Chapter 163

Back to Golden Bay, the breath of home rushes towards me.

Nian Tong was stunned at the entrance, staring blankly at the Tiffany Lan in the room, feeling mixed feelings in her heart.

Even in my dreams, I dream of this castle full of Tiffany style.

This is her only safe haven, the harbor of her love.

But when he said that last time, he obviously hated her. How could she stay so cheeky?
"Why don't you go in?"

Gu Junyao stood at the door carrying her luggage, looked at her and asked.

Nian Tong deliberately ignored his gaze, changed her shoes and walked in without saying a word.

"Take a bath first, and I'll make you breakfast." Gu Junyao said behind her.

"No, I can just cook some noodles myself." Cooking noodles is her only harvest during this time.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, "Then cook one more, I'm hungry too."

The petite figure paused, and slowly turned around, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What's wrong? I didn't eat last night, so of course I'm hungry now." Gu Junyao explained, walked over and hugged her shoulders and walked to the bedroom together.

"It's better for me to make breakfast, and you put your luggage away."

"You...don't rush to work in the company?" Didn't Zhan Luoxuan say that he was as busy as a spinning top every day?

"I'm going to the company, but there's no rush." ​​After a pause, he suddenly smiled, "Maybe you want me to stay with you at home?"

Looking at the smile on his lips, Nian Tong almost thought she was dazzled - he actually smiled at her?And said he wanted to stay with her?

"You..." She looked at him, hesitated to speak, but finally just smiled wryly, without saying anything.

Maybe she was wrong again because she was too affectionate.

He should be very angry with her, otherwise he wouldn't have kept in touch with her for so long.

"What do you want to say?" Gu Junyao asked, the bitterness that flashed across her face did not escape his eyes.

"It's nothing." She lowered her eyes and asked again, "You haven't answered me what you mean by that sentence in the hospital?"

Why do you say that he, who is cruel and ruthless, has no such thing as sympathy?
When he said the word cruel and merciless, his tone was a little mocking.He actually remembers hating her for saying that to him that time, right?
"Then tell me first, why do you think I treat you because I sympathize with you?" Gu Junyao asked her back.

"Because I'm so sad and ridiculous that I don't even know how my mother died. After being cheated for so many years, I only learned the truth through other people's mouths." Speaking of this, Nian Tong couldn't help her eyes flushing.

Why did such a bloody thing happen to her.

The man who said his mother was the only woman he ever loved, how could he be so cruel to make such a choice?
As for that hateful Wen Meihua, how could she feel at ease after doing such a thing, and even kept yelling at her confidently, even abusing her endlessly?

She suddenly found that the people around her had become so strange.

As if everyone was wearing a mask, she had no way of judging who was good and who was bad.

The sadness in her tone hurt Gu Junyao.

He put his arms around her body and hugged her into his arms, and put his chin on the top of her hair and said softly, "Don't think too much, things will pass no matter whether they are good or bad."

"But I don't think I'll ever be able to forget that they killed my mother, and I'll never be able to forgive them."

"It's okay not to forgive them, but you have to let yourself go." Gu Junyao's tone was very light, as if afraid of scaring her, unusually gentle.

"These are not your fault. Don't punish yourself with tears every day because of their faults. It's not painful to them, but it's more like Wen Meihua. She just wants to see you in pain to be happy. "

"I hate her." Nian Tong pressed her face against his collarbone, hot tears streaming down her face. "My mother was already suffering from that disease. Why did she still come up with such an exchange? If I had known that my mother had exchanged her life for me to return to Mu's house, I would rather die than agree."

Gu Junyao hugged her, stroking the ends of her hair with his palms, listening to her crying, feeling sore and swollen in his heart, very uncomfortable.

"So how do you want to punish them?" he asked.


Nian Tong was stunned, then smiled wryly.

How can she punish?Who can be punished?

When he was extremely angry, he told them to wait and go to jail.But one of them is the biological father, and the other is the mother who loves her elder brother, and she is not as cruel as them. Even if she hates her in her heart, she can't do anything to them.

"You don't know what to do?" Gu Junyao saw her struggle.

Nian Tong was silent, and asked after a while, "How did you know about this?"

She believed that he would not investigate these things for no reason.

"You want to know?" He asked, seeing her nodding, he said, "Your father had a girlfriend who worked in the hospital before dating Wen Meihua, did you know?"

"I know. She was in charge of my mother's chemotherapy during my mother's illness and hospitalization."

"She is Qi Xin's aunt."

"Huh?" Nian Tong raised her eyes in a daze.

"We had a picture of us on our wedding invitation and she recognized you and told me the secret."

"But how did she see our invitation to Qi Xin?"

"Qi Xin's aunt has been living in Qi Xin's house since she got divorced, and she also cleans Qi Xin's room, so it's not surprising to see her."

"Then how did she know about this?" Wen Meihua was so cautious in her work, and Qi Xin's aunt was her rival in love. It was impossible for Wen Meihua to tell her such an important secret.

"When Wen Meihua told your mother about that incident, she accidentally overheard it. She thought your mother would not agree. It was only after your mother committed suicide by swallowing a large amount of sleeping pills that she knew that your mother had agreed to Wen Meihua."

"I didn't notice such a big thing happened in the hospital at the time." Nian Tong regretted his slow reaction at the beginning.

"It was your father who came out to settle things in private. After Qi Xin's aunt told me the secret, I went to investigate and found that things were indeed as she said."

Nian Tong finally understood why his father's attitude towards Gu Junyao was so cautious, even panicked.

Is it because he is afraid that Gu Junyao will expose his scandal at any time?
She smiled sadly, and asked him again, "Since you knew earlier, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want to see you suffer."

Just one sentence, but forced the tears that filled the eyes to roll down endlessly like broken beads.

"I said at the time that some things are better not to know than to know. But you don't believe me."

Nian Tong wanted to refute, but didn't know what to say.

He was right.

It was because she didn't trust him enough, that's why she asked desperately.

But people are curious, so why would he rather keep that secret than sacrifice his quarrel with her for so long?
"The main reason why we have been in this cold war for so long is not because of your father." Gu Junyao reminded her, "Do you want me to say it?"

Nian Tong shook his head.

She knew he was talking about Du Kewei.

But she's not interested in knowing now.

"What else do you want to know? You have to ask once, otherwise there will be no next time." Gu Junyao said.

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong bit her lip, struggling whether to ask or not.

If I asked, I was afraid that I would be humiliating myself, but if I didn't ask, I was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity.

"It seems that there is nothing to ask. Then you take a bath and I will make breakfast."

Gu Junyao let go of the arms around her body and said.

"Yes." Nian Tong said anxiously, "I want to ask if you don't want me anymore?"

"I don't want you anymore?" Gu Junyao sneered, wondering why she would have such an idea suddenly.

"Tongtong, why do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Nian Tong glanced at him, her small face darkened, her long, wet eyelashes drew back the emotions floating in her eyes, and said in a low tone, "Last time, you made me look like a woman looking for ducks." , and ignored me for so long. If my elder brother hadn’t called you this time, you wouldn’t have gone to the hospital at all, would you?”

Looking for a duck?

Gu Junyao stroked her forehead, and flicked her forehead, dumbfounded.

"You mean I treat myself like a duck?"

"Otherwise, what do you mean by 'Welcome to come next time'?" Thinking of the scene at that time, Nian Tong couldn't help but feel hot, but his chest was stuffy and congested.

His expression and tone at that time were really hurtful enough.

Gu Junyao smiled.

He really wanted to anger her at that time.She said that because she was annoyed at her distrust of him.

It's just that I didn't expect this girl to hold a grudge for so long, and she is still thinking about that matter, and even called him a duck.

"Silly girl." He said something in a low voice, and Nian Tong felt sore in his heart, and couldn't help getting up and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Uncle Gu."


"I only have you." What kind of fatherly love and family affection are just clouds, the more you think that the most precious blood relationship is the most hurtful weapon.

Gu Junyao sighed softly, leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

"Why is it only me? You still have Xiaoxi, Cen Huan and Nianye, many of my friends are friends worthy of your trust and association, you don't have to worry about them betraying or deceiving you."

"But aren't you planning to give up on me?" Nian Tong's words were mixed with a hint of sadness.

"Why do you say that?"

"You ignored my existence for 23 days and [-] hours. Didn't you give up on me for such a long time?"

"I thought you didn't want to see me." Gu Junyao said innocently.

Nian Tong was stunned, thinking of what he said that as long as she didn't want to see him, he would not appear in front of her, I couldn't help feeling annoyed and resentful.

"How could it be possible that I don't want to see you?" She raised her eyes to look at the handsome and charming man, with bitterness appearing on her sad little face.

"I think you almost sleepwalked back to you. But how dare I contact you with your indifferent attitude?"

"Little liar." Gu Junyao pinched her nose, "You don't want to contact me because you care about those two things?"


"Okay, don't go too far. Anyway, don't think about it. It's a holiday anyway. You can take advantage of the holiday to rest, or go abroad to relax. Xiaoxi called and asked you to go to Italy. He will be your tour guide."

"What about you?" She raised her eyes and asked him, eyes full of expectation. "You said that I would take some time to play with me during my vacation."

"I said, where do you want to go? Domestic or foreign, nearby or far away? If it is foreign or far away, then you have to wait for a few days. If it is closer, then I can set off to accompany you to relax the day after tomorrow."

Nian Tong was stunned.

It was his that simply frightened her.

There was too much contrast between before and after, and she hadn't recovered from her mother's incident. Hearing his promise at this moment, although she was happy, she couldn't be happy, and her heart was still heavy.

Gu Junyao could understand her mood, staring at her sad little face, his eyes flashed.

"Didn't you think about taking wedding photos every day? The day after tomorrow is your birthday. During the day, we will go to make up wedding photos. In the evening, we will invite Qi Xin and the others to celebrate for you in Chaoge. Okay?"

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong was dumbfounded again.

"You...know that my birthday is the day after tomorrow?" In recent years, except for Cen Huan and eldest brother, almost no one remembered her birthday.

And he was still in a cold war with her a few days ago, she thought he didn't pay attention at all.

"Our family's IC card password is your birthday. How can I not remember it if I go in and out every day?" Gu Junyao rubbed the tip of his nose affectionately at her, and said in a low voice suddenly, "Let's stop the cold war, and we will be fine in the future." ,Is it ok?"

He has always been arbitrarily domineering when he speaks, either he is not allowed or he is not allowed or not allowed, and Nian Tong is really flattered by such a tone of discussion.

In a daze, his face was pressed down, and his hot lips warmed hers. The long-lost familiar breath filled her chest with the deepening of the kiss, and her breath was full of his smell.

How long had she waited for this kiss.

And she often dreamed of this warm embrace in her dreams, but when she woke up, her side was icy cold.

At this time, he was finally able to kiss the man who was haunted by his dream, and couldn't help laughing through his tears.

(End of this chapter)

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