Chapter 179

When the lingering little thing in his arms fell asleep, Gu Junyao gently moved her body, got out of bed, went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, and brought it to the study to prepare for work.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and the night was quiet.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the table suddenly vibrated.

He groped for it accurately without raising his eyes, his black eyes lightly glanced at the flashing number on the screen, and he connected the phone.

"What's the matter, Yu Qian?"

"Boss, I have checked the entry and exit records of all provinces and cities, and now I am sure that he is in city A, but the people who have been following him say that he suddenly disappeared, and there is no way to contact him. It seems that this person disappeared out of thin air. "

"Evaporation? Same as a few years ago?"


Gu Junyao pondered for a while, and then said, "Look for Lian Rong, and ask him if it's possible that in this situation, it's because the person has changed his face so that he can't be found."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Junyao fell into deep thought.

If that person is really easy to see, then naturally he cannot be found.

And he believes that no matter whether the man is disguised or not, he will try his best to get close to him, so he should be able to lock the target as long as he makes Yue Qing pay attention to the strange men around him.

And that man has always been pretentious and arrogant, if he changed his appearance, his appearance would definitely not be ordinary.

Inexplicably, a handsome face with profound features flashed in his mind.

He frowned and dialed Lian Nianye's number.

After the call was connected, he immediately said: "Nian Ye, get me a copy of Geng Di's detailed information, including his living conditions from birth to the present and the records of his close friends."

"Geng Di?" Nian Ye turned his head and immediately remembered who the next person was.

"Didn't someone check it out at that time? He was indeed of Chinese-English mixed race. He lived in a single-parent family since he was a child. There was only a mother and no father. And his mother died in a car accident a few years ago."

"I want more details."

"Okay, I will try my best to collect the most detailed information and send it to you as soon as possible."


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During the holidays, she was used to sleeping until she woke up naturally. If Gu Junyao hadn't forced her to breathe with a deep kiss, Nian Tong would still be trapped in the warm bed and not want to wake up.

"What should I do if I'm still sleepy?" She hooked Gu Junyao's neck pitifully and coquettishly.

"You can continue to sleep. If you want to be accepted on the first day of formal internship." Gu Junyao said.


With a 'buzz' in Nian Tong's mind, he immediately let go and pushed him away and jumped up from the bed.

"I can't sleep anymore. My teacher is Director Geng. If I am late on the first day, I will be punished badly by him."

She ran to the closet in a hurry to find out the clothes she was wearing when she went out today, and hurried to the bathroom to wash up. She didn't notice that Gu Junyao frowned when she heard her mention Geng Di.

"Geng Di is your teacher?" He stood at the door of the bathroom and asked casually.

Nian Tong, who was brushing his teeth, was a little strange, and spoke vaguely and intermittently: "I...didn' last night?"

"You didn't say that." Gu Junyao frowned and added, "You only told me last night that he is the director of vascular surgery, but you didn't say that you will spend more time with him day and night than me in the future."

After saying this, there was no movement in the bathroom for a while.

Confused, he gently pushed the door open and looked inside, only to see the little thing with a mouthful of ointment foam staring at himself in the mirror in a daze.

"What are you doing?" He tapped the back of her head, "You're going to be late soon."

One sentence brought Nian Tong back to his senses, quickly poured water into his mouth and spit out the foam, then turned around to face Gu Junyao, his beautiful eyes were as bright as stars.

"Uncle Gu, are you... jealous?"

Gu Junyao was rarely speechless, and stared at her deeply without saying a word.

"Your tone of voice just now was obviously a joke. I will spend more time with Geng Di than you in the future." This discovery made her ecstatic. "Uncle Gu, do you really mind if I'm with other men?"

"You are my wife, which man would not mind his wife being with other men?"

"Really?" Nian Tong smiled slyly.

Gu Junyao frowned, held her shoulders and made her turn her back to him, "Hurry up and wash your face and change clothes, I don't have time to make breakfast, I'll eat something outside later."

"Uncle Gu, you seem to be blushing." Nian Tong stared at the handsome face in the mirror that rarely showed an uncomfortable expression and smiled.

Gu Junyao's face froze, looking at the man who was smiling inexplicably, he was angry and funny.

He walked out of the bathroom without saying anything.

After going out, Gu Junyao took her to the breakfast shop on the way to have some breakfast, and she urged her in every possible way to get into the car and took her directly to the sixth hospital.

"He and I are just a teacher-student relationship. It was in the past, it is in the present, and it will be in the future. So, you can rest assured that I only have you as a man in my heart, your wife, and no one can replace you."

The small space in the car is filled with a brisk voice tinged with a smile.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, he glanced at the passenger seat, and then retracted.

"Didn't he teach at H University before? Why did he come to work in the hospital again?"

"I also asked him this question yesterday. He said that before he went to teach at H University, he had been working in a surgical hospital abroad. Later, he was tired of holding a scalpel every day and chose to return to China to teach. But in the end he found that only the hospital is more suitable for him. , That's why I came back to work in the hospital."

Hearing this, Gu Junyao frowned, "Do you believe such a messy excuse?"

"Why don't you believe me?" Nian Tong was puzzled, "He has no reason to lie to me."

"You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. You can never go wrong if you are careful."

"Well, you always have to listen to my husband's teachings." Nian Tong blinked mischievously, and answered him as he wanted.

Gu Junyao smiled helplessly, and hurried to the sixth hospital.


(End of this chapter)

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