Chapter 197

"No wonder Yunyao said that he saw that man's mouth was bleeding all the time, and he dared to swallow the earring forcibly." Qiao Yueqing said thoughtfully.

"Fortunately, you found out where they were in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Qi Xin said.

"No, it should be said that luckily Jun Yao arrived in time to rescue Tong Tong, otherwise Tong Tong would still be in a very dangerous situation at that time." Qiao Yueqing said.

That house was an old-style residence, and the corridor was gloomy and dark, and it was straight. If Gu Junyao hadn't arrived one step earlier than them, Nian Tong might not have been able to escape Yin Ming's gun.

And Nian Tong knew the situation at that time best. When she felt her heart was about to burst out of her chest, she heard the sound of rapid and powerful footsteps.

For some reason, just by the sound of her footsteps, she could feel that it was Gu Junyao who came to save her.

And the moment she heard Gu Junyao's voice, she didn't know what words to use to describe her mood at that time, she just firmly believed that as long as he was there, she could give herself to him, and he would definitely protect herself.

It's just that if she knew that the way to protect her was to ask him to take a shot for her, she would rather be the one who was injured.

Seeing him lying there motionless, she was really heartbroken and regretful.

"Tongtong, you've seen me now, there are three of them here to take care of you, you come back to the room with me, the takeaway I ordered should be here soon." Seeing her sad look, Leng Siyu was afraid that if she continued to stay, she would think wildly , So said.

Nian Tong shook his head: "I want to wait here for him to wake up."

The others looked at each other, but no one said anything.

The five people waited until dawn, but Gu Junyao still showed no sign of waking up.

This made Nian Tong extremely anxious.

"Mr. Gu hasn't woken up yet because he lost too much blood. Mrs. Gu, don't worry, it's not because of the deterioration of his wound." The doctor with a kind face reassured her.

"When can he change wards?"

Leng Xiyun asked.

Because it is an intensive care unit, except for the medical staff, other people can only look at Gu Junyao through the glass. They can deal with it calmly, but that girl is afraid that she will collapse if she can't stand it.

"Oh, he can be transferred to another ward now, I will tell you to go on."

Half an hour later, Nian Tong was finally able to hold Gu Junyao's hand, but his heart was so uncomfortable that he couldn't cry anymore.

I've never seen him so vulnerable.The sharp face was covered with a layer of pale color, the lips were white and dry, and the coldness and calmness of the past were gone.Gu Junyao like this made her feel so distressed as if her heart was being pierced by the tip of a needle, and the pain spread unstoppably.

Seeing this, the others sighed and left the ward one after another, leaving room for the two of them.

Nian Tong hugged Gu Junyao's arm that was not on the drip and kept blaming herself, but fell asleep unknowingly, until she heard a voice calling her by her ear, she woke up suddenly, opened her eyes, What caught my eye was a face dressed as a nurse.

"Mrs. Gu, Mr. Gu is already awake."

Seeing her wake up, the nurse hurriedly said.

Woke up?

Niantong's eyes lit up, and she leaned towards Gu Junyao on the hospital bed in surprise, only to see that he was staring at her quietly, his eyes were as gentle as usual, and his expression returned to normal. If it wasn't for the fact that his face was still pale, he wouldn't be able to feel that he was a seriously injured person. The injured who just woke up.

"Uncle Gu..." She hugged his arm and shouted softly, immediately tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

She pursed her lips and raised her hand to wipe it off. She covered his broad palm with her wet hand, rubbed his fingers, and looked at him with moist eyes, crying and laughing.

Gu Junyao smiled faintly, held her hand instead and clasped her fingers together, without saying a word, but every look and movement conveyed comfort.

This made Nian Tong cry even more.

Why didn't he complain about her when she hurt him, and why did he even comfort her instead?

Why did he treat her so well even though he didn't love her?
This will make her how willing to leave him, how willing to break up with him.

"Don't cry." Gu Junyao said softly.

Maybe it was the vibration when he spoke that affected the wound, he frowned unconsciously.

Nian Tong stopped crying immediately, and said anxiously: "Is the wound hurt? Don't talk, I won't cry."

"I'm fine." Gu Junyao tightened their interlocking hands.

Nian Tong bit her lip hard, trying not to cry anymore.

"What about them?"

"They...are outside..." Nian Tong spoke intermittently, took a deep breath and said, "You just woke up, it's better not to see them first, lest you talk too much and hurt your wounds."

"I have something to ask."

"No!" Nian Tong refused straight away, staring at Gu Junyao with tears in his red eyes, which made him feel reluctant and nodded slightly.

"Did Yueqing catch him?" In fact, he wanted to know this.

But after seeing Nian Tong shaking his head, his expression was shocked, and his expression instantly became dignified.

Failure to catch Yin Ming meant that things had returned to the original point.

The enemy is in the dark, but he is still in the light.

Fortunately, he already knew that Yin Ming was facing the face of his younger brother Geng Di, so Yin Ming could no longer approach him or Nian Tong openly.

But with Yin Ming's ruthlessness, since he managed to escape by chance this time, he would definitely retaliate with [-]% color, so danger exists all the time.

Seeing that he was silent, Nian Tong knew that he was worried about Yin Ming.

Yin Ming is not dead, and if she stays by his side, it will undoubtedly bring him even greater disaster.

If it wasn't for her this time, Yin Ming would not be willing to fire that shot.

She remembered that Yin Ming said that she didn't deserve to have Gu Junyao at all, because she not only couldn't help Gu Junyao in his career, but also caused him trouble, so why would she want Gu Junyao to love her like this.

In fact, thinking about it, I feel that Yin Ming's words are not wrong.

At the beginning, it was she who used means to force Gu Junyao to marry her. After marriage, she used the banner of love to distrust him and hurt him again and again. Such a self, even thinking of herself, feels disgusted. No wonder Yin Ming is like that Say.

(End of this chapter)

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