Chapter 172

He said he would tell her right away, but in the end, he had no intention of opening his mouth until he coaxed her to eat dinner, take a shower and lie down on the bed.

"Uncle Gu, are you playing with me?" As soon as Gu Junyao went to bed and lay down, Nian Tong immediately got up from the bed and sat on him in dissatisfaction, grabbing the collar of his pajamas with both hands, her beautiful eyes were round, and she looked annoyed. attitude.

Gu Junyao looked at the pretty person who was sitting on top of him and snorted, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"You come down first." He stretched out his arms to pull her down, grabbed her hands regardless of her protest, and took her into his arms.

Niantong hummed to express her dissatisfaction, but she was obediently hugged by him, with a warm smile in her eyes.

"Actually, the reason I'm so sure you won't get pregnant is because I'm on a male oral contraceptive."

"Men take oral contraceptives?!" Nian Tong exclaimed in astonishment.

Although she is a medical student, she is very unfamiliar with this kind of stuff.

I have only heard of oral contraceptives for women at ordinary times, but I don’t know that now that science is so advanced that even oral contraceptives for men are gone.

Seeing her surprised face, Gu Junyao explained: "The contraceptive effect of oral contraceptives for men can reach 100% effective. And after taking it, it will not cause too many adverse side effects to the user. Any man can use it safely."

Nian Tong clicked her tongue, "Then, when did you start taking it?" Why did she never find out about it after being with him for so long?
Gu Junyao pondered for a few seconds, and then said, "It's the first time I was eaten up by the kidnapping you directed and acted on yourself."

"So after that, every time we...well, you took this medicine beforehand?" So every time we had sex with him, he was planning contraception?

"No." Gu Junyao retorted. "I don't have supernatural powers, and I can't predict the occasional emergencies."

"Then why are you so sure that I'm not pregnant? Even if this contraceptive pill is 100% effective, if you don't take it once, it's still possible for the woman to become pregnant, right?"

"No. Men have to stop taking birth control pills for at least 16 weeks before they can restore fertility." And this is the biggest reason he chose to take male birth control pills.

16 weeks?
That is to say, if she wants to conceive, she will have to wait 4 months after he stops taking the drug.

She forgot that even though he didn't study medicine, his family had a large-scale pharmaceutical factory, so he was no stranger to medical matters, and he might even know more about certain aspects than she did.

Like the contraceptive pill.

"Then why didn't you tell me about this contraceptive measure?" Nian Tong suddenly lowered his voice, getting angrier the more he thought about it. "Even if you don't want me to get pregnant or have a baby, you can at least tell me that you're using contraception instead of making me act like a fool, every time I take stomach discomfort as a reaction to early pregnancy!"

"I don't have a child that I don't want you to have." Gu Junyao sighed softly, hugged the angry little thing in his arms, and continued to explain: "You are still a student, and you are just facing the stage of internship. If you are pregnant, you will be given You caused a lot of trouble, how could you have the time and energy to deal with pregnancy and internship at the same time?"

"Excuse." Nian Tong was still very angry.

Her hand was caught and she couldn't move, so she bit his collar to vent.

Gu Junyao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Tongtong, do you really want to get pregnant so much now and be trapped at home with a child at a young age?"

When asked by him, Nian Tong hesitated.

She doesn't really want to be pregnant right now.

As Leng Siyu said, she is still young, and she doesn't want to become a mother so early.

But his way of playing first and then playing made her very angry.He always thought that he didn't want her to get pregnant so he took contraceptive measures.

"If you are pregnant now, you will definitely not be able to take care of the internship. And even if you can take care of it, you must not be able to devote yourself wholeheartedly. This will pose a great threat to your future work in the hospital. I think you definitely don't want to do it yourself. A flustered quack?"

"You're a quack doctor!" She didn't even have an internship yet, so she underestimated her like this.

Gu Junyao was amused by her cute pouting face, and covered her smooth long hair with her big hand and stroked it.

"Tongtong, now is not the time to have a child. When the time is right, we will have another child, okay?"

With such a negotiating tone, Nian Tong couldn't even get angry, but he was still depressed.

"Uncle Gu, why are you so treacherous and cunning, I don't even know that you are secretly contraceptive behind my back, if you sell me in the future, I will count the money for you with a smile."


The corner of Gu Junyao's mouth trembled, but his eyes were softer.

"Don't worry, the last thing I need is money, so you don't have to worry about being sold by me."

Nian Tong bit her lip and stopped making a sound.


Nian Tong ignored him.

Gu Junyao sighed helplessly.

"If you really want children, at least wait until you finish your internship. Otherwise, unless you don't want to continue your studies."

A word to the point.It made Niantong unable to refute.

Well, she admitted that he was right, and she was simply being petty.

It's just that this Sicheng mansion is really too deep, and it feels very uncomfortable to be tricked by him all the time.

"Tongtong, you..."

"Sleep." Nian Tong interrupted him, closed his eye sockets and hypnotized himself to sleep in his arms.

"Aren't you angry anymore?"


Gu Junyao raised his thick eyebrows, and said unhurriedly: "The consequences of falling asleep with anger are very serious, either having nightmares and being chased by ghosts, or falling into the mud and unable to extricate yourself. Then the next day when you wake up with black eyes, it's enough comparable to American treasures."


"Fell asleep?"


"I thought you needed me to tell stories to fall asleep." Gu Junyao continued to talk to himself casually.

Nian Tong slowly opened his eyes, and said quietly: "Uncle Gu, are you trying to compensate me for making me happy?"

Gu Junyao did not deny it.

"It's okay if I don't get angry, but now you say that Tongtong is an invincible super beautiful girl in the universe."

Gu Junyao frowned: "This... is a bit difficult."

Nian Tong was furious, but saw him grabbing his chin and lifting it up, covering his warm lips: "Because, you are no longer a girl."


(End of this chapter)

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