Chapter 188

Accidentally got honeymoon compensation, but luck seems to be unlucky, Geng Di turned off the phone unexpectedly.

"Since you can't get through, you can call again tomorrow. Anyway, you still have to go to the hospital tomorrow to report to him." Seeing Nian Tong's frowning face, Gu Junyao comforted him.

Nian Tong didn't give up, and kept redialing until she got home, but she had to give up after the cold female voice reminded her to turn off the phone.

"I really don't understand, why did you shut down the phone so early? He probably hasn't sent Siya back to the hospital yet, right?"

The distance from the restaurant to the hospital is much longer than to the Golden Bay.

"Maybe his phone is out of battery." Gu Junyao said.

"That's right." Why didn't she think of this possibility?
She curled her lips, and in the next second came over with a smile and took Gu Junyao's hand, "Uncle Gu, let's discuss where to go for our honeymoon?"

"How about Italy?"

"Italy?" Nian Tong's eyes widened, blinked slowly and then half-closed again: "Uncle Gu, tell me the truth, are you trying to make up for my honeymoon, or do you want to go back to Italy and take me on a trip?"

"You don't want to go to Italy?" Gu Junyao answered irrelevantly, pulled her hand away and walked to the kitchen to get the coffee pot to make coffee.

"Of course I want to go. I haven't seen Xiaoxi for a long time, and I want to see him too." By the way, it's better to have a trip than nothing.

"Does Xiaoxi know?"

"I don't know." This was his temporary decision.Before he went to the restaurant to eat, he never thought that he would make this decision suddenly.

"Then should I tell him before I go or wait until I surprise him?" Nian Tong asked him, suddenly remembering something again, his mouth was flattened and his small face wrinkled into a ball.

"Uncle Gu, if you go to Italy, do you want to live with your parents?"

"of course."

"But your parents don't like me. Wouldn't I embarrass myself by running like this?"

"Don't think too much about it. No matter how bad things are, you have to face them so that you can solve the problem."

"Of course I understand these reasons. I'm just afraid that it will be a crime if both parties are unhappy." She didn't want to make matters worse and leave a worse impression on Gu's father and mother.

Gu Junyao looked up, smiled lightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, my parents have not objected for a long time, so your things are superfluous."

"Really?" Nian Tong was pleasantly surprised, but then felt it was impossible. "You said just now that no matter how bad the situation is, you have to face it, which means that they didn't accept me at all, right?" So she suspected that Gu Junyao coaxed her like this deliberately to make her feel at ease.

Gu Junyao came over and rubbed her hair habitually, with the corners of her mouth slightly curved: "Silly girl, why are there so many messy problems? Go take a shower and sleep if you have nothing to do, I still have to work."

"Going to work again?" Nian Tong frowned, put his arms around his waist and complained: "Can you give yourself more time to rest? You have a full schedule during the day, and you have to work overtime when you come back at night. How can your body bear it? Don't forget You are over thirty, you are no longer a young man, you must know how to combine work and rest, so that you can be healthy and healthy."

Gu Junyao looked at the person who was hugging him and kept complaining about his various shortcomings. A warm feeling spread over his chest, penetrated into the blood, and spread to all the limbs and bones of his body, making him feel warm all over.

Except for his mother and sister, no other woman has ever cared so much about his health.

Those women who have been in contact with in the past are all money and money, each takes what he needs.Only this girl would desperately break into his world, not give him a chance to breathe, and press her every step of the way.

He retreats, she enters.

He hides, she chases.

She loves passionately, madly, even blindly.

This kind of emotion is so strong that he sometimes wants to hate her, but he is tempted by her innocence and persistence, unconsciously opening his heart to accept her little by little, and finally letting her occupy his heart little by little.

Not only did she ask him two or three times if he liked her a little bit, but he never gave her an answer.

It's not because I don't know the answer, but because I can't afford it at the moment.

He didn't want her to get hurt in any way, especially if she got hurt because of him, then he would never forgive himself.

Therefore, he had to make up his mind to do something.

*************************************split line*********** *******************************
"Take time off for your honeymoon?"

Geng Di glanced at the leave request report from Niantong, but didn't reach out to take it.He just looked at her quietly, his brown eyes narrowed slightly, but calmly.

"You have to ask for leave for your honeymoon within a week of the internship. You treat the internship as a joke. You can come when you like, and leave whenever you want? Do you still want to learn something like this? How do you learn? get?"

Although Niantong thought that Geng Diruo would be upset if he knew that she had asked for leave to go on a honeymoon trip.But I didn't expect him to speak so badly.The tone was completely reprimanded, and there was no accommodating meaning in the tone.

She frowned, looked at Geng Di firmly and said: "Director Geng, I know this is not good, but this time the situation is special, I hope you can accommodate me."

"Is it a special situation to ask for leave to go on a honeymoon trip?" Geng Di smiled, with a mocking expression on his face.

Nian Tong was slightly taken aback.I don't understand why he has such an expression.

"Director Geng, do you feel dissatisfied with my internship performance these days? That's why you stopped me from asking for leave?"

Geng Di turned his eyes away lightly, neither admitting nor denying it, but said: "I am doing it for your own good. If you are so unprofessional, you won't learn anything at all. Isn't it a waste of studying so hard?"

"No, I will report back as soon as my vacation is over, and devote myself wholeheartedly to the internship."

"At that time, your heart will be full of sweet memories of the honeymoon trip, so how can you think about practicing?" Geng Di refuted her with a downcast face.

"I can, Director Geng, please—"

"Okay, that's it, I won't approve it. The dean called me just now, I'll go over there, you go to the surgery department and get me a vascular surgery schedule, so I can arrange the surgery."

As Geng Di spoke, he got up and walked towards the door, as if there was no room for further discussion.

It wasn't until the others walked out that Nian Tong angrily picked up a medical magazine on his desk and slammed it on the table to vent his emotions, but accidentally knocked over a cup of untouched coffee on the table. The coffee juice immediately spread on the table.

Nian Tong was startled, and frantically pulled out a large handful of paper towels from the paper drawer at the side to prevent the coffee juice from spreading and soaking other books and materials on the table.

Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and the books and materials were not corroded by the coffee juice.

She picked up the paper towel full of coffee juice and made a gesture to throw it into the trash can at the door, but she paused suddenly, walked over and half-bent down to stare at something in the trash can, then her eyes widened a little bit, and her pretty face was covered with tears. Surprised and confused.

The mobile phone in her pocket vibrated suddenly, she was startled, and immediately stood up to take out the phone, when there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

She hurried back to the desk, pretending to be busy wiping the table, but her heart seemed to be jumping in her throat.

"Why are you still here?"

Geng Di opened the door and came in, seeing that Nian Tong's face changed, and his tone seemed a little nervous.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wanted to borrow your magazine just now, but I accidentally knocked over your coffee." Nian Tong explained with an apologetic expression.

Geng Di looked at her suspiciously, his eyes were different from the usual gentleness, so sharp that it gave people a vicious feeling.

"I'm sorry, Director Geng." Nian Tong opened his eyes and apologized again, and finally held all the dirty tissues in his palms, and was about to throw them into the trash can again when his wrist was suddenly grabbed vigorously, and the tissues held in his hands were immediately thrown away. Take it all away.

"I'll just throw it away. Go to the surgery department and get the surgery schedule for me."


Nian Tong didn't stop this time, and immediately turned around and walked out of Geng Di's office.

On the long corridor of the hospital, a slightly cool wind blew by, Nian Tong couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart, and couldn't help but hug himself.

"Nian Tong?"

There was a voice calling her from behind, and it took her a long time before she stopped and turned her head.

"Why did you lose your mind?" Chen Siya came over, looked at her somewhat ugly face in surprise, and saw that she was embracing her as if afraid of the cold, so she couldn't help asking: "Are you cold?"

Nian Tong nodded subconsciously following her words.

"No wonder, your face is a little pale. Do you want to wear my clothes? I'll get them for you."

"No need, Siya." Nian Tong stopped her, and suddenly remembered something, "Siya, do you feel that Geng Di is different from before when you saw Geng Di this time?"

"Him?" Chen Siya frowned with a contemplative expression, and then said: "A little bit, his temper seems to be weirder than before. He was fine during dinner last night, but he kept his face sullen on the way to the hospital when he sent me back to the hospital." He didn’t say a word, and his face was so gloomy that it was scary. And I remember that I missed a class with him before, but when he called me on stage to be a live model, I cried and hated him to death. And I was the first one The girl he punished like that, I didn't expect him to fail to recognize me at first sight, which is really sad."

Hearing what Chen Siya said, Nian Tong's face became more serious.

"It's strange for you to say that he is obviously a big carrot, but he is so infatuated, and he also said that he will not fall in love with any woman in the world. Tch, it seems that the person he loves is not a woman, it is difficult Could it be that he loves a man?"

"Is he in love with a man?" Nian Tong was stunned, with a dazed expression.

Chen Siya chuckled and said, "I'm talking nonsense, you don't know how much Brother D likes women? You forgot his D drive door? There are no men's dicks in it."

"Then what if...he's not Brother D?"

"Huh?!" Chen Siya was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"Are you kidding? How could he not be Brother D? I've seen that face for more than three years, even if it turns to ashes, I can still recognize it."

Nian Tong curled her lips and said in a cold voice: "You are so powerful, then you should go and recognize him when he turns into ashes."

"Heh, you take it seriously. I just want to prove that he is indeed Brother D."

Nian Tong didn't continue this topic, and asked after a pause, "Siya, what do you think a person would use colored contact lenses for?"

"Women use colored contact lenses for beauty, of course, but men are bored. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people will use the color contact lenses that can change the color of the pupils to make others think that she (he) is of mixed race. Just like me Cousin, because her facial features are very western, so she dyed her hair blonde and wore colored contact lenses that can turn her pupils into blue, and everyone who didn’t know thought she was of mixed race.”

Nian Tong understood.

"So even if I have dark eyes, I can use the color contact lenses to change the color at will?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how do you think the green and blue eyes all over the street came from? Many of them are fakes."

Nian Tong fell into deep thought upon hearing this.

"By the way, are you so weird today? Ask this and that, and suspect that Brother D is not Brother D. But then again, if he is really not Brother D, and he loves a man, then you say that his appearance is beyond Men of different genders, do they oppress others or are they oppressed by others?"

The corners of Niantong's eyes twitched, and the corners of his mouth trembled, looking at the excited Chen Siya and said, "Siya, if he hears your question, what expression do you think he will have?"

Chen Siya blinked her slender eyes and said innocently: "I didn't say anything."

"Oh, well, I'm going to the surgery department, and I'll look for you in the ward later."

"Okay, then be careful not to lose your mind, so as not to hit the wall and hurt your husband to death."

Nian Tongjiu waved at her and walked towards the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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