Chapter 170

"Little Leaf?"

When Nian Tong and Leng Siyu were waiting for the elevator at the elevator entrance, they heard a familiar male voice behind them.

With such a special title, she knew who it was without looking back.

She turned around, and sure enough, she saw Lu Heng walking towards her.

And beside him was a girl who looked very thin even though she was wearing a down jacket.

Nian Tong looked over at the woman who was wearing a down jacket and hat, a pair of oversized sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and looked down at Lu Heng's footsteps as she walked forward, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

If she hadn't known that Du Kewei lived with Lu Heng, she would not have thought that the cowering woman in front of her was Du Kewei with eyes above her head.

"Xiaoye, why are you in the hospital?" Lu Heng walked up to her and stood still, his eyes that stayed on her face moved to Leng Siyu beside her, his dark eyes flashed.

"Miss Leng?"

"Huh? Do you know each other?" Nian Tong looked at Leng Siyu.

"I can't say we know each other." Lu Heng replied with a smile, "Miss Leng once cooperated with our crew. She is very talented in costume design. In the last costume drama, Miss Leng was responsible for the costumes of the hero and heroine. And the film broadcast After it was released, the most enthusiastic response was actually the beautiful and gorgeous costumes of the hero and heroine in the play. It is also a blessing for Ms. Tuoleng, and the film is very popular."

"Producer Lu has won the award. It's because you did a good job making the film a hit, and it has nothing to do with me." Leng Siyu tugged at the corners of his lips lukewarmly.

"Miss Leng is the one who is modest. If you hadn't been willing to reveal your real name to others, and you wouldn't cooperate any more, with your talent, you might be famous now."

"So sister Siyu is still engaged in clothing creation?" Hearing that Gu Yunyao said that she was forced to work in the company by her family, Nian Tong thought she was studying finance and economics.

"Let's play on a whim." Leng Siyu said a few perfunctory words casually, and when the elevator door opened, he nodded slightly at Lu Heng and pulled Nian Tong inside.

"Wait." Lu Heng stopped the two of them, went to press the pause button of the elevator, then looked at Nian Tong and said, "Xiaoye, what are you doing in the hospital? What's wrong?"

As if he suddenly thought of something, he just finished speaking and then said, "This is the obstetrics and gynecology department, you come..." His eyes swept over Nian Tong's flat belly under his slim nude coat, and the meaning in his words was self-evident.

Nian Tong followed his gaze and looked at her abdomen, shaking her head.

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his handsome face.

"I took her to the hospital for an examination, but I didn't expect to meet you... you guys."

"Producer Lu, Tongtong has an upset stomach, so it's inconvenient to continue talking." Leng Siyu looked at the thin figure hiding behind him, with disgust in his eyes.

Hearing this, the smile on Lu Heng's face froze. He looked at Nian Tong and said worriedly, "Why is your stomach uncomfortable? I remember you didn't have stomach problems before."

"Suddenly a little uncomfortable, not serious."

"Then you go, I'll call you again." After speaking, Lu Heng let go of his hand, and watched the petite figure with a slightly pale face disappear into the matching elevator door little by little.

The cuff was suddenly pulled.

Looking back, she looked at the pair of small hands holding her cuffs, and then moved her eyes to the small face of the owner of the small hands, whose face was covered by sunglasses,

It has been more than a month, and although the superficial scars have healed long ago, the lost memories have never been restored.

I am still afraid of meeting strangers, afraid to talk to people, and still have the same nightmare at night.

This is a bit of a headache.

He originally thought that when her condition stabilized, her personality would gradually return to the original Du Kewei.

And as long as she has the ability to take care of herself and is no longer afraid of touching strangers, he can hire her a housekeeper to take care of her, instead of him being her personal nanny. Many times, she can't even take care of her own affairs. up.

Just like just now, if Du Kewei wasn't with him, he and Xiaoye would be able to revisit the places the two of them had walked together in the past, looking for their common memories.

He believes that that happy time cannot be replaced by anyone or anything.

He sighed softly, a look of helplessness appeared between his brows.

"I didn't expect Du Kewei to become like this, and Lu Heng is still with her." Leng Siyu said as soon as the ladder door closed.

"Sister Siyu, do you know about them?" Nian Tong asked.

Leng Siyu nodded, "Du Kewei used to get in Lu Heng's car to go to his residence in the middle of the night. They all thought they were covering it up well, and no one knew about their adultery, but in fact, many people knew it well."

It turned out that Lu Heng and Du Kewei had been together.

Nian Tong remembered that Lu Heng had told her before that he and Du Kewei had never been together, and he thought that he meant that they did not live together, not that they had never had a relationship.

But whatever it was, it didn't matter to her anymore.

Now there is no one who can control her emotions, make her happy and worry her, except Gu Junyao.

******************************************split line****** *********************************
I feel so depressed.

Nian Tong, who was lying on the sofa, turned over and stretched again.

After separating from Leng Siyu at the entrance of the hospital, Leng Siyu went to the company, and she returned home.

Because she couldn't figure out the meaning of Gu Junyao's words on the phone, she kept tossing and turning on the sofa.

The body of the mobile phone held in the palm of his hand was already a little hot, but the phone number that stayed in Gu Junyao's column in the contacts was not dialed in the end.

Before the matter was clarified, she called with such a questioning tone, which would inevitably affect his mood at work.

She didn't want to make such a childish move to arouse his disgust.

Or maybe he has some difficulties, or maybe she just misheard that sentence?

In short, she couldn't continue to think about it.

With a certain idea, she put the phone on the coffee table, and at this moment, there was a sound of a car's siren outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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