Chapter 168

Wen Meihua, who was forcibly locked up at home by Mu Yu'an, took advantage of her son's inattention and sneaked out to go to the airport to pick up Mu Yu home.

But when he ran out of the community, he rushed straight onto the road and was hit by a speeding car.

After being sent to the hospital, rescue failed and died.

When Nian Tong saw his elder brother with a blank expression in the hospital, he couldn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

She hates Wen Meihua.But he never thought of asking her to pay for her life.

She knew that her elder brother took her family very seriously.

No matter what Wen Meihua has done to him, she is always his mother.

So many things happened in the Mu family in a short period of time, all of which were carried by the eldest brother alone.

Thinking of what he said to her on the phone yesterday that he couldn't hold on any longer, I couldn't help feeling numb.

She was really afraid that he would be depressed because of this, or even do some unpredictable and stupid things.

"Big brother."

She called softly, her face full of worry.

Mu Yu'an was as unresponsive as a frozen statue, as if his whole body was immersed in some kind of thoughts, completely isolated from the outside world.

"Brother, don't be like this." She sat down beside him and hugged his shoulder distressedly.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just cry out, don't hold it in your heart and suffocate yourself."

This time Mu Yu'an blinked, and slowly raised his eyes to look at her, as if he suddenly remembered something, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"What are you doing here? You hate her so much."

Nian Tong felt his alienation, and felt a little flustered.

"I...worry about you, so come and see."

"What's there to worry about?" Mu Yu'an sighed, tilted his head back, looked blankly at the snow-white ceiling and said, "I told you that she died, just to make you feel better after knowing the news... I also hope that you can see that she is dead...forgive her and let her rest in peace."

He turned his head to look over, that sad look hurt Nian Tong's heart.

When she hated Wen Meihua, the person who suffered the most was actually the eldest brother, right?

One side is the mother who gave birth to him, and the other side is the siblings.

He was the one who was caught in the middle and was about to suffocate.

No one comforted him, and no one could lend him a shoulder to lean on.

Under such circumstances, he still has to go to work under tremendous pressure...

"Brother... I'm sorry."

Sorry to make him suffer so much.

Mu Yu'an smiled bitterly, wanting to say something, glanced at Gu Junyao who had been silent at the side from the corner of the eye, and his eyes suddenly became cold.A trace of complex emotions flashed across the bottom of his eyes, like hatred, annoyance, and helplessness.

Gu Junyao frowned thoughtfully, but said nothing.

"Are you hungry? Well... what about him? Didn't he come?" Nian Tong asked his father awkwardly, his tone a little unnatural.

"Him?" The corner of Mu Yu'an's mouth curled up in a sarcasm.

"Probably rejoicing that my mother finally died. Even if he doesn't need to divorce, his ears will be clean."

Nian Tong sensed his dissatisfaction with his father from his words, and couldn't help being surprised.

The eldest brother has always admired his father and has always maintained his father's image. Why do you feel that he is dissatisfied with his father now?

"Brother, are you blaming him?"

"What's his fault?" Mu Yu'an asked back, the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

"He always thinks he's right. Whether it's what he did to Aunt Ye before, or forcing my mother to divorce him." As he spoke, his face changed, and his handsome face under the light was full of tears. marks of injury.

"He always puts all the responsibility on my mother, and he doesn't think that if he said something at the beginning, that thing would not have happened. And if he didn't keep saying that he wanted to divorce my mother after the incident, but Give her some comfort after losing Xiaoyu and she won't go crazy or have a car accident!"

The entire corridor was filled with Mu Yu'an's voice mixed with complaints and blame.

Nian Tong looked at the blue veins on his forehead, knowing that he was still struggling to suppress his anger and dissatisfaction.

The slightly trembling hands with clenched fists on their knees were so hard that their joints turned white.

"Today is your birthday." After a long silence, Mu Yu'an suddenly said. "Sorry I'm afraid I won't be able to wish you a happy birthday again in the future."

Nian Tong smiled wryly.

She understood what he meant.

Her birthday was the anniversary of his mother's death, and it was too late for him to forget, how could he remember it as firmly as in previous years.

"Go back." He closed his eyes and said.

"What about you? I can't deal with things here for a while, so you should go home to eat and rest first."

"How can I eat like this?"

Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

"Let's go, he's been waiting for you for a long time." Mu Yu'an urged again.

Nian Tong stared at him quietly for a while, but got up helplessly.

"Then call me if you need anything."

Mu Yu'an didn't respond.

With a heavy heart, Nian Tong turned around and walked to Gu Junyao's side. Before she could speak, she saw him put the car keys in her palm, and said, "You go to the car and wait for me first. I have something to say to your elder brother."

Nian Tong was slightly taken aback.Look at him and look at the eldest brother, the expression is very confused.

What is he going to say to his elder brother?
"Don't worry, he's in a bad mood now, I just want to enlighten him." Gu Junyao patted her on the shoulder and said gently.

Hearing this, Nian Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then you talk."

*****************************************split line******* *******************************
As soon as Nian Tong left, Mu Yu'an fell into the previous blank state of sluggishness again.

Gu Junyao glanced at him and walked over: "Do you hate me?"

When the voice above his head fell, Mu Yu'an noticed that Gu Junyao did not leave with his younger sister.

He frowned, but he didn't lift his eyes.

"President Gu is serious, how dare I hate you." There was a trace of sarcasm in the casual tone.

Gu Junyao hummed lightly.

He didn't miss out on the other meanings contained in Mu Yu'an's look at him just now.

"Actually, I'm not surprised that you hate me. If you don't hate me, I'd think you're not a man."

Mu Yu'an's expression changed, and he raised his eyes suddenly: "Gu Junyao, don't bully me too much!"

Compared to his anger, Gu Junyao smiled lightly.

"Mu Yu'an, since you hate me, why don't you dare to show it? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Tongtong will be very sad knowing that you hate me? Or are you afraid of what I will do to you?"

This man is really arrogant.

Mu Yu'an stared at that calm and elegant face in resentment, almost having the urge to pounce on him and tear away the fake face on his face.

How could he question him so confidently after doing those things to the Mu family?
"I won't deal with someone for no reason. You have neither offended me nor Tongtong. I have no reason to let you be cornered."

"Then do I want to thank Mr. Gu for letting me go?" Mu Yu'an laughed mockingly.

Gu Junyao heard the sarcasm in his words, but just twitched the corners of his mouth indifferently.

"So many things have happened recently, which have a great impact on your job and promotion. If you continue to stay in the government, you will not be able to continue to climb up." After a pause, he then asked, "Have you thought about finding another job?" At once?"

Find another job?

Mu Zhi'an pondered the meaning of his words, and looked at him with a trace of confusion.

"You want to lose my current job?"

"You think too much. Your current job will not last long without my hands."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Let me ask you, are you interested in doing things with me?"

Mu Yu was stunned.

"I'll give you two days to think about it, and I won't wait after the deadline." Gu Junyao said as if he was about to leave.

"Wait." Mu Yu'an called to stop him.

"Why do you ask me to work with you?" Outsiders who don't know that people who can work closely with Gu Junyao either have special skills or special status.

And the work he is doing is completely different from the nature of his company's business. Even though he received rave reviews while working in the government, it is not considered a skill.

Not to mention the special status.

The son of a has-been mayor, when he said it, others would only think of the dirty things of the Mu family.

If there is something special to say, it is probably Gu Junyao's brother-in-law.

But where is the man in front of him that kind and caring man?

He will never soften his heart to him because of his status.

"What do you think is the reason?" Gu Junyao asked him back, and said, "You are a smart person, I will not ask a piece of trash to work with me."

"But what can I do for you?"

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, and instead of answering, asked, "You agreed?"

Mu Yu was speechless.

He wanted to refute that he would not work for an enemy company that indirectly killed his mother, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"You still have time to think about it." Gu Junyao noticed the struggle on his face, so he said.

Then turn around and leave.

"What did you say to my elder brother?" Gu Junyao asked him impatiently as soon as he got into the car.

He smiled faintly, took the car key from her hand and started the engine.

"Nothing, just asking if he is interested in working in my company."

"Are you going to ask elder brother to quit his current job?"

"Otherwise, how long do you think he can stay in that kind of agency after so many things happened? Under the external public opinion and invisible pressure, he can't display his talent like before."

"But, did he promise you?"

"I'll give him two days to think about it."

Nian Tong was silent.

"If he chooses to work with me, it is definitely a wise choice."

"I don't understand why you did this suddenly?" Nian Tong was puzzled, and after thinking about it, he asked again, "Could it be because of me?"

Gu Junyao scraped the bridge of her nose affectionately, and drove the car out of the open-air parking lot of the hospital without saying anything.

"I don't want to go to an Italian candlelight dinner." Nian Tong said suddenly when the car drove onto the road.

Gu Junyao looked over in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Nian Tong stroked his forehead, leaned his head back on the seat, and said in a low tone, "Brother is in so much pain, why am I still in the mood to have a candlelight dinner?"

"Okay, let's go home then."

Back at the residence in Golden Bay, Gu Junyao went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the two of them as usual, while Nian Tong sat on the sofa in a daze.

Wen Meihua's death dealt a big blow to the elder brother.

Since he can't get along in the government, it's okay to let him work with Gu Junyao.

In this way, there will be more opportunities to see the eldest brother in the future.

The other reason is that she also hopes that her elder brother can break away from the previous environment and change jobs to start over.

So, should she make a phone call to persuade the elder brother?
"Tongtong, peel a piece of garlic for me."

Gu Junyao's voice came.

She froze for a moment before realizing what he said, and quickly got up and walked to the kitchen.

“It smells good~”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, recalling the aroma of food floating in the air.

"It's your birthday today, I'll try my best to get some of your favorite food to match your tastes, so that you can satisfy your small grievances when you usually follow me to eat a light diet." Gu Junyao said.

Nian Tong bent her lips and smiled, spread her arms around his waist from behind him and hugged him, but her little head went through his arms and got into his chest, looking up at him with her beautiful moist eyes, she said with a smile, "I will I know you are the best to me~"

Gu Junyao chuckled, pointed to the garlic beside her with one finger, and signaled her to peel the garlic.

Nian Tong took it, and still peeled it slowly in the posture of hugging him, but said, "Uncle Gu, if you spoil me like this, you must keep spoiling me, otherwise, when you don't spoil me, how can I survive?" ?”

Gu Junyao didn't expect her to say such a sentence suddenly, and couldn't help but smile.

"If you are good, I will spoil you."

Nian Tongjiong, "You think I'm Xiaoxi." He actually had a coaxing tone for a child.

"Xiaoxi doesn't need me to coax her like this anymore."

"It means that I'm not even as good as Xiaoxi?" His wide eyes were tinged with disbelief.

Gu Junyao just smiled and said nothing.

After peeling the garlic sullenly, Nian Tong clapped his hands, and rubbed the garlic-smelling hand on the back of his hand as if to vent his anger, deliberately getting the smell on his hand.

Gu Junyao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, leaned over and kissed her on the mouth, and coaxed with a seductive voice, "Hey, go wash your hands and prepare the tableware for the two of you, we can start dinner soon."

"I have to kiss again." Niantong hooked his neck resolutely and rubbed against his mouth on tiptoe.

Gu Junyao looked at her with burning eyes, with a smirk on his lips, "Do you want me to tie a red ribbon for myself as a gift and give it to you as a feast?"

Nian Tong's ears felt hot when he heard it, but he raised his chin and said generously, "This suggestion is good, you can just take off your clothes and pose as you like during the day, and let me do whatever I want, okay?"

"You are really getting bolder." Gu Junyao sighed and kissed her lips.

"How can I catch you if I'm not bold?" Nian Tong tilted her head and looked like a female hooligan, and raised his chin slightly with her small hand pretending to be frivolous, "It's your luck that Miss Ben likes you, and there is no harm in following me, so , Follow me."

Before Gu Junyao could respond, there was a vibration in his pocket.

Nian Tong shrugged: "You answer the phone, I'll set the tableware."

Gu Junyao nodded, dried his hands and took out the phone.

After hanging up the phone for a while, he frowned.

It seemed that the guy had endured it for several months and couldn't bear to reveal himself after all.

He looked at the petite figure worriedly, his face became serious.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
The deadline of two days is coming soon.

Just when Gu Junyao thought that Mu Yu'an was going to give up this opportunity, he received a call from him asking him to meet.

He agreed and set the location at the fencing gym near the company.

Mu Yu'an arrived a little later than Gu Junyao, and Gu Junyao just came out of the dressing room when he arrived.

He was used to his usual neat suits, but now that he had put on a milky white fencing uniform, he looked even more heroic, and the oppressive feeling he released was even stronger.

There are few women in the world who can resist this kind of domineering man.

No wonder the younger sister fell in love with him like a demon.

"I want to know, what is the interest relationship between you and my father?"

Mu Yu'an straight-forwardly explained his intentions.

Gu Junyao didn't reply to him in time.Instead, he pointed to the dressing room and said, "Since you're here, go change your clothes and play with me."

The tone was obviously indifferent, but it revealed an undeniable determination.

Mu Yu'an couldn't help but moved towards that side, and stopped in frustration when he was halfway there, but when he turned around, he saw that Gu Junyao had put on his helmet and was playing with the sword in his hand.

Mu Yi'an only occasionally practiced fencing with friends a few times when he was in college, but he has never touched this fencing thing since he went to work, and now he has almost forgotten some basic hand gestures.

Compared with his clumsiness, Gu Junyao is obviously a master.

One advance, one retreat, one attack and one defense, every move makes him feel anxious, his heart hangs high, even though he concentrates on defense but not attack, he is still in an unreasonable embarrassment.

He was no match for this man at all.

Realizing this, something flickered in his mind suddenly, and the long sword in his hand was shot down again.

"If you and I are in the battlefield, and you are still so inattentive, then the end will be the same as now, you have died by my sword." Gu Junyao took off his helmet and looked at Mu Yu who was in a daze and said.

I don't know if he meant something, but Mu Yu'an's face turned pale.

"Why did you ask me that question just now?"

Gu Junyao ignored his abnormal expression, went to the side, took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it and drank a couple of sips, then took another bottle and walked over to Mu Yunan.

He took it and looked at Gu Junyao with dark eyes.

"I want to know what our Mu family offended you, why did you want to kill them all?"

"Kill them all?" Gu Junyao recalled the meaning of this idiom and shook his head, "What are you referring to?"

"Don't say you don't know why my mother suddenly went crazy."

What a smart man Gu Junyao is, he immediately understood what he meant.

"You think your mother's madness is my fault?"

"Isn't it?" Mu Yu'an looked at him with an angry tone, "I know you feel sorry for Tongtong and want to vent your anger on her, but you have many ways to deal with my mother, why do you want to drive her crazy?"

Gu Junyao's expression turned cold.

"I'll say it again, your mother's business has nothing to do with me."

Hearing this, Mu Ji'an was taken aback again.

He believes that if a man like Gu Junyao says he has nothing to do with him, then he must have nothing to do with him.

But my mother was fine before she went out that day, how could she be so different when she came back from the cemetery, and she would go crazy after sleeping and waking up?
"I thought you were looking for me today to talk about the thing I mentioned to you last time. It seems that I was wrong. If this is the case, then we don't have to waste time talking."

After Gu Junyao finished speaking, he wanted to go to the dressing room.

"Wait, I haven't finished asking." Mu Yuan stopped him, "What is the relationship between you and my father? Why do you put so much money into his account every year? He did it for you again." what?"

Gu Junyao hummed lightly.

"Why don't you ask your father? And why should I answer you?"

Mu Yu'an was suffocated by his rhetorical question, and he asked after a long time, "Does it mean that if I join you, I will know all of this?"

"If you follow me and just want to know these things about me, then I advise you to give up." Gu Yunyao remained expressionless, "What I need is someone who completely trusts me."

"You made my Mu family suffer so badly, yet you want me to trust you completely?" How could he do that!
"I harmed your Mu family?" Gu Junyao sneered, "If it wasn't for me five years ago, your Mu family would have broken up long ago."

Mu Yu'an was shocked: "What did you say? What do you mean?"

"Go back and ask your father and you will know."

"I know that you are my father's benefactor, and you should use his professional convenience to clear the way for you and do some shady things, right?"

Gu Junyao didn't respond, and strode straight past him to the locker room.

"I promise you."

When Gu Junyao came out, Mu Yu'an said suddenly.

"No regrets?"

Mu Yu'an nodded, "I don't regret it."

Gu Junyao looked at him, and said after a while, "You deal with the matter at hand first, and then I will tell you what you should do."

"it is good."

Maybe it was because he was surprised that he suddenly changed his mind, maybe it was because he was surprised that his attitude changed too much.Gu Junyao's scrutinizing eyes stayed on his face for more than ten seconds before moving away.

"Pleasant to work with."

He dropped a sentence lightly and walked out of the room.

Back at the company, Gu Junyao called Lian Nuan to explain some things, and then made a call as if remembering something.

"Hey, honey, you said we'd have lunch together, but I haven't waited for you all afternoon."

"Sorry, I was so busy at noon that I forgot." Gu Junyao rubbed his aching forehead, and then asked the angry person on the other end of the phone, "Have you eaten?"

"It's so late, of course I've eaten, but I'm not alone."

"Who was that with?"

"Sister Siyu." After speaking, there was a burst of giggling.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "What are you laughing at?"

"Well, do you know where I am now?"

"Siyu's family?"

"No, it's a hospital."

Gu Junyao was so shocked by the word "hospital" that he almost couldn't hold the phone.

"what happened to you?"

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be so nervous when you hear about the hospital. I just had lunch with Sister Siyu. When I ate fish, I suddenly felt nauseous and retched. So Sister Siyu sent me to the hospital. Came to the hospital. I am now...waiting for a result that makes me very nervous."

"What result?"

"Heh, tell you not to laugh at me. I think my symptoms are very similar to early pregnancy reactions of pregnant women."


"We have been together for so long and have not taken any protective measures. It would be normal if I was pregnant, so I just now..."

"You won't get pregnant.

Gu Junyao interrupted her suddenly.

Nian Tong on the other end of the phone was stunned, and after recovering, he wanted to ask him why he said that, but Gu Junyao had hung up the phone.


(End of this chapter)

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