Chapter 169

Lian Nuan walked into Gu Junyao's office, saw him frowning and staring at the phone lying in his hand, with a serious expression on his face, he couldn't help but wondered a little, but he was sensible and didn't mind his own business.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Wen from the Prosperous Age has arrived."

Gu Junyao nodded, and handed over the mobile phone in his hand, "Immediately replace it with the same mobile phone, this one is broken."


After Lian Nuan left, Gu Junyao picked up the landline on the table and called Nian Tong, wanting to explain the reason why the phone was disconnected just now, but no one answered even after dialing twice.

He put down the microphone with a gloomy expression, got up and walked out of the office.


Nian Tong looked at the pregnancy test stick in her hand, feeling lost.

The indescribable joy in my heart when I thought I was pregnant was replaced by a deep sense of loss.

It turned out that she was not pregnant.

"Tongtong, what's the result? Did you really win the lottery?"

Leng Siyu's voice sounded outside the door of the women's toilet in the hospital.

Niantong smiled wryly, threw the pregnancy test stick into the trash can beside her, opened the door of the women's toilet and went out.

"How not?"

Leng Siyu guessed from her disappointed expression.

"It's probably because my stomach is a little uncomfortable that those symptoms appear." Nian Tong lowered her eyes and smiled awkwardly. "Don't worry, Sister Siyu, I made you nervous with me."

"Silly girl, why are you being polite to me?" Leng Siyu took her hand, staring at her face and said, "Don't be disappointed. You are still so young, you should take some protective measures even if you are not pregnant, otherwise you will be pregnant at a young age. How troublesome is it to be followed by an oil bottle?"

Nian Tong knew that Leng Siyu was comforting herself.But does the expression on her face show disappointment?

"Let's go, since the stomach is uncomfortable, then go and prescribe some stomach medicine."

"Miss Siyu."


"Well... let me ask you a question," Nian Tong bit her lips, took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, "If a woman thinks she is pregnant, and then calls her husband to tell her husband, but her husband says she is not pregnant, what is it?" Condition?"

Leng Siyu slightly raised his beautiful Yuanshan eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The husband of the woman you mentioned is Yun Yao?"

"..." Do you want to be so straightforward?

"I heard you talking on the phone in the women's bathroom just now, it should be with Yunyao, right?"

Nian Tong nodded, sighed unconsciously, with a dazed expression on his face.

"I don't understand what he meant by saying that?" Why did he say in such a sure tone that she would not be pregnant?
"I also really want to know the answer." Leng Siyu shrugged, "Although I know a lot about Jun Yao's private affairs, I don't know everything about it. Besides, I usually get it from my brother."

"Then help me analyze it. Does what he said mean that he doesn't want me and his child?" Nian Tong expressed his worries.

"Probably not." It can be seen that the guy spoils this girl to the point of lawlessness, so how could it be that he doesn't like their children.

"Could it be that he took remedial action after, that...?"

Leng Siyu looked at her and smiled, "You should know this, right?"

Miss Tong 囧.

She was too anxious to ask such an idiot question.

But she was really not sure if Gu Junyao had taken remedial measures afterwards.



"What's impossible?"

Leng Siyu's sudden voice brought her wandering thoughts back to reality.


"What did you just say is impossible?"

"..." Did she say it unconsciously?

Subconsciously stroking her forehead, she pulled Leng Siyu to sit down on the bench in the corridor, and she analyzed the thoughts that flashed through her mind just now.

"I was thinking just now, is it because he is so absolute and certain in what he said, because he knows very well that his physical condition will not make me pregnant at all?"

"for example?"

"Like maybe he's had birth control?"

"Huh?" Leng Siyu laughed in astonishment, "Birth control surgery?"

"Isn't this possible? Didn't you say that Xiaoxi's mother had a dystocia when she gave birth to him, which caused hemorrhage and almost killed her?"

"It's a dystocia, but what does it have to do with Yun Yao's birth control surgery?" Leng Siyu didn't understand what Nian Tong was thinking.

"A man like Uncle Gu, although he is cold to others, he is extremely nervous to his own woman. So I guess he is afraid of getting Du Zixin pregnant again and facing the danger of dystocia, so he made such a decision."

Leng Siyu shook his head and smiled when he heard this, "Tongtong, I don't deny that you said that Junyao is cold to others, but he is so nervous to his own people, but do you know that your own woman is only you?" That's all."

"I heard from my brother that the reason why Yunyao and Du Zixin had Xiaoxi was completely accidental. It's not because Yunyao likes her and is willing to let her have a child for him."

"But this doesn't rule out the possibility that he may have had a birth control operation." Otherwise, he wouldn't be so sure.

"This, I want you to ask Yun Yao."

"It's so tangled~" Nian Tong hugged Leng Siyu's arm in distress, and rested his head on her shoulder.

"You call this entanglement?" Leng Siyu glanced at her, his eyes dimmed suddenly, and said quietly, "My feelings are entanglement. I can see it every day but can't have it. Do you know this feeling? I sometimes I really wish I could crash myself into a car and lose my memory. This way I can forget about him and get rid of the pain caused by that evil fate."

When Nian Tong listened to her talking softly about the pain in her heart, her heart also ached a little bit.

Everyone has experienced ups and downs in their relationship more or less, but it may be rare to see such entangled and painful love like them.

In the game of love, those who are greedy enter the game and lose in a mess.And the ruthless man controls the game, even if you are in pain and can't breathe, he can still live happily.

In the relationship between her and Gu Junyao, who is the one who enters the game and who is the one who controls the game has already been decided as early as the first time she saw him.

It's just that she doesn't regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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