Chapter 159

When I went back that night, Niantong developed a high fever for no reason.

His throat was burning like smoke, his brain was groggy, his slender body was curled up in a ball on the huge bed, his whole body was shivering with cold.

Some vague fragments kept flashing in my mind like a magic lantern.

His father's guilty face, hesitant expression, and Gu Junyao's disappointed eyes and indifferent face.

They came and went like horses and flowers in her mind. She wanted to shout, but she couldn't make a sound. She wanted to grab, but what she reached out to touch was an endless darkness.

"Tongtong? Wake up, get up and take medicine."

A familiar voice faintly sounded in my ear.

Her heart fluttered, her hands waved wildly in the air, she grabbed a big warm hand and put it on her cheek, the tears accumulated in her eyes rolled down.

"Uncle Gu..." He finally came back to see her?
After not contacting her for so long, she thought he didn't want her anymore.

Fortunately, fortunately came back, fortunately did not want her.

"Tongtong, take your medicine, come on, open your mouth." The voice sounded again.

Nian Tong frowned and shook her head, trying to open her eyes, but her eyelids were too heavy to open.

"Uncle Gu, it hurts..." Headache, eye pain, heart pain, and body pain.

This time, a deep sigh sounded in my ears.

"I really don't understand you guys. Since it's hard to be apart, why don't you stay together?"

Zhan Luoxuan, who was dug out of bed by Gu Junyao and rushed to Country Garden to visit Nian Tong, took out his captured hand, shook his head and sighed.

He had just returned from a business trip in a remote town in City B for more than half a month, and within 10 minutes of going to bed, he received a call from the boss, urging him to come and have a look.

Unexpectedly, this girl developed a high fever, and there was no one around to take care of her.

With a headache, he glanced at Nian Tong, who frowned and kept crying and called the boss, Zhan Luoxuan felt sore, helped her to feed her antipyretics, and then called Gu Junyao to report Nian Tong's condition give him.

"Fever again?" Gu Junyao, who was still at work on the other end of the phone, tensed up when he heard this, "Did you take her to the hospital?"

"The family doctor I saw finished the injection, and I fed her medicine just now, and the fever should subside soon."

Gu Junyao was silent, but his out-of-order breathing showed his nervousness.

"Boss, she keeps crying and calling for you. I think she really misses you. So, do you want to come back tomorrow?"

Gu Junyao pondered for a while, then said, "Take good care of her, and wait for her fever to subside before leaving."

The words fell and hung up the phone.

Zhan Luoxuan shrugged, walked to the side of the sofa and half lay down.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
It was already noon the next day when Nian Tong woke up after the fever subsided.

"why you?"

She looked at Zhan Luoxuan who was yawning from time to time with a tired face and said in surprise.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" Zhan Luoxuan blinked and pretended to be innocent, and suddenly smiled ambiguously, "Little Tongtong, you kept holding my hand last night to call Uncle Gu, and you said a lot of nasty things, do you want me to repeat it?" Listen to you?"

Of course Nian Tong knew that he took him for Gu Junyao, otherwise he wouldn't have asked that question as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Why are you here?" She asked without answering.

"If it wasn't for me, you would have been burned into a piece of black coal by now." Zhan Laoxuan exaggerated.He also said, "Actually, the boss sensed that you were not feeling well, so he called me over overnight, and he guessed right."


Nian Tong smiled wryly.

If he could really sense that she was not feeling well, did he sense how much she missed him?
If you sensed it, why didn't you contact her?

"The weather has been fine these few days, and you haven't been exposed to rain, so how could you have a high fever?"

Nian Tong closed her eyes and didn't look back at him.

How can she say that she has a high fever because she rushed into the bathroom to wash her body with cold water as soon as she got home after being separated from Huo Yudong yesterday afternoon?
At that time, her mind was full of the matter related to her mother's death and her father, and various conjectures kept appearing in her mind. She felt that she was about to be overwhelmed by those crazy thoughts, and her headache seemed to explode.

So I rinsed my body with cold water, hoping to calm down.

Who knew that the person didn't calm down, but a high fever burned half his life.

She suddenly regretted why she insisted on knowing the truth of the matter.

Her father said that everything Gu Junyao did was for her own good, and she should trust him unconditionally.

In this way, the two of them will not come to where they are today.

Although Huo Yudong only told half of the truth, and the other half has yet to be confirmed by her, she suddenly loses the courage to face the truth.

"I ordered millet porridge and some light snacks from Rongyuan, and they will be delivered soon."

"Thank you." Nian Tong thanked weakly, "I see you are quite tired too, go back and rest, my fever has subsided, I can take care of myself."

"I'll leave after you have eaten."

Seeing him persist, Nian Tong didn't say anything.

When he walked out of the bedroom, she got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get acquainted, but she screamed in fright at the pale and gloomy face in the mirror.

When Zhan Luoxuan heard the sound, he immediately slammed into the door and rushed in.

"What's wrong?" he asked nervously.

Nian Tong pointed at herself in the mirror, and was taken aback for a moment before she understood what she meant, and couldn't help laughing, "I really haven't seen myself scaring myself. You, if you want to be beautiful, hurry up and Boss reconciliation. Haven’t you heard of it? The best skin care product for women is the nourishment of love.”

Nian Tong forced a smile, and waved him to go out.

"Tongtong, does your school have a holiday in one week?"

Zhan Luoxuan asked suddenly.

"doing what?"

"Of course I will book a flight ticket back to city A for you, otherwise it will be very difficult to buy."

"Don't bother, I will arrange it myself." Nian Tong turned around and pushed him out, closing the door.

Running away is not the answer to the problem.

Whether it's her relationship with Gu Junyao, or the cause of her mother's death, she shouldn't run away anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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