Chapter 171

Gu Junyao got out of the car, holding a bunch of beautifully packaged flowers in his hand.

Open the door and enter the house. In the quiet room, only the sensor light at the entrance is on.

After changing his shoes, he went to the entrance of the living room and turned on the light. He cast his eyes straight on the sofa, caught a glimpse of the petite figure curled up, and unconsciously twitched the corners of his cool mouth.

Walking over to put the flowers on the coffee table, he bent down to carry her back to the room, but the two trembling thick long eyelashes made him raise his brows, retracted his outstretched arms, but his body still maintained a posture of looking down, The black eyes stared at that delicate face with scorching eyes.

Hearing the sound of him opening the door and coming in, and then standing in front of him, Nian Tong's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Because she didn't think of an opening line, she decided to pretend to be asleep first.

Unexpectedly, he stared at her without moving, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

The feeling of being stared at and pretending to be asleep is very tormenting, and she vowed not to avoid problems in this way again.

Deliberately turning over and waving her hands in the air for a while, she didn't open her eyes 'suddenly' until she met Gu Junyao's bent face as she wished.

"Are you awake?" Gu Junyao pretended not to notice that she was pretending to be asleep, and her tone was as gentle as usual.

Nian Tong still couldn't help feeling her face was hot, she looked away guiltily, nodded and sat upright.

"Didn't I tell you that if you feel sleepy, you can go back to your room to sleep. You can easily catch a cold like this." Gu Junyao said as he walked to the kitchen and poured her a cup of slightly scalding boiling water.

Nian Tong took it, but because he was entangled with the last sentence he said on the phone, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your elder brother came to see me at noon today."

Gu Junyao sat down beside her and said.

big brother?

Nian Tong was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Because of your two-day appointment?"

Gu Junyao nodded.

"Then he agreed or refused?"

Gu Junyao didn't answer first, but played with taste, "Guess?"

Nian Tong rolled her eyes and pouted her pink lips: "I hate guessing, it's not Mission Impossible."

Gu Junyao smiled, and the corners of his mouth slightly tilted into a smile.

"He agreed."

It is not surprising to hear this answer Nian Tong.

She didn't know why, anyway, she thought it was only natural for her elder brother to agree to work in Gu Junyao's company.

"Why don't you call him to congratulate him?" Gu Junyao asked her.

Nian Tong leaned over to look at the time displayed on the phone screen on the tea table, and shook his head.

"It's past eight o'clock. He should be at home." And he might be with her father in the living room. It would not be appropriate for her to call at this time.

Gu Junyao knew what she was worried about, so she didn't continue this topic.

"Dinner with Siyu?"

"Who said I've had dinner?" Nian Tong turned her head to stare at him, and couldn't help leaning over while staring, her forehead resting on his chest, and said in a sad tone, "I'll cook it for me when you come back."

"Okay, then you wait, I'll go back to my room and change my clothes first." He gently pushed her head against his chest.

Nian Tong didn't intend to leave his embrace.


"Uncle Gu... I have a lot to ask you, but I'm afraid you will get angry if I tell you. What should I do?"

Gu Junyao put his arms around her body and hugged her, and sighed helplessly, "Did I say that I was asked since I knew I would be angry, and you wouldn't ask?"

I am suffocated in reading Tongyu.

"I know you can't help it." Gu Junyao snorted, pointing to the bouquet of flowers on the tea table, "Didn't you see such a big bouquet of apologetic flowers?"

"Apologize?" Nian Tong stared at the delicate red rose on the coffee table, and said a little slowly, "Why do you apologize?"

"When you called me in the hospital, my mobile phone broke down and cut off the call. Do you think I hung up?"

It turned out that his mobile phone was malfunctioning.

This explanation made Nian Tong feel a little better.

"Then why don't you call me on another phone to explain it clearly?" Do you know that it is also troublesome for her to think wildly?

"I called, but the phone said no one answered. Then because I was busy with business and couldn't get away, I rushed back as soon as I was done." Gu Junyao explained patiently.

Nian Tong curled her lips and took her phone to check. Although she didn't see any missed calls on it, she believed that Gu Junyao was not lying.

She had encountered this kind of problem before, so she didn't doubt it.

"Then, you...why did you say I wouldn't be pregnant?" Finally got up the courage to ask, but didn't have the courage to look directly into those eyes, afraid of seeing something that would make him sad.

When Gu Junyao said this to her on the phone, she knew that she wanted to ask, so it's not surprising that she asked.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked back.

Nian Tong wanted to roll her eyes again, wondering if this guy was deliberately embarrassing her.

She closed her eyes, bravely raised her eyes to meet those bottomless and deep black eyes, and said clearly: "Uncle Gu, you know that I don't like talking around the bush, so just tell me, you're so sure about what you say, right?" Because of your body?"

Gu Junyao looked surprised, with a guessed expression on his face: "You know?"

His answer made Nian Tong almost jump up in shock, his expression changed suddenly.

"It's really because of your body, did you really have a birth control operation?!"

"Birth control... surgery?" Gu Junyao recalled the meaning of her words, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Tongtong, what is going on in your little head? Or are all medical students like you who are good at using the knowledge they have learned?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Nian Tong didn't understand what he meant.

"Of course it's wrong, and it's very wrong."

"Then tell me what the answer is." Nian Tong didn't want to embarrass herself by guessing again.

"Yes, but you promise me that if I tell you, you can't be angry."

His cautious tone made Nian Tong hesitate.

What exactly is he going to say, and why is he afraid that she will be angry when he says it?
(End of this chapter)

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