Chapter 187

After dinner, Gu Junyao accompanied Nian Tong to watch TV in the living room, and then went back to the study.

After closing the door tightly, he called Pei Yuqian.

"What happened to the investigation you were asked to do?"

"Oh, wait." Then there was a clattering sound from the other end of the phone, "I already have a relatively complete copy of Geng Di's information in my hand, and I am planning to fax it to you."

"Talk about the general situation first."

"Geng Di is of Chinese-English mixed race. His father is Chinese and his mother is British. They both live in the UK. When he was six years old, his parents divorced because his father had an illegitimate child who was a few years older than him. And he After his parents divorced, his mother took him and remarried to the United States." After a pause, Pei Yuqian asked, "Boss, do you suspect that Geng Di has a connection with that person?"

Gu Junyao didn't answer him directly, but said, "Have you checked the information of his half-brother?"

"I checked some, but the information is very vague. I only know that his biological mother is also Chinese."

"Where's the photo?"

"Geng Di's brother?"


"There are only his headshots when he was a student, and no photos of him as an adult can be found at all."

Gu Junyao pondered and said, "Give me a copy of his brother's detailed information in two days."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, after receiving Geng Di's information faxed by Pei Yuqian, he checked it carefully before receiving it in the safe, when he heard a knock on the door.

He quickly regained his composure and withdrew his hand.

"Uncle Gu, can I come in?" Nian Tong asked outside the door.


Then the door opened, and a small head poked in, with beautiful black eyes gleaming with radiance.

Seeing him leaning against the desk, he smiled and said, "My classmate said that he will invite us to dinner tomorrow, can you spare some time?"

"Your classmate?" Gu Junyao didn't react immediately.

"Yes, didn't I tell you on the phone that my classmate's mother had a hemangioma and came to our hospital for surgery? She was grateful for my help and invited us to dinner." In fact, Chen Siya wanted to use this name to witness Gu Junyao's demeanor That's all, it's just that she didn't point it out.

"Let me ask Lian Nuan about tomorrow's schedule."

"Then I will take it as your promise."

Gu Junyao didn't care, and asked suddenly, "Tongtong, I remember you said before that Cen Huan and Geng Di seem to have a good relationship?"

"It used to be good, but now I don't know if they have contacted." After speaking, I felt strange.

She walked up to Gu Junyao and asked curiously, "Why did you ask about him?"

Gu Junyao smiled slightly, his expression unchanged: "It's nothing, it's just that he is very similar to a friend of mine."

"Your friend?" Nian Tong frowned and said suddenly, "Could it be his brother?"

Gu Junyao's eyebrows twitched, his black eyes fixed on her, "Do you know about his brother?"

Nian Tong shook his head, "If he hadn't told me this afternoon, I wouldn't have known that he had an older brother, but a second-tier actor in the British show business circle. I heard from him that his brother's acting skills are very poor. Acting talent."

"What's his brother's name?"

"I didn't ask that." Nian Tong shrugged. "I'm not interested in his affairs."

After finishing speaking, the topic changed, "I'll call my classmate first, she is still waiting for my call."

Gu Junyao nodded, watched her leave, and when the door closed, he called Pei Yuqian again.

****************************************split line******** *******************************
Chen Siya's mother's operation was successful, and Chen Siya, who was worried about Geng Di's exaggeration, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Nian Tong taunted her: "I told you that he is so good at medicine that you still don't believe it."

"You can't blame me, after all, I didn't know that he had worked in a hospital before, and he was a versatile surgeon." Speaking of this, Chen Siya couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity, I have already signed a contract with the Third Affiliated Hospital in City B." After the internship, if the hospital is satisfied, I will stay in the hospital directly, otherwise I can choose another internship hospital and come to join you."

"I'll talk about it later, you'd better go see your mother first."

"Okay." Chen Siya took two steps and then paused, "Remember to remind your husband that I will treat you to dinner tonight."

The corner of Nian Tong's mouth trembled and said: "Miss Chen, you have said it N times today, it really makes me hard to turn down your kindness."

"I'm afraid your husband won't come by then."

"I know, I know, let's go."

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Siya entrusted her mother to relatives, and left the hospital with Nian Tong.

"I know you want to save money for me, but don't worry, there is still money to treat you to dinner, so don't take me to those big stalls, I don't want your husband to think I'm poor."

Get on the taxi, Chen Siya said.

Nian Tong remembered that she had always been strong when she was in school, so she didn't say anything, and took her to choose a restaurant with a medium cost.

The two chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Nian Tong called Gu Junyao to tell him the address, and caught a glimpse of who Chen Siya was also calling, and was surprised. After hanging up the phone, he asked, "Siya, is there anyone else who will have dinner with me later?"

Chen Siya pretended to be mysterious with a smile: "You will know later."

When Gu Junyao appeared in front of the two of them, Chen Siya stared at Gu Junyao without blinking with a look of being struck by lightning.

"Siya." Nian Tong got up and stretched out his hand in front of her eyes, before Chen Siya came back to her senses.

Realizing her gaffe, she smiled awkwardly, but said: "I thought Mr. Huo from the Huoshi Group was the most memorable handsome guy I've ever seen, but I didn't expect your husband to be so irresistible. "

Mr. Huo of the Huoshi Group?Isn't it Huo Yudong?

Nian Tong and Gu Junyao looked at each other, then looked at Chen Siya, and asked, "Do you know the president of Huoshi?"

"How could I possibly know him? He went to school to find Cen Huan and I was lucky enough to see it. I heard Cen Huan call him some kind of little uncle, so I knew that Cen Huan had such a rich and handsome man Uncle. By the way, you and Cen Huan are inseparable, you should know, right?"

Nian Tong smiled, but before returning to her, a pleasant male voice sounded behind her.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting. There is really a traffic jam on the road."

Nian Tong froze, not daring to look back.

"Director Geng, come, sit here." Chen Siya got up and opened an empty seat beside her.

Geng Di smiled and nodded, walked over and sat down, his eyes gently swept across the two people opposite, but he looked at Gu Junyao and said: "Mr. Gu, we meet again. You don't blame me for coming too late for keeping you waiting, do you? "

Gu Junyao pulled his lips politely, "Why? Didn't Director Geng just say that there was a traffic jam on the road? Natural disasters and man-made disasters, Director Geng can't fly, so it's normal to be late."

A strange atmosphere filled the air.

Nian Tong bit her lip with a bitter look on her face.But she was secretly annoyed why Chen Siya didn't tell her that besides them, she also asked Geng Di to have dinner together.

Really killed by her.

"Why aren't you feeling well?" A voice came from the opposite side, and his gaze also pierced over.

She quickly raised her eyes, forced a smile and said, "No, since everyone is here, let's serve."

During the meal, Gu Junyao basically didn't open his mouth, but he still thought about Tong Bucai carefully.

Nian Tong felt guilty and secretly glanced at him from time to time, only to be relieved when he saw that there was nothing unusual about his face.

"Your husband is so kind to you." Chen Siya couldn't help sighing as she looked at the two people facing each other with great envy.

Geng Di looked over and said, "If you are envious, you can find one too."

"My luck is not as good as Niantong's. Even if I find one, it's a crooked one, unless..." She paused, turned to look at Geng Di, and said with a beaming smile, "Director Geng, you see we are all single, why don't we get together?" Try it in pairs to see if it works for each other?"

"Us?" Geng Di stretched out a finger to compare Chen Siya and himself, with an intriguing smile on his face.

"What? Director Geng thinks I'm not as pretty as Nian Tong?"

Nian Tong was immediately embarrassed when he heard his name - how could he mention her so well.

But to be honest, in fact, Chen Siya is not bad in appearance, and her personality is straightforward. Sitting side by side with Geng Di is also very harmonious and beautiful.

Just looking at Geng Di's expression, it should be that he is not interested in Chen Siya's proposal.

"Siya, you misunderstood. It's not because of your appearance or any problem with you, but because of me." Geng Di looked at the opposite side, narrowed his brown eyes slightly, and sighed softly, "I'm single, but I have spouse."

"Single with a lover?" Chen Siya was taken aback for a moment, then she came to her senses and pointed at Geng Di, "Director Geng, I didn't expect you to play such a childish game of secret love at such a young age."

"It's not a game, I'm serious." Geng Di's face darkened slightly when he said this, "It's not a crush either."

"So, that girl knows that you love her very much, but she doesn't love you?" Chen Siya finally understood this, and couldn't help giving him a sympathetic look.I never thought that a handsome man would also lose love, and it was worse than her.

"But it doesn't matter. There is no grass anywhere in the world. Why do you have to fall in love with a flower that doesn't belong to you? Even if you despise me, it doesn't mean you won't fall in love with other women, so..."

"I will not fall in love with any woman in the world." Geng Di interrupted her.

And Nian Tong didn't know if it was her own illusion, she found that Geng Di's gaze had been fixed on Gu Junyao who was silent beside her, and there were countless emotions in his eyes.

"Director Geng, it's not a good thing to be too persistent. You still have time to waste, but when you get old in a few years, no matter how good-looking it is at that time, it will be a daylily that will not attract the attention of good women. Lonely forever."

Geng Di snorted, looked sideways, and said coolly, "What do you know? I'm infatuated."

Chen Siya curled her lips, picked up the food in the bowl and said, "Then you continue to be infatuated with you, and I will eat my food."

Coming out of the restaurant, Nian Tong looked at Geng Di and said, "Director Geng, can I trouble you to send Siya back to the hospital?"

Geng Di grinned, looked over, glanced over to Gu Junyao and landed on Nian Tong, "Of course, I knew to send you off even if you didn't tell me."

"Then we're going back, be careful on the road."

"Got it, got it, let's go, don't delay your husband and wife going home to do your homework." Chen Siya, who was slightly drunk after drinking a few glasses of red wine, grabbed Geng Di's arm and yelled with a smile.

Nian Tong's cheeks burned, and she put her hand in Gu Junyao's big palm.

Just in the middle of the moon, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, but its brilliance is not as good as the neon lights in the world.

Nian Tong withdrew her gaze from the window and turned to the solemn looking man beside her, holding back what she wanted to say.

"Uncle Gu, actually I didn't know that my classmate invited Geng Di, otherwise..."

"It's okay, just have a meal." Gu Junyao interrupted her, "I'm thinking about the company, I don't blame you, don't think about it."

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong couldn't help but roll her eyes - if she knew he didn't blame her, she wouldn't have to worry about eating a meal.

"What happened to the company?"

"You still don't understand." After a pause, Gu Junyao asked, "How long do you have to change departments?"

"An average of [-] days per department, I only stayed in vascular surgery for less than a week."

"Are there any holidays during the internship?"

"If there is a teacher, I will have it, and the rest is to ask for leave." Niantong felt strange, "Why did you suddenly ask me if I have a vacation?"

"Didn't you always blame me for not taking you on your honeymoon?"

Nian Tong's beautiful eyes lit up, she leaned over and hugged his arm and said in surprise: "You asked me if I have any vacation, are you planning to take me on a honeymoon trip?"

"Don't want to go?"

"Think!" Nian Tong immediately took out his mobile phone and said, fearing that he would regret it, "I'm calling Geng Di to ask for leave now. I know he will start taking a two-day rotation tomorrow afternoon, so I can ask for another week's leave. He It shouldn’t be unapproved.”

Gu Junyao smiled slightly, but there was a haze between his brows.

(End of this chapter)

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