Chapter 162

Even though the person on the hospital bed was forced to fall asleep with the help of drugs, there was still a lingering sadness between his brows.

Gu Junyao looked at the little thing in his sleep, his pretty face was so pale that it made people feel distressed.

After looking at the half-empty bed beside her, he took off his coat and lay down beside her.

Because of the medicine, the little thing didn't even respond to him moving her body. His slender body was put into his arms, and his long arms wrapped around her shoulders to hug her.

Maybe it's because it's been a long time since I hugged her like this. When I hugged her into my arms and their bodies cuddled closely, Gu Junyao felt the excitement and warmth in his heart that he had never felt before.

How long have you not seen each other?
For nearly a month, he only asked people to take care of her quietly, but never contacted her.

And this is not to miss her.He just knew what was going on in her mind.

Whether it's about her father or Du Kewei, if she doesn't understand the truth of the matter by herself to let go of the blame for him, then even if he told her everything at the beginning, she would never learn to trust him 100%.

People always have to be hurt and experienced wind and rain before they can grow and be forced to mature.

So knowing that she would suffer after knowing the truth, he could only suppress his heartache and watch her suffer.

In these days of separation, he used his work every day to prevent himself from having too much free time to think, but every night he couldn't help but think of what she was doing at that moment.

——Uncle Gu, I actually like you very much.

I still remember the first time she confessed to him.

Because of Lu Heng, she took advantage of her own happiness and switched to his embrace.

Such an attitude of facing death as if going all out, really attracted his heart.

And when he was exposed, the panic and helplessness on that stubborn little face made him distressed and angry.

Feeling sorry for her stupidity, angry that her purpose of approaching him was for another man.

——I love you, Uncle Gu.

Every time I hear her say this, I can't help but feel a strange emotion in my heart.

It's not that he doubts her feelings for him, it's just that she lacks complete trust in him, so that feeling is fragile and vulnerable. Once something happens between the two of them, her position will waver.

That day when I heard Luoxuan talking on the phone about her crying and fussing because of the high fever, every sentence was about him, at that moment I really wanted to return to her side immediately.

But in the end not.

There are gains and losses, it just depends on whether you can persist.

After sleeping until after five o'clock in the morning, Nian Tong woke up groggy.

Before opening his eyes, the feeling of his body being imprisoned has already been transmitted to his brain.

What's wrong with her?
She frowned and moved, and the restraint on her waist tightened again. This familiar interaction made her startled. She opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes widened immediately, as if struck by lightning.

"Morning, Tongtong." Gu Junyao, who woke up as soon as the person in his arms moved, greeted her. Because he just woke up, his voice was so magnetic and charming that it made people blush and heartbeat.

Nian Tong nodded, and said foolishly, "Morning."

what happened?

How could a man who had disappeared for nearly a month suddenly appear on her bed?

She blinked, and she caught a blinding white out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly remembered that this was a hospital.

So, he sleepwalked to the hospital and climbed into her bed?
"I'm sure I was awake when I came last night, not asleep." As if guessing what she was thinking, Gu Junyao explained to her, "Your elder brother called me, that's why I came here. "

Hearing what he said, those temporarily forgotten memories poured into his mind again, each scene was full of hurtful and painful scenes, and his face turned pale every time he passed by.

She froze her body and raised her head slightly to look at the handsome face above her head that she hadn't seen for a long time. Missing flooded her chest like a tide, and her eyes turned red immediately, and her eyes suddenly became sore and hot.

The mood is very excited.

I really want to hug him and talk about how I miss him these days after parting.

I really want to cry and act like a baby and complain to him why he hasn't contacted her for so long, and whether he doesn't want her anymore.

I really want to vent all the grievance and discomfort in my heart, and let him comfort myself.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she didn't take any action, she just stared at him quietly, and her vision became more and more blurred.

"If you still cry, I don't guarantee that the doctor will give you another injection and let you sleep for another seven or eight hours."

Gu Junyao lifted her upper body slightly, leaned over and took out two pieces of paper from the cardboard box on the bedside table to wipe the tears off her face.

"An injection?" Nian Tong didn't understand what he meant for a moment.

"It's nothing, do you still want to sleep?"

Nian Tong shook his head.

"Then let's go home." Gu Junyao let go of his arms around her body, got out of bed, took his coat and put it on.

"Go home?" Nian Tong was stunned.

He's not mad at her anymore?
——What you love is my person. Love is my body.

——Welcome to visit next time if necessary.

His indifferent and hurtful words that day are still fresh in his memory.

Then Wan disappeared for nearly a month, ignoring her.

But this time, he stayed with her in the hospital all night and wanted to pick her up?

Why such a sudden change?
"Your luggage is at Mu's house?" Gu Junyao didn't see her luggage in the ward, so he asked.

Nian Tong shook his head and said the name of a hotel.

"Didn't you go home first when you returned to City A, but stayed in a hotel?" Gu Yunyao frowned, and said again, "I'll take you home first, and then go to the hotel to pick up your luggage."

"You don't have the strength, do you? I'll carry you to the car." Speaking of bending over to hug him, Nian Tong quickly grabbed his hand.

"Uncle Gu, you...don't be so nice to me just because you sympathize with me, I..." She bit her lip, buried her face in the quilt in pain, her throat was so painful that she couldn't speak.

"Sympathy?" Gu Junyao couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tongtong, how can I, who is cruel and merciless, have such a thing as sympathy?"

Nian Tong's face turned pale - he, what does this mean?
(End of this chapter)

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