Chapter 173

The unhappiness brought about by the contraceptive incident was quickly diluted by the atmosphere of the end of the year getting closer.

Although Gu Junyao is still busy, if he is free, he will definitely accompany Nian Tong.

Whether it's shopping at the mall or the night market, he always accompany him, and he never complained.

However, the good times always pass too fast. After spending a whole night with Gu Junyao on New Year's Eve, she realized that she was about to start her real internship career in a week.

"Which hospital do you want to intern? Or in which city's hospital?"

Gu Junyao asked her.

Speaking of which, she really didn't think about it carefully.

"Do you have a good suggestion?" Nian Tong asked him back, hoping that he could give him some advice.

"As far as the clinical general surgery you have learned, as long as it is a slightly higher-level hospital, you can do it. If you want to enter a hospital in city B for an internship, you can ask Yudong to take care of it. If you want to enter city A, you can do whatever you want. You can go to any hospital."

"Then do you want me to stay in City B or go back to City A?" Nian Tong looked at him expectantly.

Gu Junyao glanced at her, pondered for a while and said, "I respect your choice, as you like."

Not hearing the answer she wanted to hear, Nian Tong curled her lips in displeasure.

Seeing this, Gu Junyao lightly pinched her bulging cheeks, and explained, "Although I said that I would stay in City A most of the time, it is not necessarily true. Besides, you should go all out during your internship, so that you will not let you down Mother's entrustment to you."

"Hmph, don't you hope that I'd better stay in City B away from you?"

Gu Junyao was silent, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Well, why don't you stop being an intern, and don't be a doctor in the future, and just follow me to and from get off work or travel around every day, is that okay?"

What, it was clear that it was to provoke her!
Nian Tong rolled her eyes and snorted, "Then I will stay in City A and go to the Sixth Hospital."

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "Why did you choose the Sixth Hospital?"

"The general surgery of the Sixth Hospital is very famous. Those doctors are all returned from foreign countries, and their professional skills are very superb." And more importantly, she found out that some of the advanced surgical equipment in the Sixth Hospital were all made by Gu Jun Yao invested.

"Well, since you've decided, I'll help you arrange it."

"Wait." Nian Tong called to stop him, "I don't need your arrangements, nor do you need to ask the hospital leaders to give me special care."

She didn't want to spend her internship career nervously under the strange eyes of others.

Gu Junyao seemed to have guessed her concerns, nodded and said nothing.

This is how the internship is settled.

And a week passed quickly, and Nian Tong reported to the Sixth Hospital the next day after returning from school.

"Go to the company, I can go up by myself." Nian Tong got out of the car and said to Gu Junyao who sent her to the hospital.

Gu Junyao nodded slightly: "Okay, then call me if you have anything to do."


Because he was about to be late, Nian Tong had no time to say anything, so he hurried into the hospital building.

Gu Junyao watched her receding figure, smiled lightly, and drove away.

**********************************split line************** ***************************
"You are Mu Niantong?"

The gaze with the meaning of scrutiny scanned Nian Tong's whole body from top to bottom, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

"Yes, Dean Chen." Nian Tong looked at the man who was forty years away, and answered politely.But I wondered what his opening remarks meant?
The other party obviously didn't mean to explain, and said again: "There are many emergencies in the general surgery department, and there are also many critically ill patients, and the conditions are complicated and the flow is fast. The hospital has subdivided departments such as vascular surgery, liver surgery, biliary tract surgery, and anorectal surgery. In the surgery department, you can take turns practicing in each department first, and the first one goes to the vascular surgery department, is that okay?"

Huh?Why is the director so nice, and even asked her what she meant in a negotiating tone?
She heard from the senior sister who returned to school after the internship that the life during the internship was simply worse than death.Every day is treated as free labor by the hospital, plus the interns are not seen by patients, doctors and nurses, every day is very miserable.

But the current situation does not seem to be the case.

When she came to report to the hospital, it was not the director of the department who arranged her internship, but the dean of the hospital who was busy with daily affairs.

This must have flattered her too much.

"Don't want to be the first to go to the Department of Vascular Surgery?" Seeing that she didn't answer, President Chen thought she didn't want to go, so he said again, "Then which department do you want to go to first, you can decide."

"Uh, no, no. The vascular department is the vascular department." Nian Tong answered quickly this time, afraid that the other party would misunderstand what he meant.

"Well, then I will ask the director of the general surgery department to take you to the vascular surgery department to familiarize yourself with the environment and let him introduce your responsible physician to you."

"Okay. Thank you, Dean Chen."

Finally finished the conversation, Nian Tong let out a long sigh of relief.

Vascular surgery is a branch of general surgery.

The director is a tall and young man from the back, dressed in a white doctor's overalls, with his back to the door of the consulting room, talking to a girl in a nurse's uniform.Although I can't hear the content clearly, the sound is very nice.

"Director Geng, come here." Dean Chen called out to the man's back.

The man turned his head, with a thin smile on his face, and stared at Nian Tong, who was beside Dean Chen, with a dazed expression.

"Mu, Niantong?!"

"Professor Geng?!"

The two spoke in unison.

"You know each other?" Dean Chen asked in surprise.

Nian Tong nodded and said, "He is my surgery teacher." It's just that Geng Di submitted his resignation letter to the school the next day after the incident with Cen Huan, and then disappeared.

"Really? Then what a coincidence, Director Geng just came back from studying in the United States last week. Now that we know each other, I won't say more. Director Geng, please make arrangements for Xiaomu."

"Okay, Dean Chen." Geng Di looked at Nian Tong with a smile in his brown eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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