Chapter 160

Because he was busy handling some personal matters for Cen Huan, Nian Tong was two days late before rushing back to City A.

The weather at the end of the year is getting colder every day.

She came out of the train station with a light suitcase and hailed a taxi, but she didn't contact Gu Junyao, nor did she go back to her residence in Jinhai Bay.Instead, I got a room in a hotel.

After that, she took a taxi to Xiangxian Xiaozhu.

It was Wen Meihua who opened the door.

Seeing her, Wen Meihua's expression changed, and she took two steps back as if seeing a ghost.

"Aunt Hua, am I that scary?" Nian Tong looked at her expressionlessly and asked.

Wen Meihua opened her mouth awkwardly, but said nothing.

"Where's my dad?"

She went in and took off her coat and asked.

Before Wen Meihua could answer, Mu Qifeng's voice came.

"Is Tongtong back?"

Nian Tong raised his eyes and saw his father coming down the stairs with a faint smile on his face.

"Is school on holiday?"

Nian Tong nodded, "Dad, is elder brother at home?"

"He has a social event at night, and he probably won't come back until very late. What? Are you looking for your elder brother?"

"No, I'm looking for you and Aunt Hua."

Mu Qifeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and fixed his eyes on his daughter's face with a look of scrutiny.

When Wen Meihua behind Nian Tong heard that Nian Tong was looking for her, she immediately walked to Mu Qifeng's side in panic, grabbed his sleeve and looked at Nian Tong, "What do you want us to do?"

Seeing her defensive expression, Nian Tong smiled, "Aunt Hua, don't worry, I won't grab you and beat and scold you like you, and I won't kill you, you don't have to be so afraid of me. "

"Tongtong, what's wrong with you?" Mu Qifeng pushed Wen Meihua's hand away and walked in front of his daughter.

"It's cold outside, drink a cup of hot tea to warm up your body when you come back." Hua Luo looked at Wen Meihua, "Why don't you go and make a cup of black tea for Tong Tong?"

"No need, Dad." Nian Tong stopped, "I didn't come back for tea, but a question has been bothering me, and I really want to know the answer."

The daughter's attitude was obviously colder and alienated than before, and Mu Qifeng had a faint premonition in his heart.

"Tongtong, what do you want to ask Dad?"

"I won't interfere with your father and daughter's affairs. You talk about it. I'll go to the kitchen to prepare dinner." Wen Meihua also sensed something was wrong from Nian Tong's words, so she said.

"Aunt Hua, this matter has a lot to do with you. How can I continue talking without you here?" Nian Tong changed the subject and asked his father, "Dad, my mother, did you really die of cancer?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Qifeng's face suddenly lost a trace of blood.

Nian Tong looked at Wen Meihua, who was also pale and Shengxue, with a hint of panic in his wide-open eyes.

Could it be that what Huo Yudong said was true?
She stared at her father in disbelief, shaking uncontrollably.

"Dad, I heard that my mother's related to you?"

Mu Qifeng opened his mouth dumbly, but couldn't refute.

"Could it be that you and Aunt Hua killed my mother together?" She raised her suspicions, but saw her father's face turning green and then pale, which was obviously the shock and despair after the secret hidden in her heart was suddenly exposed.

"Why are you crazy? Your mother did die of cancer at the end of the year. You took care of her in the hospital for so long. You don't know very well? How could you say such absurd things?"

Wen Meihua suddenly retorted loudly like a mother cat whose fur has been blown.

"Are you sure what you said is the truth?" Nian Tong approached her with fierce eyes, "Are you sure you didn't kill my mother for fear of snatching my father away from you?"

"I didn't!" Wen Meihua's voice was raised by her words, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, you know it in your heart. I have witnesses and evidence to prove that my mother was indeed killed by you! You still want to quibble, Wen Meihua, you wait to go to jail!"


Wen Meihua was stunned, her whole body froze, she suddenly came to her senses, and said harshly, "Did Gu Junyao tell you? I just said how could he be so kind and keep his mouth shut. That bastard, he wanted to keep our whole family Kill them all!"

These words are undoubtedly an indirect acknowledgment that the mother was indeed killed by them.

Realizing this, Nian Tong felt as if a large piece of his heart had been gouged out suddenly, the pain was so painful that he could barely stand, and even breathing was painful.

She stared at her ashen-faced father with a pale face, and it took her a while to piece together a sentence, "You said my mother was the only woman you ever loved, and your so-called love meant killing her?"

No wonder he was unwilling to tell her the truth about Gu Junyao pulling him down.

Heh, how can he say such an ugly and dirty truth?

"Tongtong..." Mu Qifeng wanted to grab his daughter's hand, but was thrown away.

"You don't touch me!"

"Tongtong, listen to Dad's explanation..."

"Explanation?" Nian Tong chuckled, with tears rolling down his face, "Okay, let me listen to your explanation, how you two vicious men and women joined hands to hide my mother's death."

"Don't speak so viciously. When your mother was in so much pain on the hospital bed, I just euthanized her, which relieved her pain. You don't have to live so hard, anyway, you will die sooner or later if you get that kind of disease .” Wen Meihua said.

"Shut up!" Mu Qifeng slapped him with a backhand, trembling all over.

"I should have sent you to jail when I found out you did that!"

"Okay, Mu Qifeng, are you planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge? If I hadn't done that, how do you think you could have been imprisoned as the deputy mayor of City B? How could you have risen to become the mayor in the past few years? I Everything I do is for you, how can you shirk all the responsibility on me?"

"I don't need you to do that at all! Yunyun asked me to raise Tongtong because she knew she had terminal cancer. You threatened Yunyun behind my back, and forced Yunyun to commit suicide by swallowing medicine on the condition that Tongtong enter Mu's house!"

"Yeah, I forced her, but didn't you know that? Why didn't you stop it then? You just wanted her to die soon, lest you worry that she would be your mistress and affect your official career!"

Mu Qifeng was so angry that he wanted to say something, but he caught a glimpse of Nian Tong's body softening.

(End of this chapter)

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