Chapter 212

Dean Chen asked her to talk to her because she returned to the hospital for an internship on vacation.

Gu Junyao probably found other reasons to perfuse the hospital about Yin Ming's matter, so Dean Chen didn't mention it.Instead, she told Nian Tong that she could change the department she wanted to go to, or she could directly name who would be her tutor.

Nian Tong knew that it was because of Gu Junyao that he was so tolerant and generous to him.

Thinking of that man made my heart ache for a while.

Half an hour later, when she came out of the dean's office and walked downstairs through the garden to the general surgery building, she suddenly felt a pair of eyes watching her from behind.

She thought of Yin Ming whose whereabouts were unknown, her heart shook, her whole body tensed up immediately, and she was in a state of defense.

She walked forward a few steps and then suddenly turned around, but was stunned.

It was not Yin Ming, but a nurse holding a stack of test sheets.

The nurse was startled when she saw her suddenly turn her head and stare at her.After recovering, he patted his chest and asked her, "What's the matter?"

Nian Tong shook her head, watched the nurse leave with a frown, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it wasn't Yin Ming.

Who was the owner of those eyes that felt like they were staring at him just now?

She raised her eyes and looked around, but she didn't see anyone acting suspiciously.I couldn't help wondering if I was too nervous, so I had hallucinations.

She retracted her gaze and turned around, but bumped into a wall of flesh.

"sorry Sorry……"

She apologized repeatedly, and took two steps back. The moment she raised her eyes, she was struck by lightning, and her whole body froze, unable to move.

"I'm Geng Di, the real Geng Di."

A helpless and bitter voice rose, and under the sunlight, that handsome face was slightly pale and haggard.

Geng Di?

Nian Tong breathed smoothly, still staring at the man in front of him warily, wondering if it wasn't his hallucination just now, the one who has been staring at him is him?
And is he Yin Ming or Geng Di?

"It's inconvenient to talk here, I'm afraid of being recognized, should I change to another place?"

While thinking about it, Nian Tong listened to him again, and then watched him put on a medical blue mask, covering most of his face.

"You don't believe I'm Geng Di?" Seeing her staring at him suspiciously, Geng Di asked her in a muffled voice through the mask.

"He made his face exactly like yours, how do I know if you are Geng Di?" Nian Tong asked him back.

"The face can be made exactly the same, but what about the eyeballs? He has black eyes, even if he wears color-changing contact lenses, he can't compare with the real brown eyes, because the former are dead objects and don't move at all."

After what he said, Nian Tong stared at his eyes, and found that his pupils were indeed the normal size, and the eyeballs moved flexibly, it didn't look like he was wearing color-changing contact lenses at all.

"I came to you to clarify some things. Because I don't want to take the blame for what he did, and I don't want you to tell Cen Huan about it, so that she hates me and even hates me."

Cen Huan?

Nian Tong blinked and asked, "Are you..."


Geng Di interrupted her, then turned around and walked towards a corner of the garden.

Nian Tong was startled, then followed.

Geng Di stopped under a gazebo, then took off the mask on his face, but turned his back to Nian Tong's probing eyes.

"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, but I can't answer you one by one. I just want to say, I'm sorry for causing you so many disasters because of my face."

As soon as Nian Tong stood still, he listened to Geng Di's words.

She knew that Geng Di was completely involuntarily used by Yin Ming, so she didn't blame Geng Di.

What's more, Yin Ming said that Geng Di once wanted to inform him, which shows that he didn't intend to harm her.

But... "When did you find out that he looked like you?"

Geng Di returned to her after a while.

"When I teased Cen Huan last year, she was taken away, and I was beaten unconscious, and when I woke up, I saw a face exactly like mine, and this face actually existed six or seven years ago. "But he never noticed.

Nian Tong could hear the hatred in Geng Di's voice, and couldn't help asking: "Do you love him?"

Geng Di sneered: "What do you think? How could I not hate a person who ruined my original happy family and made me look like me everywhere?"

"Then... did he contact you again this time?"

Geng Di sat sideways on a stone chair, shook his head and said, "How dare he contact me again? That time when Gu Junyao told me that my mother... had passed away, I didn't believe it, but when I returned to England, I found out that It's true, my mother died of a heart attack, but that bastard has been hiding it from me, he didn't even take care of my mother's funeral and buried her hastily. I wish I could kill him now."

"Then do you know where he will hide?"

"I've looked for him in every possible place he could have gone and found nothing."

Nian Tong was silent.

Every day Yin Ming can't be found means one more day of danger.

She wasn't worried about herself, but she was worried that Yin Ming would transfer all his hatred to Gu Junyao in a frenzy and deal with him.

If that's the case, what's the use of her leaving?
The more she thought about it, the more confused her mind became, and the more confused she felt, the more she felt that her decision was outrageously wrong.

Perhaps Gu Junyao's sudden agreement to divorce her was just to push her away from him according to her wishes, and this should be done to protect her.

But why didn't she think of it before?

"Actually, I have a way to lure him out." Geng Di said suddenly.

Nian Tong regained consciousness, "What way?"

Geng Di closed his eyes, with an expression on his face that seemed to be struggling and hesitating, and finally said: "Although what he did was perverted, he was very kind to his mother. Maybe this is his only weakness."

Nian Tong widened his eyes when he heard the words, and said in shock: "You also want to use his mother to lure him out?"

"Besides this method, do you have a better solution?" Geng Di asked her back.

I am suffocated in reading Tongyu.

"Although I also hated his mother for causing my parents to divorce, I didn't mean to want her to die. I just wanted to use her to lure her son out and settle the grievances between me and him."

"But it's against the law."

"Breaking the law?" Geng Di snorted coldly, "What he did is breaking the law, but can he still live well? You tell your man what I think, and then give me an answer."

As he spoke, Geng Di handed a note with his phone number written on it to Nian Tong, and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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