Chapter 178

Geng Di received Gu Junyao's gaze, and immediately shrugged his shoulders as innocent.

Gu Junyao snorted coldly, his black eyes stared at the frozen Nian Tong, his eyebrows slightly twisted, and just about to speak, a hand holding a mobile phone came out from behind, "Jun Yao, you forgot Get your phone."

The mature and beautiful female voice fell into Nian Tong's ears, but it was like a thorn piercing into her heart, making her uncomfortable.

Gu Junyao took it, but didn't speak.

The woman with one hand exposed felt strange, so she walked out, and the whole face was clearly displayed in Nian Tong's eyes.

What a beautiful woman.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, Nian Tong couldn't deny that the woman in front of him was indeed an excellent woman that a man would never forget at the first sight.

Elegant, noble and temperamental.

Even though she was only wearing a nightgown, it couldn't conceal the pampered superiority on her body.

Such a feminine woman is attracted even to her of the same sex. No wonder Gu Junyao sneaked here without telling her, picked her up and arranged to stay in a hotel to show her hospitality.

She sneered in her heart, forced the tears back into her eyes, quickly blinked her downcast eyes, and when she raised her eyes again, there was a charming smile on her face that was completely opposite to the anger and sadness just now.

"Hey, my dear, what a coincidence, are you here to have an affair too?" She greeted Gu Junyao with a light smile.

When Geng Di behind her heard what she said, he couldn't hold back his 'puchi' laugh.

However, the corners of Gu Junyao's eyes trembled, black lines appeared on his forehead, and even the corners of his mouth trembled like he was having cramps.

The beautiful woman beside him raised her pretty eyebrows, her arms were naturally crossed around her chest, most of her body was lazily leaning on the door frame, she looked at Nian Tong but asked Gu Junyao, "Is she your little thing? "

Gu Junyao didn't return her, and walked over directly, and forcefully pulled Nian Tong, who was held by Geng Di's shoulders, with such a domineering action that Geng Di clicked his tongue.

But Nian Tong hadn't recovered from the woman's words, he was suddenly pulled so hard, and his body was slammed into his arms, his nose was hurt, and his eyes were red all of a sudden.Can't help being angry and annoyed, struggling to break free from Gu Junyao's embrace.

"Mu Niantong, what are you doing?" Gu Junyao shouted in a low voice, wrapping his arms around the man who was scurrying around like a kitten whose hair had been blown out, his handsome face was deep.

"What are you asking me for?" Nian Tong raised his eyes and glared, a mist filled his eye sockets, and there were little ripples, which made people feel pitiful.

"You told me that you were busy and would return later at night, but what happened? You brought other women to the hotel to open a room! You are the one who wants to tell me what you are doing?" She yelled back not to be outdone.

This girl is simply the opposite!

"Are you following me?" Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental to open the room opposite him?

"Don't change the subject!"

"You want to know? Okay, first tell me what you were doing when you walked out of the same room with this man?" Gu Junyao gave her a rare cold look, with a cold light in his black eyes.

Nian Tong was stunned, and stared blankly at Geng Di who spread his arms outstretched towards her in a helpless manner. He couldn't turn his head around for a while, and didn't know how to explain it.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a woman in a nightgown, and the strong jealousy in his heart burst out uncontrollably.

"If you want to listen to my explanation, you have to come first, first served. I asked you first, so you answer my question first."

Talking about this kind of thing has to come first?
Gu Junyao was so angry that she couldn't understand the situation.

"Since you want to know who I am so much, it's better for me to tell you myself."

Nian Tong stopped struggling, and looked suspiciously at the woman who was so calm and calm, wondering why she didn't feel guilty and ashamed of being 'caught'.

While thinking about it, I heard the woman introduce herself word by word, "I, Gu, Man, Qing."

Nian Tong blinked, " also Gu?"

Gu Manqing slightly raised his eyebrows, "I have the same father as Jun Yao, so of course we have the same surname."

Nian Tong was shocked, he opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time.

**************************************split line********** *******************************
The night outside the window is as cold as water, but the temperature inside is rising steadily.

Nian Tong carefully rubbed her wet palms, not daring to look at the obviously unhappy face opposite.

It turned out that everything was a misunderstanding.

The woman Gu Junyao picked her up from the airport and arranged for her to stay in the hotel turned out to be his own sister!
This is something she never thought of.

After all, Gu Junyao said that his sister was ten years older than him.That means his sister is a middle-aged woman in her 40s.

But that charming and smooth face and that curvaceous figure are not reminiscent of her real age, and no matter how you look at it, she is around thirty.

"You don't have anything to explain?" Seeing that she kept silent, Gu Junyao took the initiative to ask her.

Nian Tong made a self-criticism with a bitter face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand the situation and thought about it like that. I sincerely apologize to you."

"I don't need your apology, first tell me what happened between you and that Geng Di?" Gu Junyao asked her coldly.

"Eh? You still remember his name is Geng Di." Nian Tong raised his eyes in surprise.

"I don't have amnesia, how can I not remember?" Besides, Geng Di was also involved in the kidnapping of Na Zong, and that voice was so unforgettable that he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

"He and I... are innocent. He is the director of the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Sixth Hospital, and the Department of Vascular Surgery was my first internship."

"But you didn't tell me on the phone today." Gu Junyao leaned over slightly, with a cold light in his black eyes.

"Are you deliberately trying to hide things from him?"

I am suffocated in reading Tongyu.

She deliberately wanted to hide it, but the reason for hiding it was that he would object to her staying in the Sixth Hospital after knowing Geng Di's existence.

"You seem to have a good impression of him? So good that you want to invite him to dinner and go to the hotel with him to open a room?"

There was a smell of gunpowder from the lunar calendar in the air, and it seemed that there was something mixed in, but Nian Tong couldn't remember it for a while, his mind was full of what Gu Junyao said just now.

"I said that Director Geng and I are innocent. The treat is because I owe him a favor, and the so-called opening of the room is because... the front desk lady of the hotel refused to disclose your room opening information, so the room was opened. across from you."

"And then plan to catch her in bed?" Gu Junyao asked her back, with a sneer on his lips.

Nian Tong looked at him, feeling very uncomfortable because of his indifference.

"Who would have thought that she was your sister? She looks so young, and you didn't even tell me. It's reasonable for me to misunderstand you."

"That's a good phrase 'within reason', since you think you are right, then we have nothing to talk about!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Junyao stood up.

"Uncle Gu!" Nian Tong stood up nervously, a trace of panic flashed across her face.

"I know I'm wrong, I'm sorry. Don't be angry."

Gu Junyao turned around and walked towards the bedroom as if he had never heard of it.

Seeing this, Nian Tong hurriedly followed.

"Uncle Gu!" Followed him into the bedroom, stepped forward and hugged him from behind without thinking, and apologized, "I'll go to the hotel tomorrow to apologize to my sister, and ask her to forgive me, don't give birth to me gas."

Gu Junyao frowned and stared at the arms that tightly wrapped around her waist, the veins on her forehead burst open.

In fact, he didn't know what he was angry with, and why he was so angry.

When he saw Geng Di behind this girl, their bodies were so close to each other, and Geng Di's hand was even put on her shoulder intimately, he felt a very uncomfortable emotion suddenly surged in his heart. He wanted to step forward and push away the obstructive hand on her shoulder.

——Hey, honey, what a coincidence, are you here to have an affair too?
With such frivolous words, admitting that you are having an affair with a man as soon as you open your mouth, you really can't make him not get angry.

He took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, tried to suppress the anger in his heart, and patted her hand with a little force, "Let go, I'm going to take a shower."

"Forgive me first. Otherwise, I won't let you go." Nian Tong took the opportunity to play tricks, sticking to him like a boneless soft girl.

"Do you care if I forgive you?"

"Of course, you are the one I love, and I don't care who you care about?"

"Then how much do you trust me?"

This question once again left Nian Tong speechless, too guilty to dare to speak.

"The basis of all relationships is to build trust in each other. Why can't you learn this?"

"No,...I...I trust you..." She was struggling at the time, hypnotizing herself to trust him. "But the situation at that time was really easy to misunderstand. My sister is so excellent, and I don't know her identity. I'm really afraid that you are in love with her."


"I think I was wrong enough to confess to you. So, can you also confess to me next time, and don't cover things up so tightly that I don't know? If I knew that my sister was going to fly back, there would be no Those unnecessary misunderstandings."

"She came back to attend the wedding of a good friend she hadn't seen for more than ten years, not because of you and me. And I'm not hiding it at all, let alone lying to you. Because I did say that I have something to go back later , did not lie to you."

"But aren't we a family? Why can't you just tell my sister about flying back?" She didn't understand.

"You really want to know?" Gu Junyao pushed her hand away, turned to face her, his black eyes were bottomless.

Nian Tong looked at his gloomy face and nodded slightly.

"Because she wants me to tell you after attending her friend's wedding, and then have a good talk with you."

So, she disrupted Gu Manqing's plan?
"Then what should I do?" She was full of worry, "After being made such a fuss by me, does my sister hate me even more?"

The Gu family was originally dissatisfied with her, but now that she has become like this, her image has been completely ruined by herself. I also know that Gu Manqing will definitely not have a good impression of her.

Gu Junyao just looked at her without saying a word.

Her remorse and fear were fully displayed on that delicate little face.

Even if he was angry with her, he believed what she said, and believed that she and that man were innocent.

It's just that if you believe it, you believe it. It's another thing to see your wife having sex with a man.He thought few men could endure such a thing without being indifferent, unless he didn't love his wife at all and didn't care about her.

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, he was startled.


he to her...

His eyes swept across the little face that was about to cry in shock, and his heart beat inexplicably violently.

It is no longer possible to deny that the delicate face in front of him has seriously confused his heart, causing him to lose control repeatedly.

—but not in love with you.

He remembered the promise he had made, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but tilted in self-mocking.

If I didn't think about it carefully, I still didn't realize that I was obviously covering up something when I said this so deliberately.

If you really don't know how to love, why bother reminding you deliberately.

In fact, it is because I am afraid of falling in love, or the switch of love has been touched, but I don’t want to face it, so I subconsciously said this sentence.

And saying this, rather than reminding her, he was warning himself—don't fall in love with her.

He raised his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, with a thoughtful expression.

"Uncle Gu?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Nian Tong couldn't help hugging him, grabbed his wristband around her waist, and looked up at him to play pitifully, "Uncle Gu, stand in front of my sister for me." Say good things and don't make her hate me more, okay?"

She put her face on his chest and begged him softly.

After a long time, a helpless sigh fell from the top of his head.

"Things happened because of you, and you caused the disaster. You should face it yourself. Maybe she will come to you tomorrow. You'd better be mentally prepared in advance."

"You don't care about me anymore?" Nian Tong said sadly, his watery eyes were pitiful.

Gu Junyao had nothing to do, but he couldn't help but tapped her forehead a little harder as a warning, "If something like this happens next time, don't ask me to forgive you again."

Nian Tong gasped in pain, stared at him sadly for a while, but couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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