Chapter 158

If Cen Huan hadn't mentioned it, Nian Tong would never have thought that the end of the long cold war between her and Gu Junyao might be a breakup.

Break up.

What a horrible word.

Just thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable. If she really broke up, would she still be walking dead like this every day in the days without him?
But if we blindly let the cold war continue, breaking up is inevitable.

And if she still had to break up in the end, then what was the reason for her desperate persistence and hard work?
She was so determined not to marry Gu Junyao, and vowed to make him fall in love with her.

Now, due to various objective reasons, she was blocked from approaching him.

Is this really what she wants?

Nian Tong came out of the department store absent-mindedly carrying two small bags, his eyes flicked casually over the men and women who were walking towards him, his expression changed suddenly, his eyes intertwined with the man's face and he stayed still.

The other party was stared at by her, his thick eyebrows raised, and the expression on his face was also slightly stunned.

"Xian Dong, what's the matter?" the woman with her arms on her arm gently asked the man beside her who was stunned in his steps.

"A friend's woman." Huo Yudong said softly and walked towards Niantong.

"Mr. Huo, long time no see." Seeing him approaching, Nian Tong greeted him first.

Huo Yudong nodded slightly, looked at his female companion beside him, "Duoyi, you go in first."

The woman named Duoyi smiled gently, nodded at Niantong, and left gracefully.

Nian Tong watched the woman leave, and suddenly remembered the scene of Cen Huan and Huo Yudong in the hospital, and couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of Cen Huan's desperation for love that day, and comparing it with the high spirits of the man in front of her, she couldn't help feeling aggrieved for her friend, and even spoke with a hint of sarcasm, "Mr. Go shopping."

Huo Yudong heard the sarcasm in her tone, stared at her for a while before saying, "Duoyi is my fiancee."

fiancée? !

Nian Tong was shocked.

Why have I never heard that Huo Yudong actually has a fiancée?
"Are you still blaming Yunyao?" Huo Yudong suddenly changed the subject.

Nian Tong originally wondered what he was doing away with his female companion, but now hearing his question, she understood.

"Mr. Huo, are you a lobbyist?"

Huo Yudong didn't return her, but said, "The nearby coffee shop is too far away, let's talk in my car."

"What does Mr. Huo want to say?" Nian Tong asked Huo Yudong in his car.But I guessed in my heart that the topic must be related to Gu Junyao.

Huo Yudong twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a half-smile, "Aside from talking about Yunyao, what else can we do?"

"Mr. Huo is indeed his lobbyist." It's just that she was curious how he would be this lobbyist?What else was there to say to her?

"I'm not a lobbyist." Huo Yudong denied, "I just don't like how you continue the cold war and affect the mood of us people."

Nian Tong frowned, "I don't understand what Mr. Huo means." How did the cold war between her and Gu Junyao affect his mood?

"You don't need to understand, as long as you know that Junyao is not the kind of inhuman villain you think." Hua Luohuodong said in a reproachful tone, "You little girls are always yelling how much you love and have Love you so much, but whenever something happens, you will get emotional. Let me put it in a bad way, like you, it is not suitable to be with Yunyao at all. "

With a sudden shock in his heart, Nian Tong's face turned pale.

Does he mean that she doesn't deserve to be with Gu Junyao?
"The most important thing for two people to get along is to trust each other. And you have obviously failed in this aspect." Huo Yudong's words were sharp, "If you want to spend a lifetime with the person you love, you don't just rely on a few words I love you, I think you can maintain it, if you can't even trust the person you sleep with day and night, this kind of relationship is not as good as ending early, anyway, even if it continues, the only option is to break up."

The man in front of him and Cen Huan are indeed uncles and nephews, they even speak so similarly.

Hearing the word breakup from someone else for the second time, the hidden anger in Nian Tong's heart was aroused.

"Mr. Huo, you don't understand the whole story at all, so you jump to conclusions and want me to break up with Uncle Gu, why are you at ease?"

"The whole story?" Huo Yudong snorted coldly, "Which one are you referring to? It's about your father or that star?"

Nian Tong was restless and didn't want to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Huo, I still have something to hurry."

"Really? Since you're in a hurry, forget it." Huo Yudong said in a nonchalant tone, "I wanted to say something you want to know to clear Yunyao from being a villain."

Nian Tong who had just opened the car door suddenly turned her head when she heard the words, and looked at Huo Yudong with a suspicious look in disbelief.

"You know the truth?"

"There are too many people who know the truth. Didn't he know the truth about your father? But why didn't he tell you? Because he didn't have the courage."

Nian Tong narrowed her eyes, "What?"

No courage means... Could it be that his father did something wrong to Gu Junyao, so Gu Junyao dealt with him?

"It doesn't matter if I tell you. Jun Yao is afraid that you will find it hard to bear if you find out, but I'm not afraid."

Huo Yudong's tone gave Nian Tong a bad feeling.A trace of coldness also spread from the bottom of my heart to my chest.

"Actually, that matter has something to do with your mother."

"What do you mean?" Nian Tong was confused, "My mother has been gone for many years, how could this matter have something to do with her?"

Huo Yudong didn't answer her directly, but asked, "I know your mother has passed away, so do you know the reason for her death?"

"My mother is terminally ill."

"What if I say she didn't die of cancer?"

As if being hit hard on the head with a stick, Nian Tong had a splitting headache and all the blood on his face was gone.

"I'm only talking about your father. If you want to know more clearly, you can ask him. As for the celebrity, I can only say that you really don't know anything about Yun Yao's past."

Nian Tong was still immersed in the unbearable shock, and didn't hear clearly what Huo Yudong said later.I just felt my brain was muddled, and the heat in my whole body seemed to be exhausted, even the breath I exhaled was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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