Chapter 186

The cramped interior space is filled with a strange atmosphere.

Nian Tong was tense all over, listening to Geng Di describing Chen Siya's mother's condition and treatment plan, as well as the matters needing attention during the operation and treatment.But the words she overheard before were played back repeatedly in her mind.

——If you can't love me, then, anyone you care about, I will do everything possible to make him disappear from this world...

A chill quickly spread over her chest, and she couldn't help shivering.

"You seem to be quite cold?" Geng Di suddenly changed the subject and glanced sideways at her.

"Uh, yes. I don't have much clothes on." Nian Tong leaned out of the window to hide the emotion in his eyes.

"Then I'll turn up the heat." Geng Di said, and asked again after a while, "Is this better?"

"Oh, that's fine." She replied perfunctorily, not noticing that Geng Di frowned.

"Director Geng, I'll just get off at the front." Nian Tong pointed to the previous intersection at the entrance of the Golden Bay community, and then put his hands on the car door as if he couldn't wait to get off.

Geng Di smiled and nodded, "OK."

Then he drove the car to the intersection designated by Nian Tong, just as the car stopped, Geng Di's cell phone rang.

Nian Tong wanted him to unlock the car door for herself before answering the phone, but he answered before she could speak, so she had no choice but to wait.

"Why didn't it happen again? How many times have you been NG? I think you might as well tell your director not to shoot today, and wait until you have a good mood... This can't work, that can't work, what do you want from me? I have surgery every day , you affect my mood a lot...I'm really afraid of you, please be good, please tell me those lines while I still remember those lines...No, that sentence should be like this 'I'm a pervert, But all my perverted behaviors are for you, why can't you love me'... No, no, your tone is wrong... Or it's not right, you are not in a good state today, ask your director for leave, I can't help you either."

After finishing speaking, Geng Di hung up the phone resolutely, with a look of impatience on his profile.

Nian Tong was dumbfounded.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car?" Geng Di asked while unlocking the car door.

Nian Tong recovered from the daze, moved her body, and couldn't help asking, "Director Geng, what did you say about the director on the phone just now, who were you talking on the phone with?"

Geng Di smiled bitterly and said, "My brother."

"You still have a brother?"

"Yes, half-brother, several years older than me, but still a childlike innocence. He wants to be in the entertainment industry. He has been a second-tier actor for many years. If it wasn't for his outstanding face, I think he would Poor acting skills, others will not ask him to play any role at all. Because he has no acting talent, he can't comprehend the character of the characters in the play and the emotion he needs to express from the lines, so the director is not satisfied at all."

"Then what do you mean by the lines you just said?"

"It was a plot line that he sent me. He couldn't control his emotions well and was NGed by the director many times, so he asked me for help and asked me to interpret the emotion I wanted to express in the lines with voice, because our brother's voice is very Like, he even asked me a few times to show him the recordings for the director to pretend to be."

So, those perverted words she overheard at the door of his office were all lines?Instead of Geng Di's own words?

"Isn't it ridiculous?" Seeing her silence, Geng Di asked.

Nian Tong shook his head, but he breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big stone had fallen from his chest, and he suddenly felt relaxed.

Before, I wondered how I got along with him for several years and didn't realize that Geng Di was that kind of cruel man. It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

"Director Geng, I think you are very suitable to play the role of your brother." The tone and expression were so realistic.

Geng Di twitched his lips and looked over, "The male second in that movie is a pervert, you mean I'm very suitable to be a pervert?"

"Uh, I mean you are very good at acting." Nian Tong explained, and felt that it seemed inappropriate to say this, but couldn't think of a better way to say it.

"Okay, get out of the car, I'm going back too, he will definitely call and harass me later."

"Okay, goodbye, Director Geng."

Nian Tong got out of the car and waited until Geng Di drove away before slowly walking towards the intersection of the community.Unconsciously, in a ostentatious private car behind her, a pair of cold black eyes stared at her back for a long time, with a slight frown between her brows.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
Sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking fresh and thick fruit juice leisurely, looking at the figure busy preparing dinner for two in the open kitchen, this feeling is simply a great satisfaction and enjoyment .

"Uncle Gu." He couldn't help shouting.

Gu Junyao turned around after a while.

Under the light, the man wearing a Tiffany blue cartoon apron and a white shirt with high cuffs turned out to be full of indescribable amorous feelings, which made one's heart flutter, and he couldn't even roll his eyes away.

Heartbroken for a moment, Nian Tong laughed and said, "Uncle Gu, if those food shows on TV ask you to be a food guest, then their ratings will definitely skyrocket."

Gu Junyao twitched the corners of his mouth dumbfounded, and beckoned to her, "Come here and help bring the dishes over."

Nian Tong nodded, got up and wanted to put down the juice, but paused, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he took another sip of the juice before putting it down, walking towards Gu Junyao with a wide smile on his face.

Sensing that the cuffs were being pulled, Gu Junyao looked over and saw Nian Tong looking at him and making a gesture for him to lower his head.

"What's wrong?" He did so in confusion, just as he lowered his head, Nian Tong suddenly wrapped his hands around his neck and lips and kissed him fiercely, then fresh and sweet juice spread in his mouth, and his breath was full of rich fruit fragrance.

Putting the sip of juice in his mouth into Gu Junyao's mouth, Nian Tong reluctantly left his lips, licking around his lips with the tip of his pink tongue, smiling like a kitten who stole the smell.

"How does the juice taste?" she asked with a smile.

Gu Junyao reminisced about the fragrance of the juice left in his mouth, his eyes were full of undercurrents, and he said in a hoarse voice: "That's good, but if you drink the juice before going to bed, it will taste better."

Nian Tong heard the hints in his words, her little face turned red with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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