Chapter 211

Nian Tong changed Gu Junyao's nightgown and put on a set of home clothes of her own.

She didn't see Lu Heng in the dining room, she was wondering, but she heard Lu Heng calling her from the balcony.

The balcony of Lu Heng's apartment is not too big, but it can accommodate a small round table and two soft chairs.

"Why, you eat glutinous rice balls and still watch the moon?" She walked over and said with a smile.

Lu Heng also smiled: "It's been a long time since I chatted with you while eating under the moonlight. I remember that we used to like to go to the roof of the building to eat on moonlit nights, and sometimes fell asleep unconsciously. You put My arm was used as a pillow, and when I woke up, my arm was so numb that it didn't feel like my own."

Nian Tong sat down on another soft chair, looked up at Lu Heng who was looking at the night sky and recalled the past, and said: "Brother Lu Heng, why do you keep thinking about the past? I thought only the elderly would like it. Remember the past."

Lu Heng withdrew his gaze and looked at her. Under the moonlight, his eyes were surprisingly dark and bright.

"It's strange to say that I only remember the past events related to you very clearly, but I don't remember much about the others."

Nian Tong was startled, and caught a cluster of dark sparks in Lu Heng's eyes.

She lowered her eyes, frowned slightly calmly, and fiddled with the small glutinous rice balls that had been cooled in the bowl.

"Smells so good." Suddenly heard Lu Heng say.


"I said, you smell so good." Lu Heng said and took a deep breath, but his face froze suddenly, and he was a little uncertain: "The fragrance on your it a cologne for men?"

Nian Tong didn't expect that after changing clothes and washing his face, Lu Heng could still smell it, so he was a little embarrassed for a while.

During the day, when he asked himself why he divorced Gu Yunyao, she said it was because she didn't love her anymore, but now she secretly uses Gu Yunyao's perfume. This kind of self-slapping behavior, probably even a fool would know that her words during the day were an excuse up.

Lu Heng frowned forcefully, as if he was holding back something.

"Since you still love him, why did you propose to divorce him?" After all, he couldn't hold back, Lu Heng asked her.

Nian Tong stroked his forehead: "Brother Lu Heng, can you not mention his matter?"

Lu Heng smiled wryly: "I don't want to mention him, but the problem is that I feel uncomfortable if I don't mention it. I want to know that you were desperate to marry him back then, why are you leaving him now for no reason? And he actually agreed to divorce you?"

"He didn't love me in the first place, and my being with him would only cause him trouble. So now I propose a divorce, of course he won't refuse."

"You said Gu Junyao doesn't love you?" Lu Heng looked at Nian Tong in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"It's not a secret. Everyone who knows me and him knows, okay?" Nian Tong felt a little irritable when he thought of this question, and he was not in the mood to eat anymore.

"I'm sleepy, good night."

She got up.

"Xiaoye, if one day you find that your thinking is ridiculously wrong, I don't know how you will regret it?" Lu Heng asked.

Nian Tong paused, thinking about the meaning of Lu Heng's words, and turned around to ask: "It's so wrong that I think it's wrong that he doesn't love me. In fact, he loves me very much?"

Lu Heng looked at her without saying a word.

Nian Tong's eyes darkened, and he sighed: "Don't comfort me. He has been with Du Zixin for so long and has never had any real feelings for her, and how long have I been with him? And if he loves me, then Why didn't he refute when I said he didn't love me?"

Lu Heng stared at her, speechless for a long time.

This girl, in terms of feelings, is so pure that it makes people grit their teeth with hatred.

With Gu Junyao's status, if it wasn't because of being locked up in his relationship, how could he put so much effort into pampering her, even condoning her divorce?
Although the authorities are obsessed with emotional matters, this girl is really too clueless.

But as far as he was concerned, how much he hoped that she would never know Gu Junyao's intention to spoil her, how much he hoped that she would really divorce Gu Junyao this time, and would never have anything to do with that man again.

It's just that even if she never gets enlightened, that man may not let go.

——I know you are very skilled, so I have no objection to her moving to live with you, but you can't have unreasonable thoughts about her, but protect her and take care of her for me.This is not a request, but an order.Even if you are not convinced in your heart, you have to accept it, otherwise you will know the consequences.

The words he said in Gu Junyao's car during the day rang in his ears, Lu Heng was stared at by those cold eyes and froze all over, unable to refute at all.

I have heard of this man's ruthlessness a long time ago.

Although Du Kewei's work was not done by him, but in the final analysis, it was still caused by him.

With his wealth and status today, it is too easy to destroy a person.

Such a strong man, what would he use to fight him?

He pulled his lips and laughed at himself, watching Nian Tong leave.

*****************************************split line******* *******************************
"Xiao Mu, what happened to Director Geng? Why did he disappear the day after you asked for leave? And the department has a new director." As soon as Nian Tong arrived at the hospital, Liang Bing caught him and asked a lot of questions. .

Nian Tong shook his head.

"How could you not know? Director Geng used to be your teacher and is now your tutor. Don't you have a good relationship? How could you not know about him?"

"You all know that I asked for leave the next day, so how could I know about his disappearance?" Nian Tong perfunctory him, "Didn't Dean Chen say that Director Geng resigned? Then he should know the reason for Director Geng's resignation, you If you’re really curious, ask Dean Chen.”

Hearing this, Liang Bing didn't continue to ask about this matter, but said: "Then who do you want to be your teacher now?"

"I want to change the department and put vascular surgery at the end." This is Nian Tong's decision to return to the hospital for internship.

"Isn't it? You..."

"Xiao Mu, Dean Chen asked you to go to his office." Liang Bing's words were interrupted by a female voice.

Nian Tong nodded in response.

"It should be to talk to you about the internship." Liang Bing guessed.

Nian Tong didn't return him, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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