Chapter 183

Nian Tong has never massaged anyone before.

I used to take massage and massage of Chinese medicine in school, but I never went to a class.

"Will it be uncomfortable?" She asked worriedly while pressing.

"No." Gu Junyao turned over as he spoke, grabbed her hand and said, "It's all right. Are your hands sore?"

Nian Tong shook his head.

"Don't do this kind of thing on purpose in the future." Gu Junyao gently pulled her wrist, seeing her into his arms.

"But I want to do something for you." Nian Tong nestled against his chest and sighed contentedly.

"Uncle Gu, I really want to know something, but I know that even if I ask you, you will say that you can't answer me. This makes me very distressed."

"for example?"

"For example, why are you more powerful than the mayor or even a high-ranking city official? Could it be that your family has relatives who are working in the central government? I became aware of some things with hindsight. In city B, the fathers of the group of high-ranking children led by Xu Shao who had almost humiliated Huanhuan would find me and Huanhuan to apologize the next day, in fact, it was also because of you relationship?"

Gu Junyao didn't expect that after so long, she would suddenly remember it.

"Do you think that I, a businessman, can have so much power to make all the city officials obey me?"

"So I'm curious about what you do?" Nian Tong said while lying on his chest, his bright eyes shining like jewels in the dark night.

"Uncle Gu, I really want to know everything about you, I really want to be completely involved in your life, no matter what happens, I can be by your side, support you, encourage you to take care of you, let you know that you are not alone, You and me, I am your eternal supporter and admirer, your eternal lover."

Gu Junyao looked at Nian Tong who was lying on her body with an extremely serious expression, recalling what she said just now, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Tongtong, which idol drama did you borrow the lines from? It's really touching."

Nian Tong was taken aback, looking at his smiling face, feeling a little disappointed.

"Uncle Gu, I'm serious. But you think I'm joking with you." Her words just now came from the bottom of her heart, how could they sound like lines?

Gu Junyao looked at Nian Tong whose expression darkened instantly, and sighed softly.

This girl is emotionally stubborn, and my sister really shouldn't say anything to her to make her blame herself.

No matter what he did for her, it was because he was willing, he was willing, and he hoped that he could protect her and watch her smile happily and sweetly every day.

"Silly girl, go to sleep." He rubbed her soft hair, coaxing her in a low voice.

Sure enough, he still didn't want to share all his thoughts with her.

Nian Tong was a little disappointed and rolled over to sleep beside him.

"Good night." Gu Junyao pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Good night." She replied to him, and then quickly closed her eyes to prevent the floating water from overflowing from the hot and sour eye sockets.

She really wanted to fully enter his real inner world, get to know the Gu Junyao she had never seen before, and accompany him in pain and joy.

But he kept refusing.

She knew that he was doing this for her own good, but he didn't know that it might not be good for her.

*********************************************split line*** *************************************
Because Gu Manqing's flight back to Italy from city A conflicted with her working hours, Nian Tong couldn't go to the airport to see her off.

"Never mind what I said to you last night, in fact I personally like your frankness and innocence."

Nian Tong looked at the text message he just received and couldn't help but smile.

"What's so happy?" Geng Di's voice dropped to her ears, and she instinctively froze her smile, hiding her phone behind her hand.

"What are you doing? Afraid I'll snatch it?" Geng Di couldn't help but laugh at her actions.

Nian Tong shook his head, put the phone back in his pocket, raised his eyes and said, "Director Geng, you always appear without a sound, I really want to be scared by you to have a heart attack."

"It's not that I was silent, it's that you were too focused on your own affairs and didn't notice it." Geng Di said the crux of the problem in one word.

Nian Tong pouted, but did not continue.

"I really envy your relationship is so good." Geng Di suddenly said.

Nian Tong looked at him cautiously, with a defensive expression.

Geng Di really laughed out loud this time.

"I said I envy your good relationship and you are not happy?"

"No, Director Geng, I'm just wondering why you keep asking about my personal affairs with him?" He is her tutor, so shouldn't the topics they talk about be related to some medical conditions?

"You used to be my student, and now you are my apprentice. I care about your private affairs because I care about you. What's wrong with that?"

He asked her back, and the reason was high-sounding.

Nian Tong smiled bitterly, wondering if he had offended Geng Di before, otherwise why would he feel that he seemed to be messing with him?

"There will be a minor surgery later. Originally, I don't need to do this kind of surgery myself, but for you, I make an exception. You go to the operating room to familiarize yourself with the operation, lest I have to explain it all later."

Nian Tong nodded, turned around and left in a hurry.

Geng Di looked at her thin figure, a coldness flashed across his eyes, and the corners of his mouth that were originally smiling were straightened.

After work, Niantong didn't ask Gu Junyao to pick her up, but took a taxi at the entrance of the hospital and went straight to Gu Junyao's company.

Arriving at the destination and entering the lobby, I wanted to let the front desk inform me, but my shoulders suddenly sank.

She turned around, only to find that the person standing behind her was the person she was looking for.

"I just came back from outside and saw you getting off the taxi." Gu Junyao took her hand in front of the front desk lady, and asked after a while, "Why don't you let me pick you up?"

"I feel sorry for you who are so tired at work, but you have to pick me up every day. It's too hard, so I decided to buy a car by myself, so I don't have to worry about picking me up in the future."

"Can you drive?" Gu Junyao led her into the elevator.asked in surprise.

"Of course. I'm not useless."

(End of this chapter)

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