Chapter 184

Before deciding to buy a car for Niantong, Gu Junyao asked her to test drive her own car first.

Nian Tong hadn't touched a car for a long time, and was stared at by Gu Junyao in the co-pilot, so he was inevitably a little nervous, so he stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake by mistake, which almost didn't blow Gu Yunyao's blood vessels in shock.

As a result, it was obvious that Nian Tong not only failed to buy a car, but was also forbidden to touch the steering wheel.

Nian Tong was wronged, but he didn't dare to protest.

"I stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake?" Liang Bing laughed, shaking his head, "I really admire your husband's good temper, so he can bear you."

Nian Tongbai glanced at him, and absently copied the doctor's order that Geng Di ordered her to copy for the nurse.

"It's a pity that you got married at such a young age." Liang Bing, who originally had a good impression of Nian Tong, sighed.

"What a pity? Do you still want to chase Xiao Mu?" A male doctor who was a few years older than Liang Bing looked over, looked at Nian Tong meaningfully, and said, "Even if she's not married, it's not her turn." to you, because you are neither her teacher nor her director."

When Nian Tong heard something in his words, his face darkened, and he said displeasedly, "Doctor Ge, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, but it's just to remind Dr. Liang not to be sentimental." The other party replied, and then left the office.

Nian Tong was annoyed, but he couldn't do anything to him.

"Forget it, Xiao Mu. These people are like this. They are dissatisfied with the director, and you are the director who personally teaches, so they target you everywhere. Don't be as knowledgeable as them." Liang Bing persuaded her.

Nian Tong didn't say a word, and after copying the doctor's order, he went to Geng Di's office to ask him to sign it.

"Why do you look unhappy?" Geng Di glanced at her and asked.

Nian Tong didn't reply to him, but said: "Director Geng, I want to leave work an hour early in the afternoon, is that okay?"

"What are you doing?" Geng Di asked without raising his head.

"A little personal business."

"Yes, but why is the private matter so mysterious?"

Nian Tong rolled her eyes - since it's a private matter, of course it can't be said.

But she didn't have any so-called personal affairs at all, it was just that she was in a bad mood and wanted to get off work early and go to Gu Junyao's company.

"Director Geng, you'd better give it to me after signing, the nurse's station is still waiting." She urged, but seeing Geng Di's face suddenly darken, her heart skipped a beat.

"Mu Niantong, what doctor's order did you copy? You actually switched the doctor's order for bed 22 and bed 32! Do you know that such a mistake is fatal!"

Shocked, Nian Tong snatched the medical records impatiently, and compared Geng Di's original prescription, and found that he had made a mistake.

"Do you know if I sign without checking, what kind of serious medical accident will be caused?" Geng Di's tone also became colder.

Nian Tong was still in shock, regretting her carelessness, but a nurse came in at this time, and she backed out when she realized that the atmosphere was not right.

"I'm sorry." Nian Tong apologized.He wondered how Geng Di would punish her.

Unexpectedly, Geng Di changed the doctor's order without saying a word, and handed it to her.

Nian Tong took it apprehensively, and after meeting him, he didn't say anything, and then walked to the nurse's station with the medical record.

"...You don't know how badly she was yelled at by the director. But it's true, if it happened to another doctor and caused a medical accident, the doctor's license would be revoked."

"She was just scolded by the director for doing something wrong. It's good luck."

"That person is both the director's student and the director's apprentice, so of course I should take care of him a lot."

"Are you taking care of me on the bed?"


Nian Tong stood at the door of the nurse's station, his face turning green and pale.

I don't know who saw her first, and then coughed. Several nurses looked over one after another, with unnatural expressions on their faces.

Nian Tong walked in, put the medical records on the desk, and left.

"Mu Niantong?"

Suddenly a voice called her.

She froze and turned around.Seeing a girl come over in surprise.

"Ha, Mu Niantong is really you."

"Chen Siya?" Nian Tong called out the other party's name.He wondered again: "Why are you here? Didn't you stay in the hospital in City B for an internship?"

"That's right, but my mother fell ill, it was a hemangioma, and I knew that kind of disease is best treated in this hospital, so I brought her here. I didn't expect such a coincidence that you happened to be an intern in this hospital and in this department. "

"Then have you gone through the admission procedures now?"

"Just done." Chen Siya raised the hospitalization form in Yang's hand.

"How many beds? I'll take you there."

Chen Siya handed her the hospitalization slip.

"It's the third room from the bottom on the left, where's your mother?"

"It's still at a relative's house of mine. I came to the hospital first, and I'll pick her up later."

Nian Tong nodded, suddenly remembered something, "Siya, do you still remember Professor Geng?"

"Professor Geng?" Chen Siya frowned, and suddenly asked, "You mean Brother D?"

Nian Tong laughed out loud, "Yes, that's him, but now he is the director of the Department of Vascular Medicine after studying in the United States, you should call him Director Geng."

"How is it possible? You said that D... he is the director of the Department of Vascular Surgery?"

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you to see it. Come with me."

Nian Tong took Chen Siya to Geng Di's office, knocked on the door, and waited for the voice to come in before going in.

Chen Siya was surprised when she saw Geng Di behind the desk.

She rushed over excitedly, but before she got close, she heard Geng Di shout: "Who are you? Stop and don't move."

Chen Siya paused, and turned her head to exchange a confused look with Nian Tong.

"Director Geng, you... don't know her?"

Geng Di's face changed slightly, he frowned, and before he could speak, a figure rushed over.

"Professor Geng, I'm Chen Siya. I'm in the same class as Niantong. How long have you been away? You won't forget who I am?"

"How come?" Geng Di forced a smile, "Of course I know you are Chen Siya, I was just joking with you just now. Why are you here?"

Chen Siya recounted the story of her mother's illness, and Geng Di patted his chest after listening to it and assured him, "This kind of operation will not leave any sequelae if it is done well. It is a trivial matter to me."

"That's really thanks to Professor Geng...ah, it's Director Geng."

Geng Di smiled and looked at Nian Tong, but saw that she was looking at him thoughtfully, not knowing what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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