Chapter 182

Standing apprehensively at the door of Room 520 of the Sands Hotel, touching the door panel with his hand, his five fingers slightly curled up, but he took several deep breaths without the courage to knock on it.

Although Gu Junyao said that his sister was a nice person, she still couldn't help feeling nervous.

After all, we met alone, without Gu Junyao by my side, I always felt like I had lost my backing, and I didn't know what to do.

Seeing the time passing by, there was really no time to delay, so she broke down and knocked on the door.

The door opened quickly, revealing a dignified and elegant face.

"I thought you were afraid to come."

Gu Manqing looked at the girl with a nervous expression at the door with a half-smile, and opened the door further.

"Let's talk first."

Nian Tong nodded, followed behind Gu Manqing with an embarrassed expression, closed the door and walked in.

"What do you want to drink? Plain water or a drink?"

Gu Manqing asked her.

Nian Tong quickly waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, Sister Manqing, I'll just do it myself."

"Just drink plain water, a girl who drinks too much is not good for her health." Gu Manqing said to herself, and then poured her a glass of warm water.

"Thank you." Nian Tong took it and held it in his palm.

"Sit, how can we talk while standing?" Gu Manqing pointed to the off-white imported Italian sofa next to the floor-to-ceiling window, and simply came over and grabbed her arm, went to the sofa and pressed her shoulders to let her sit down.

"What did you call me just now?" Nian Tong hadn't recovered from her aggressive behavior, she was taken aback by her question, and then said, "I... called you Sister Manqing." Could it be that the name was wrong? ?

Gu Manqing raised her eyebrows and said, "You call Jun Yao uncle at 31 years old, but I am [-] years old, I thought you would call me auntie."

Nian Tong shook her hand, almost unable to hold the water glass.

Oops!Is sister Gu's family joking with her?
She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, not knowing how to respond.

"Honestly speaking, I'm very curious about what attracted Yun Yao to you." Gu Manqing glanced at Nian Tong, with a sense of scrutiny, making Nian Tong feel like she was sitting on a needle mat, as if she was a piece of clothing that was being offered for sale. estimated commodity.

Unexpectedly, Gu Manqing smiled.

"Xiaoxi said you are very interesting, I am curious what he meant by "interesting?"

What does she mean by that?
Nian Tong is confused.

After a long time, after her ups and downs stabilized, she said, "Sister Manqing, do you hate me?"

Gu Manqing raised her eyebrows and asked her back, "Why do I hate you?"

"Because I'm not the best wife for Uncle Gu in your mind."

"Xiaoxi told you?" Gu Manqing smiled again, and continued: "Then if I say I hate you, will you leave Junyao?"

Nian Tong shook his head and said, "Why?"

"Since you don't, why do you care if others hate you?"

Gu Manqing's words made Nian Tong speechless.

What is she talking about?

Because she is Gu Junyao's older sister and a family member of the man she loves, so she cares about her opinion of herself. She is afraid that Gu Junyao will be in an embarrassing situation because of herself. What's wrong with that?
As if guessing what she was thinking, Gu Manqing said again, "No matter how close my relationship with Yunyao is, to him now, you are the one who will live with him for the rest of his life, so what you have to care about is whether Yunyao Hate you. The rest, you worry too much."

Nian Tong could barely understand what she said.

"But to make you feel at ease, I can tell you that I don't hate you."

Nian Tong looked over in surprise, and looked closely at Gu Manqing, who was in her forties, and found that the years had really treated her kindly, without leaving any marks on her face.

"Actually, my parents don't hate you, they just want Jun Yao to marry another woman for some reason, one of which is because you are too young."

"Huh?" Can this be accused?

"Everyone has his weaknesses. No matter how strong Yun Yao is, as long as he is a human being, he will feel tired and lonely. And there will be weaknesses in his heart, and there will be times when he needs help. So we hope his future A wife can let him lean on when he is tired, accompany him quietly when he is lonely, and give him strength when he is weak. Only mature women can do this.”

Nian Tong frowned: "I can do it too."

Gu Manqing smiled, "Then tell me, when you are with Yunyao, does he take care of you more or you take care of him more?"

One sentence made Nian Tong speechless.

And it was at this moment that she realized that since she met Gu Junyao, he had always been taking care of her.No matter in life or other aspects, he has done better than her in everything.

Therefore, Gu Junyao became synonymous with external energy in her mind.

But he forgot that no matter how powerful he is, he is still a flesh and blood person who needs to be comforted and cared for.

And her?What did she do for him other than say she loved him?
It seems that she is young after all, and she can't even comprehend this point, and needs someone to remind her.

"I'm not saying this to accuse you of not being able to take care of Junyao, but just to let you understand that if you can't do something for the person you love, then be smart and try to keep yourself away from those dangers, so as not to make him worry and let him Annoying, this can be regarded as helping him."

Hearing what she said, Nian Tong finally understood that the elder sister of the Gu family still blamed her for not being able to take care of Gu Junyao.

But she couldn't refute it, and instead felt ashamed.

Indeed, if she can't take good care of the one she loves, but instead annoys him and makes him worry because of her own problems, then she is really remiss as a wife.

"Okay, let's stop here. The wedding has already begun. If we don't go there, it will probably be over."

Gu Manqing said and got up.

Nian Tong nodded, with a thoughtful expression.

Gu Manqing smiled lightly, "Tongtong, can I call you that?"

Nian Tong was taken aback, then nodded.

"Then wait for me for a while, I'll change clothes." He said and walked to the closet.

(End of this chapter)

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