Chapter 161

"Dad, what's going on? Why did my little sister faint suddenly?"

Mu Yuan hurried to the hospital and asked his father who was sitting on the bench outside the ward.

He had a social event at night, and as soon as he left the unit, he received a call from his father, saying that his younger sister fainted and went to the hospital.

Mu Qifeng's complexion has not yet recovered, and his face is still ashen.

He shook his head, feeling so heavy that he couldn't speak, and he didn't know how to speak.

On the other hand, Wen Meihua, who came with her, saw her son and immediately stepped forward to hug his hand and said anxiously, "Jian, you must help mom this time. Look, mom is already old and doesn't want to go to jail. That girl listens to you." If so, you can persuade her to let her not care about that matter, anyway, her mother has been dead for so many years, and now even if she is pursued, she will not be able to survive."

"What do you mean?" Mu Yu'an, who didn't know the inside story, was confused.

"Oh, she is the one who found out about your Aunt Ye taking sleeping pills and committing suicide. Now it's time for the queen to settle the score and say she wants me to go to jail."

"Aunt Ye committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills?" Mu Yu'an felt his brain 'buzz', as if something exploded in his mind, and his whole brain was in a mess.

"Didn't Aunt Ye die of terminal cancer treatment? Why did she commit suicide?"

"You, you don't know?" Wen Meihua was surprised, looked at her husband and then at her son, and murmured, "I thought you helped your father hide that girl Gu Junyao's dealing with your father because you knew Gu Yunyao Yao is holding on to your father."

"I know that Gu Junyao is holding onto dad's trick, but isn't that trick because dad has bribed him a lot these years?"

Mu Yu'an looked at his father, Wen Wenqing's face was full of confusion and doubt.

Mu Qifeng smiled sadly, and slowly covered his face with his hands, full of remorse and guilt.

Back then, Wen Meihua took Tongtong back to Mu's house by way of adoption, in exchange for asking Ye Yunhan to disappear forever. He clearly knew the whole story but didn't organize it.

Because he happened to be the deputy mayor of city B at that time, and he worked hard for most of his life to finally climb to that position. He didn't want to fall short because of his life style.In addition, Ye Yunhan was suffering from terminal cancer at that time, and she lived in pain every day. It might be a relief to her if she could end her life earlier, so he pretended not to know.

Back then, for his official career, fame and fortune, he broke his promise to Ye Yunhan and made a wrong choice.Afterwards, looking at his daughter kneeling in front of Ye Yunhan's coffin crying silently, he realized how wrong he was.

But it was too late to regret it, so he loved Tongtong even more, hoping to atone for himself in this way.

I thought that no one other than myself and Wen Meihua would know about this matter, but Gu Junyao didn't know where to dig out this secret, so there were things about Gu Junyao pulling him down.

He knew that Gu Junyao didn't actually want him to go to jail, but just wanted him to step down and stay away from the dream he had fought for all his life, so as to punish him in this way and seek justice for Tongtong.

In fact, as long as Tongtong can forgive him, he is willing to pay for his life.

I'm afraid that even if he dies, he won't be able to get his daughter's forgiveness.

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When Mu Yu'an pushed open the door of the ward and entered, Nian Tong had already woken up.

But she would rather be asleep all the time.

Because she didn't know how to face all this.

It was hard to get rid of all the prejudices and dissatisfaction with my father in the past, and open my heart to accept his love and care for me.I thought I finally had the fatherly love I dreamed of, but it turned out that was not the case.

Everything he did for her, including treating her better than Mu Yu, was all because he felt guilty, so he used this method to make up for his mistakes.

It's ridiculous that she always thought that her mother died of cancer.

"Little sister, are you awake?" A familiar and gentle male voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

Mu Yu'an walked to the hospital bed, and saw her eyes closed, with tears running down the corners of her pale face, and her pitiful appearance made him feel like a knife twisted his heart.

He could feel the pain in her heart.

Even he couldn't accept such a cruel truth, let alone the little sister who had been dependent on Aunt Ye since childhood?

But although he knew how painful she was, there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't replace her pain, and he didn't know what to say to comfort her.

After all, it was his mother who hurt her the most.

"Little sister, cry out loud when you feel sad." Seeing her biting her lip to hold back her tears, Mu Yu'an was worried that she would bite him, so he persuaded.

Nian Tong shook her head, closed her eyes and wept silently.

Mu Yu'an held her hand holding the drip with distress, and said sadly, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry mother made her suffer so much.

I'm sorry he doesn't know how to comfort him.

I'm sorry he couldn't share the pain for her.


Gu Junyao was at Qi Xin's father's birthday banquet when he received a call from Mu Yu'an.

The whole venue is full of crowns and capes, and the shadows of the temples are fragrant.

Between the cups and cups, the content from the other end of the phone instantly froze the faint smile at the corner of his mouth, his expression sank suddenly, and a deep mark was drawn between his brows.

"What's the matter, Jun Yao?"

Qiao Yueqing who was beside him noticed that his expression was not right, so he couldn't help asking.

"I left beforehand, so you have a word with Qi Xin." Gu Junyao put away the phone, and before Qiao Yueqing could respond, he had already walked away.


Hearing the sound of footsteps, Mu Yu'an, who was sitting on the bench with a dull expression, came back to his senses, and followed the sound with his eyes - the man who caught his eyes had a stern expression, and his steps were calm.The pale white light from the small spotlight above the head fell down, making that face even more gloomy, and giving people a sense of suffocation and oppression.

He took a deep breath calmly and stood up.

"Tongtong was very depressed and kept crying. I was afraid that she would not be able to bear it physically, so I asked the doctor to inject a sedative and fell asleep for a while."

Gu Junyao looked at him coldly, the corner of his mouth tilted down.

"Do you want me to say thank you to your parents for taking care of my wife?"

Mu Yu'an's face turned pale, and a look of panic flashed across his face.

He wanted to say something, but Gu Junyao stopped looking at him and went straight into the ward.

(End of this chapter)

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