Chapter 181

At noon, the staff canteen.

"Director Geng yelled 'get out' in the morning, not to mention the family members of the patient, even I was shocked." Liang Binghou, who was opposite Niantong, patted his chest in fear and said, "He is really bold. This hospital Adhering to the principle that the patient is God, even the dean has to be polite to the patient, but he offended everyone in the department as soon as he came, this is not enough, he will start to offend the patient again."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, is it? Director Geng just hates when others hear the sudden ringing of the phone when he is in class."

"Students are students, patients are another matter. In short, he has a bad temper." Liang Bing did not agree with Geng Di's approach.

Nian Tong smiled, "Doctor Liang, if you say this, you are not afraid that Director Geng will punish you when he hears it? Let me remind you in advance that Director Geng's punishment is extreme, so don't let him do it."

"No wonder I've been sneezing all the time. It turns out that you, the girl, are talking bad things about me behind my back." A voice came from above Leng Buding's head.

Nian Tong froze, twitching the corners of her eyes and exchanging a "really unlucky" look with Liang Bing opposite, and got up one after another.

"Director Geng."

"Sit down, I didn't punish you to stand." Geng Di dragged a tray with food in his hand and sat down beside Nian Tong.

Because of Geng Di's joining in the seat that could only accommodate two people, Nian Tong was almost stuck against the wall.

"Director Geng, I'm done eating, you can sit here." Liang Bing kindly surrounded Nian Tong.

Geng Di smiled faintly, ignoring all kinds of gazes around him, said nothing, and began to eat elegantly.

Liang Bing looked at Nian Tong, gave her a helpless look, and said, "Then you talk, I have to leave first."

Nian Tong was so stared at by those eyes that her whole body seemed to be smoking. As soon as Liang Bing left, she immediately said, "Director Geng, I feel very uncomfortable when you are like this. I haven't finished eating yet. Can you sit across from me and eat?"

Geng Di glanced at the food she ordered, and didn't move his body at all. Instead, he said, "The food I ordered is better than yours. Do you want to try it? I'll feed you."

feed her?In public? !

When Nian Tong heard this, his hair stood on end, and he said with a terrified expression, "Director Geng, please forgive me. I just said that, so it's not a bad thing, right?" Do you want to punish her like this?

"What's wrong with me? Why are you begging for mercy?" Geng Di pretended to be innocent, and put his handsome face close to him, Nian Tong was so frightened that he held his breath.

"Director Geng..."

"Call me by name or Vincent, and I'll sit there." Geng Di interrupted her.

"..." Why is this guy crazy?

"You have three seconds to think, three, two..."


Geng Di smiled brightly, his brown eyes burst into brilliance.

"So nice."

Nian Tong resisted the urge to roll her eyes, gnashed her teeth and said, "Then should you sit down?"

"of course."

After finishing speaking, Geng Di really got up and sat across from him.

Niantong breathed a sigh of relief after regaining his breath.

At this moment, the phone vibrated in his pocket.

She glanced at Geng Di, who was concentrating on eating, and got up and said, "Director Geng, take your time, I'll leave first when I have a call."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Geng Di's answer, he took out his phone and walked towards the restaurant door.

The number of the call was very unfamiliar, Nian Tong hesitated to answer it, when footsteps sounded behind her, she subconsciously turned around, saw it was Geng Di, and immediately connected the phone.

"I'm Gu Manqing."

A few short words stopped Nian Tong's forward steps, holding the phone nervously and said awkwardly, "Oh, you, hello."

"You seem to be nervous about receiving my call?" Gu Manqing's tone gave Nian Tong a very familiar feeling.Just like the calmness and composure I saw on that face that was still in full bloom last night, it should be the genes of the Gu family alone, right?

"Don't worry, I didn't call you to pursue what happened last night." Gu Manqing said again.

Hearing this, Nian Tong felt relieved.

"It's a friend's wedding tonight. I haven't been back for many years. I'm a stranger here. Can you be my companion?"


"No time to?"

"Ah, yes, yes, then what time should I pass by your side?"

"Come here as soon as you get off work, I still have something to talk to you about."


"That's it, I'm hanging up the phone."

After hanging up the phone, Niantong recalled the tone of Gu Manqing's speech just now, and judged that she should not be the kind of difficult person to get along with.Maybe things didn't develop as badly after the meeting as she had imagined.

Thinking that since she was going to accompany Gu's sister to her friend's wedding tonight, she couldn't have dinner with Gu Junyao.

She was about to call Gu Junyao when a tall shadow shrouded her.

"You left your notes on the table and forgot to take them." Under the sun, Geng Di narrowed his eyes and handed a black leather notebook in front of her.

Nian Tong lowered her eyes and saw that it was indeed her notebook.There were some records of various illnesses in it. She asked Liang Bing about something she didn't understand during lunch, but she forgot to take it when she was in a hurry.

"Thank you." She took it.

Geng Di twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and this time he passed her and left very simply.

As soon as he left, Nian Tong immediately called Gu Junyao, explaining that Gu Manqing wanted to invite her to her friend's wedding.

"Uncle Gu, do you think she is angry with me?"

"Didn't you say she won't pursue what happened last night? So it shouldn't be."

"But I'm still a little worried."

The other end pondered for a while before saying, "She is very nice, don't worry she won't make things difficult for you."

"I'm not afraid that she will embarrass me." Nian Tong sighed, "It's about the incident last night, I feel so ashamed~"

Gu Junyao seemed to chuckle, "I agree with that."

Nian Tong said, "Uncle Gu, I feel very sorry for you."

"If you know you are sad, think about it before you do something next time."


"Call me when you go home after the wedding, and I'll pick you up."


(End of this chapter)

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