Chapter 185

Nian Tong originally wanted to leave early in the afternoon, but when a classmate came to the hospital with her mother, it was already past the off-duty time after helping Zhang Luo.

Chen Siya's mother had a congenital cerebral hemangioma. Fortunately, it was discovered in time. As long as the operation is arranged as soon as possible, her life will not be in danger.

"Yaya, your classmate is really enthusiastic. You have to thank him on behalf of your mother." Chen Siya's mother felt sorry when she saw Nian Tong helping her up and down, so she said.

"Mom, do you still need to talk about it? But you have to wait until you have the operation to make sure that you are not in danger."

"No need, Siya. I didn't do anything." Nian Tong was not used to being treated so politely, so she was a little embarrassed for a while.

"What I want is that Auntie is lucky, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be dizzy if I rely on Siya alone." Mother Chen said with a smile, there was no trace of sickness on her face.

Nian Tong knew that Chen Siya grew up in a single-parent family, her father passed away when she was very young, and her mother never remarried because of her.It's not easy for mother and daughter to live together these years, so she cherishes each other and tries her best to help the mother and daughter.

"Mom, you are right. You are really lucky. The doctor who will perform the surgery on you tomorrow is my former surgery teacher. He promised that you will not have any sequelae from this operation."

"That's really great. I'm really afraid that people will become fools after the operation."

"Mom, don't worry, Director Geng's medical skills are so good that he can take the position of director." Chen Siya comforted her mother.

Seeing that it was getting late, Nian Tong was afraid that Gu Junyao would be worried, so he said, "Siya, Auntie will have an operation early tomorrow morning, so let her have a good rest at night. I will also go home from get off work first, and call again if you need anything." my phone."


When he walked out of the ward and took off his white coat to go to the duty room, he found that the light in Geng Di's office was still on.

Why isn't he off work yet?

Walking over in confusion, seeing that the door was ajar, just as he raised his hand as if to push, Geng Di's voice came from inside.

"...You seem to love him very much? So what should I do? The more you love the more I want to destroy...Will you let me go? Oh, it sounds nice...Who are you lying to? Anyone with eyes It can be seen that you actually love him badly. Since this is the case, don't blame me for being cruel, you forced me to do this... I am a pervert, but all my perverted behaviors are for you, you Why can't you love me... My dear, since I have been able to hide from you for so many years so that you can't do anything to me, I can naturally continue to avoid you. Feng Guangguang... Oh, are you angry? I really feel bad... If you can't love me, then I will do everything possible to make anyone you care about disappear from this world..."

Nian Tong lifted her heart to her throat, held her breath, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

She swallowed with difficulty, stepped back cautiously, and then walked quickly to the duty room.

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After leaving the hospital, Nian Tong immediately dialed Gu Junyao. Gu Junyao was still busy at the company, and originally wanted to say that she had to wait until she got off work, but she heard something wrong with her voice.

"Tongtong, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I..." Nian Tong hadn't recovered from the shock of Geng Di's overheard words, her heart was beating violently, and even her voice was shaking.

She thought Geng Di, who was gentle and handsome in appearance, was ruthless only when punishing students, but she never thought that the one who was really ruthless was dealing with her lover.

I don't know which woman fell in love with him. It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes to meet such a demon.

From his words, it can be heard that the woman he fell in love with called him a pervert, and he is really perverted to the extreme, if he can't get it, he will be destroyed.

Such people are the most terrifying.


The familiar and low-pitched voice in her ear was like a reassurance pill, gradually soothing her tense emotions due to severe fright.

Originally, he wanted to tell him about Geng Di, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

He was already busy with business affairs, if he knew about this and had to worry about her, it would only add to his troubles.

Although I haven't found out that Geng Di is such a person in private these years, he has never done anything to her. As long as she is careful to deal with it in the future, she should be able to spend this month and a half safely. Anyway, she will change to another department afterward. .

"I'm fine, just asking if you're home."

"But your voice sounds weird?" Gu Junyao was suspicious.

"Oh, it's cold, I don't wear much clothes today."

"You haven't come home yet?" Gu Junyao glanced at the time, a little surprised, "Didn't you leave work early? get off work overtime at night?"

"No, it was the mother of one of my classmates who had a cerebral hemangioma and came to the hospital for surgery. It happened to happen, so I helped out."

"Well, then you wait for me, I will pick you up."

"No, I'll just take a taxi home and I'll wait for you at home~" She protracted the end of her voice, softly mixed with the meaning of being coquettish.

Gu Junyao smiled and finally felt relieved.

"Well, I'll be home in half an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Nian Tong beckoned to stop a taxi, opened the door and was about to get in, when a hand came out from behind to close the door.

She raised her eyes in surprise, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the smiling handsome face under the street lamp, and her heart, which had finally calmed down, was out of order again.

"Geng...Director Geng..."

"I live in Meiyuan, so I can drop by with you, and I'll give you a ride." Geng Diwen said with a smile.

Nian Tong instinctively wanted to refuse, but the taxi driver scolded "nervous" and drove away with an empty car.

"Director Geng, I—"

"Let's talk about Chen Siya's mother's illness by the way, let's go, my car is parked over there." Geng Di said as he walked towards his car.

Speaking of this, Nian Tong really had the illusion of being forced to go to Liangshan. He didn't want him to send him off, but he couldn't turn his face, so he had to bite the bullet and follow.

(End of this chapter)

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