Chapter 196

Don't be afraid, there is me.

The low and soft voice pierced through the entire dark dream like a ray of dawn. Nian Tong, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, frowned, opened her eyes suddenly, and sat up from the bed.

Leng Siyu, who was looking after her, was taken aback by her sudden action, and quickly got up and asked, "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Nian Tong's eyes widened blankly, and after a while he said, "Sister Siyu, where's Uncle Gu?"

Leng Siyu glanced at her, remained silent for a few seconds, and finally decided to confess: "Yun Yao suffered a gunshot wound to his chest. But don't worry, although he lost a lot of blood, fortunately he didn't hurt his heart, and he did it while you were unconscious. Surgery was performed, and the doctor said it would not be life-threatening."

Although Leng Siyu had deliberately described Gu Junyao's injury as harmless, Nian Tong still changed his face, his face was frighteningly pale.

It was not a dream.

For saving her, he took a bullet for her.

She remembered the scene when Gu Junyao staggered and couldn't help but backed up after being shot, his throat seemed to be tightly strangled by a pair of hands, and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Uncle Gu...

She is going to see him.

This idea flashed strongly in her mind, prompting her to jump out of bed without saying a word and rush to the door.

"Tongtong!" Leng Siyu came back to his senses after being startled, grabbed her and said, "Yunyao hasn't woken up yet after surgery, it's pointless for you to go to see him now. And you just woke up after being in a coma for several hours , I used up a lot of physical strength before, and you won't be able to hold on without something to eat."

"Sister Siyu..." As soon as Nian Tong called her, tears couldn't help but she couldn't help it, she just choked up with red eyes and said, "I want to see him..."

Leng Siyu looked at her, sighed lightly, and nodded helplessly.

"Put on a coat."

She turned around and took out a Niantong coat from a big bag to batch it for her, and then walked out of the ward with her.

Gu Junyao's department is the male surgery VIP intensive care unit on the 12th floor.

Qiao Yueqing, Leng Xiyun and Qi Xin were still outside the intensive care unit and did not leave.

Seeing Nian Tong and Leng Siyu walking towards them, the three of them immediately understood what was going on.

"Siyu, Tongtong just woke up, why didn't you let her eat something before bringing her here?" Leng Xiyun frowned and looked at Leng Siyu who was beside Niantong, with a hint of reproach in his words.

Leng Siyu glanced at him coldly and then looked away, not intending to answer him at all.

Leng Xiyun's expression sank, but he didn't continue to say anything, and Nian Tong had already passed him to the intensive care unit.

Through the glass window, she looked at the man lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. Tears welled up in her heart, and she tried her best to keep her mouth shut from crying, but her heart was as painful as a knife.

Seeing this, Qi Xin persuaded: "Tongtong, Junyao is in good health. When he wakes up, he will recover in a short time. You don't have to worry too much."

Nian Tong thought he was comforting herself.

It would take a hundred days even to hurt the muscles and bones, not to mention that Gu Junyao suffered a gunshot wound, and the wound was still near the heart, so how could she not be worried?
It's all because she is so useless, not only can't take care of herself, but also hurts him every time.

Before, she vowed again and again that she would change herself and become a woman who could match him, but what did she change?What did you do for him?
She really regretted why she doubted what he said to her before.

In fact, no matter whether he lied to her or not, his starting point was for her good.

But she realized this too late, and she hurt him.

"Don't cry, or Yunyao will blame us for not taking good care of you when he wakes up and sees your eyes are swollen from crying." Qi Xin took her shoulder and patted her lightly, then said: "The doctor said that Yunyao probably still It will take more than ten hours to wake up, don't stand there, just sit over there and wait."

Without waiting for Niantong to agree, he almost compulsively took her by the shoulders and took her away from the window, and sat down on a bench behind him.

"I've known Yunyao for so many years, but I didn't know there was a man who loved him so crazily before. And he was a man who kept changing his ways to fight us." Qiao Qingyue said suddenly.

"By the way, did you catch that pervert?" Leng Xiyun was originally staring at Leng Siyu, but when Qiao Yueqing talked about it, he immediately interjected.

"It's strange to say that on the way to the hospital, I heard Jun Yao say that the other party was also shot in the chest, and his mouth was still bleeding, and he couldn't open his mouth, as if his throat was injured. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be able to hide away. That's right. It can be seen that my people searched all the corners of the room at that time, but they couldn't find him. It seemed that the world suddenly evaporated, and there was not even a trace of blood on the ground."

"He was shot but couldn't find blood?" Qi Xin raised his eyebrows, thinking thoughtfully: "Could it be that he was wearing a body armor? The bullet didn't hurt his body at all?"

"I also doubt this possibility." Qiao Yueqing said as he turned his gaze to Nian Tong, caught a glimpse of her tear-stained face, hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't hold back: "Jun Yao said he was seeing that man The other party was already injured, so I'm curious how you injured him? According to the information given by Lian Rong, that man is a karate master."

Hearing what he said, several other people also looked over curiously, with expectant expressions.

Nian Tong was still immersed in self-blame and distress for Gu Junyao, her throat was still swollen, and the pain was so severe that she didn't want to speak at all.

But with so many people waiting to hear the answer, she didn't want to disappoint them, so she reluctantly said: "I saw his arrogance and arrogance and pretended to be weak on purpose, and made a bet with him that he would be injured within ten moves and still succeed." Forced him to let me do three tricks. If I didn't cheat and just rely on my hands and feet, I couldn't win him at all, so I took off an earlobe from my ear when he slackened his attack on me, and forced him to speak again. Then he shot into his throat with all his strength."

The earlobe was the gift Gu Junyao brought back to her from Italy. She never thought that one day she would rely on it to save her life.

Because the size of the earlobe itself is not small, coupled with the sharp hook at the tip, Yin Ming will swallow subconsciously after being shot into Yin Ming's throat cavity with all his strength, causing the sharp hook to penetrate deeply into the flesh of the throat cavity, and finally cannot vomit. It can't be swallowed even when it comes out.

That's why Yin Ming's face was distorted in pain, and his face turned purple, and she was able to escape to the door smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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