Chapter 195

Seeing that there were two more moves in the past, Nian Tong suddenly slowed down, with a posture of only defending but not attacking, obviously struggling to deal with it, and showing panic.

Yin Ming smiled triumphantly, "Why can't you do it? Where's your self-confidence just now? There are only five moves left before the bet is over, just admit defeat."

Nian Tong pursed her lips and remained silent, concentrating on dealing with his attack.

And Yin Ming obviously saw that she was at a disadvantage, and was not as serious as at the beginning, but even so, Nian Tong still seemed unable to take advantage of him at all.

"So what if you win? Do you think it's glorious for a man to win a woman? Besides, you're so many years older than me, so you're just bullying me." Nian Tong replied to him with a mocking tone.

Yin Ming didn't take it seriously: "Then what should I do to be glorious? I'll stand obediently and let you beat me?"

Nian Tong didn't speak.

"Then let's do this. From now on, I will only defend and not attack. I will let you make four moves." After Yin Ming finished speaking, he did not take the initiative to attack Nian Tong.

Nian Tong sneered inwardly, raised his hand to caress his ears, and then swept towards Yin Ming's legs with a spinning kick, and when he avoided but was still standing still, he quickly slashed at his chest with one hand and punched him with a fist The face, the swiftness and fierceness of the movements are completely different from the laborious and slow movements just now.

Yin Ming was startled, with one hand he separated her hand that was slashing towards his chest, and with the other hand he grabbed her clenched hand, but he heard her say, "Even if you die for Gu Junyao, he will never fall in love with you. "

He stared, and opened his mouth to refute, but Nian Tong's clenched hand bypassed his grasped hand and attacked his opened mouth, so fast that he was dazzled, but it was too late to close his mouth.

I just felt a pain in my throat, something was stuck in my throat and I couldn't go up or down.

Yin Ming stared at Nian Tong fiercely with his eyes, as if he was about to burst into flames, the whole person seemed to be mad, his hands grabbed his throat, but his legs kicked Nian Tong fiercely.

Such a ferocious Yin Ming like a crazy beast made Nian Tong feel a little timid, and he didn't dare to fight at all. He grabbed all the things that could be thrown and threw them at Yin Ming.

But Yin Ming didn't know what was stuck in his throat, he just felt a heart-wrenching tingling pain, which affected the pain nerves of his whole body, and he couldn't concentrate on dealing with the vases or decorations that were thrown one after another, so he could only dodge in embarrassment. Zhang's face quickly turned purple, but those eyes looking at Nian Tong wanted to cut her into pieces.

Nian Tong retreated to the door of the room, and touched the doorknob to open it, but she was too flustered and couldn't use her hands.

Seeing Yin Ming grabbed his neck with one hand and walked towards the low cabinet next to the TV cabinet, opened the drawer and took out a pocket pistol from it, Nian Tong seemed to have stopped beating, and finally opened the room when Yin Ming twisted his face to look at it. The door, and then quickly dodged to leave, successfully dodged Yin Ming's first bullet.

Because she pretended to be unconscious before, she didn't know where Yin Ming brought her here.

After escaping from that room, she ran forward without thinking. In front of her was a dimly lit corridor, as if it would never end. She obviously felt like she had been running for a long time, but she still couldn't get out of the corridor.

This feeling is like dreaming of being chased by ghosts when I was a child, and I ran forward desperately, but I was always standing still.

There seemed to be footsteps behind her, but she didn't dare to turn her head.

And when she felt that her legs were about to cramp and go limp, there was a burst of rapid and powerful footsteps in front of her.

There was a touch of surprise on the panicked expression, but the low-pitched and sweet call immediately next to her ears was like a tranquilizer, calming her extremely restless heart instantly.


After Qiao Yueqing led people to carry out a carpet search and locked Yin Ming's hiding place, Gu Junyao hurried over when he saw the man running wildly on the corridor, he yelled uncertainly, and Nian Tong was already in a panic. come over.

The familiar embrace and breath made Nian Tong let go of all the fear, and hugged Gu Junyao's waist tightly with both arms, as if trying to embed herself into him.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you away first, Yueqing and the others will come soon."

Gu Junyao didn't ask any more questions, and bent slightly to make a gesture to hug the person in his arms, but suddenly he stopped, and his black eyes swept forward sharply.

Yin Ming held the gun in one hand and was still pinching his throat with the other hand, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but there was still something stuck in his throat and he couldn't make a sound, which made him anxious and angry, and his distorted face became more ferocious.

Nian Tong, who was snuggled into Gu Junyao's arms, felt something was wrong, raised her eyes and saw him staring ahead, and couldn't help but follow his gaze, but her face froze and her body couldn't help shaking.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Gu Junyao tightly wrapped her arms around her body, with a gentle and comforting tone.

Nian Tong nodded, and burrowed into his arms even tighter.

Yin Ming looked at this scene, his eyes tearing apart, the hand holding the gun pulled the trigger, and the gun was pointed at Nian Tong in Gu Junyao's arms.

Yin Ming used to be Gu Junyao's bodyguard, and Gu Junyao knew better than anyone else how accurate his marksmanship was.

The moment Yin Ming pulled the trigger, one hand had already reached into the pistol in his arms, but the time was too late, so he turned around without hesitation when the bullet flew away from the muzzle, and pushed the person in his arms away.

Nian Tong was pushed to the ground, and two gunshots rang out in his ears.

It was as if the heart had been hollowed out suddenly, the chest was so empty that there was no sign of a heartbeat at all.

She looked back with a pale face, and saw Gu Junyao's body staggering back a few steps, and Yin Ming in front of him was also holding his chest and backing away again and again.

Uncle Gu...

She opened her mouth to shout, but her throat was so blocked that she couldn't make a sound, and just now, when she bumped into a pillar beside her, a gap was opened in her forehead, coupled with the previous nervousness and fear and the stimulation of Gu Junyao's injury at this time, The brain couldn't bear it for a while, and fainted.

But at this moment, footsteps sounded next to his ears, Yin Ming's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly turned and fled to the other end of the corridor.

Gu Junyao's expression turned cold, and he held the gun in his hand and fired several times in the direction of Yin Ming's departure. Yin Ming obviously knew the terrain very well, leaning on the pillars of the promenade to cover and dodge to the left, and soon disappeared. shadowed.

Gu Junyao was worried about Nian Tong, so he didn't continue to chase, but at this moment Qiao Yueqing arrived with his men, Gu Junyao pointed in a direction, and the group immediately chased there.

"Yun Yao, are you injured?"

Qiao Yueqing saw that he was covering his chest with one hand. Although the light was dim, he could still see a large amount of blood soaking his silver-gray coat.

Gu Junyao nodded, enduring the pain in his heart, bent over and picked up the unconscious man.

Seeing this, Qiao Yueqing quickly said, "I'll come, you are all injured, go to the hospital quickly."

Gu Junyao didn't hand Nian Tong to him, but hugged and left by himself, his steps still agile.

Qiao Yueqing sighed, and then followed.

(End of this chapter)

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