily think it's good. I've experienced this." How many times he and Xiaoxuan have hurt each other over the years? Realize this.

When Qiao Yueqing heard what he said, he immediately poured cold water on him, "You will say, why didn't you remind him when Junyao was going to do that? It's not too late to say it now?"

"I'm leaving." Gu Junyao suddenly got up and said regardless of the two people's efforts to quarrel.

"Hey, we came here specially to drink with you, who is broken in love, to relieve your boredom. You're going to leave us and go by yourself before you've finished drinking?" Qiao Yueqing said dissatisfied.

"Who is broken in love?" Gu Junyao asked quietly, Jun Rong's face was expressionless.

Qiao Yueqing and Qi Xin glanced at each other, they exchanged a knowing look, the latter got up and said with a smile, "Let's go together, I'll ask Tongtong to have dinner with her and chat with her by the way."

"She's not available."


"She will have dinner with me tonight."

He said not to let him look for her, but seeing the nickname of the incoming call displayed on the screen, Nian Tong couldn't help but feel excited, the hand holding the fuselage trembled, and his heart beat a hundred.

Mu Niantong, you are finished!You have been poisoned by this man too deeply. Apart from him, you can never fall in love with any other man in this life.

She stared at the mobile phone lying in her palm and laughed at herself. It took a long time to connect to the phone, but her heart seemed to jump in her throat instantly, and there was a clear 'thumping' heartbeat in her ears.

"Tongtong?" The low-mellow and sweet voice entered my ears, and a sad feeling spread to my chest.

This man's voice was like a curse, and every time he yelled, she was filled with emotions.

When I miss him, listening to him call her, the thoughts in my heart spread like a raging tide.

When complaining about him, listening to him call her, and feeling infinitely wronged.

Even if I get angry with him again, as soon as I hear his voice, I can't stop missing him.There was even an urge to act like a baby to him, to let him pick her up, and then throw herself into his arms and kiss him fiercely.

"Tongtong, are you listening?" Gu Junyao asked again when there was no response.

Nian Tong bit her lip hard, took a deep breath and said, "I'm here."

"I went home for dinner tonight, and I bought a lot of your favorite dishes." The tone was still doting, as if nothing had happened between the two of them, he was still the gentle and gentle man in her memory, responsive to her every request good man.

Nian Tong held the phone, her throat was sore that she wanted to cry.

Why can he still treat her so well after those things happened?

The father said that everything he did was for her good and asked her to cherish the relationship between the two, but he didn't love her and had no affection for her, how could she cherish it?

"I'm driving, it's inconvenient to make a phone call, so just say yes, I'll wait for you at home at night."

Nian Tong's heart was sour, and she almost cried out, but quickly covered her mouth with her hand, not daring to make a sound.

On this end, Gu Junyao held the phone in one hand and the steering wheel in the other, staring ahead, listening to the silence on the other end of the phone, almost thought that Nian Tong had hung up the phone, and just about to speak again, a voice rang out.

"Uncle Gu, I... ask you something, the answer is only yes or no, please answer me."

Gu Junyao pondered for a few seconds before saying, "Okay."

He answered so simply, but Nian Tong hesitated.


"I... I'd better go home tonight and ask you." She suddenly wanted to see him.

Then before Gu Junyao could answer, there was the sound of the phone being hung up.

He put away the phone and put it on top of the glove box, bent over and took out a bottle of water from the car refrigerator, unscrewed it with one hand and took a sip, with a slight smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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