Chapter 213

Nian Tong pinched the note in his hand and looked at the phone number left by Geng Di on the top, hesitating whether to call Gu Junyao and tell him about it.

— Unless it's an accident, you won't have the chance to see me.

At that time, he said so decisively, presumably because he really didn't want to see her again.

She took a long breath, but her heart was still very heavy.

She turned around and walked towards the general surgery building, until the petite figure disappeared into the hall, and a tall and straight figure hidden in the dark strode out, with a trace of pity remaining in her cold black eyes.

Geng Di walked out of the hospital and was about to stop the car at the intersection when a matte blue Lamborghini stopped suddenly in front of him.

He looked at the slowly lowered car window and saw clearly the face of the man in the driver's seat. A look of surprise flashed across his expression, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Mr. Gu, you didn't follow me just to buy me coffee, did you?"

In the corner of the coffee shop with soft lighting, Geng Di looked at the man with a cold expression on the opposite side, and said.

Gu Junyao pursed his lips lightly, "I didn't follow you, but I just happened to see you chatting with my wife, so I was a little curious about what you were talking about."

"You don't seem to doubt whether I am Yin Ming at all?"

Gu Junyao stared at his throat for a while, and then said: "Yin Ming's throat is injured, even if it takes more than half a month, his voice will not be completely restored to the same as before. But I thought about it carefully, your Even though the faces are exactly the same, I can still find differences in them."

"for example?"

"There is a small but very dark black mole on the peak of his left eyebrow." When he was in Italy, Yin Ming plucked off his left eyebrow because of a car injury and broke his left eyebrow. There is a small black mole on the left eyebrow. "And your eyebrow colors are different."

Yin Ming could use color-changing contact lenses to change his dark eyes, but he forgot to dye his darkened eyebrows into a brownish one like Geng Di's in front of him.

Although these were all things he remembered later, at least he could now tell who is Yin Ming and who is Geng Di.

Geng Di was surprised when he heard this - neither he nor Yin Ming had noticed this.

"Mr. Geng, what did you say to Tongtong just now?" Gu Junyao asked him.

Geng Di returned to God and said: "Originally, I wanted her to tell you something, and then asked her to give me an answer. Since you have found me, then I will tell you directly."

He told Gu Junyao of his plan to use Yin Ming's mother to lure him out, and finally said: "If he doesn't die, you and I will have no peace, so I think you will agree with my approach."

Gu Junyao pondered for a while, then said calmly: "Mr. Geng, I hope you will not contact her again in the future."

Geng Di's complexion changed slightly.

"She has a shadow on your face. I don't mean to hurt you by saying this. I just don't want her to remember the incident of being kidnapped by Yin Ming because of you." About to divorce.

"But I'm not Yin Ming, I won't hurt her." Geng Di defended himself.

"I know you won't harm her, but I still hope that you will stop contacting her in the future." Gu Junyao had a negotiating tone, but his tone was too strong to be discussed.

"You can come to me directly for anything about Yin Ming, without going through her."

"Will you join hands with me?"

"It's not joining hands," Gu Junyao leaned back, with a stern expression on his expression: "I'll help you deal with him."

*************************************split line*********** *********************************
At noon, Nian Tong received a call from Lu Heng, inviting her to a newly opened Indian restaurant to have an Indian meal in the evening.

In the afternoon, I chose Pediatric Surgery as the first stop of my internship, and my teacher was a middle-aged male doctor surnamed Li who was about 40 years old.The amiable look is not at all like a surgeon.

Fortunately, very professional and extremely patient.

After work in the afternoon, Lu Heng came to the hospital to pick her up. At the gate of the hospital, she was still hesitating whether to call Gu Junyao, but unexpectedly received a call from Geng Di.

"I'm going back to England tomorrow, so I didn't say what I told you this morning. That's it, goodbye."

Listening to the sound of being hung up on the other end of the phone, Nian Tong froze for a moment.

Immediately after regaining consciousness, I called back, but was told that the user had turned off the phone.

what happened?

In the morning, she clearly told her to tell Gu Junyao, why did she change her mind now?

Did he already have news of Yin Ming?
While thinking wildly, Lu Heng's car drove up to him.

The car window lowered, revealing Lu Heng's handsome smiling face.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? There is a traffic jam ahead."

As he spoke, he got out of the car and went around to the side of the passenger seat to open the door.

Nian Tong sat in the car with an absent-minded expression.

Lu Heng realized this when he got in the car, and asked strangely: "Is it not going well with the department change today? Why does it seem that you don't look well?"

Nian Tong forced a smile, and said casually: "No, it's just that I'm not used to the smell of disinfectant in the hospital."

"Then what should I do? The hospital is your future job. Unless you give up this job, you have to force yourself to get used to this smell."

Nian Tong didn't answer any more.

Lu Heng seemed to realize that her bad mood was not caused by the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, but he didn't ask.

Because he knew that the only man who could make her feel so bad now was Gu Junyao.

"I remember taking you to eat Indian food once before, and you liked it very much, so as soon as I learned that there was a new Indian restaurant that tasted good, I immediately asked my assistant to book two tables. I believe you will like it." He turned away topic.

Nian Tong looked at the backing vehicles and pedestrians outside the window and didn't respond, as if he didn't hear what he just said, with a completely out of mind expression.

Lu Heng frowned unconsciously, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Did she miss the hero in the drama of her life, and she can only be a supporting role from now on, without the chance to become the protagonist again?
At this time, all her heart and eyes are only Gu Junyao, no matter how far away that man is, he still lives in her heart.

Lu Heng laughed at himself, thinking that he really had no chance to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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