Chapter 214

Chaoge in the middle of the night is still blurred and full of voices.

Gu Junyao walked across the dance floor where the crowd was reveling and swaying, and went straight to the stairs not far away.

But there was a voluptuous figure entangled. Amidst the tangy fragrance, a cool and naked slender arm reached out. Gu Junyao didn't even look at it. He clasped the opponent's wrist precisely with his big palm and shook it away forcefully.

"Ah!" The woman who just wanted to strike up a conversation but was ruthlessly thrown away exclaimed and bumped into other people.

Qiao Yueqing, who was behind Gu Junyao, couldn't help but chuckled when he saw this scene: "Junyao, you are really seductive, even passing by, there are women who actively pester you to take advantage of you."

Gu Junyao didn't even pause, and continued to walk forward.

The door of the box was pushed open, and the two people who were talking and laughing inside looked over.One of the tall and muscular men said loudly, "Mr. Gu is so busy with his daily affairs, it's not easy to meet you."

Gu Junyao smiled slightly, walked in and sat down beside Qi Xin.

"I'm sorry to keep President Xiao waiting for a long time. It's really urgent."

"I know you're busy, Qi Xin already explained to me when I arrived in City A." Xiao Lingtian smiled sweetly.

Qiao Yueqing, who was sitting on the other side, thought that if he just looked at his appearance and appearance, he would not be able to tell that the man in front of him was the rumored cruel and vicious northern overlord.

But people can't be likened to their appearance.

Isn't there a good example around you?

He looked at Gu Junyao, who was calm and calm, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"President Gu, Qi Xin said that you asked him to invite me this time because you wanted to discuss cooperation with me in person?" Xiao Lingtian asked.

"It's my honor to be able to cooperate with Mr. Xiao, but before talking about cooperation, I want to ask Mr. Xiao if he knows anyone."

Xiao Lingtian was startled: "Who?"

Gu Junyao didn't speak, but glanced at Qiao Yueqing, who took out a photo from his pocket and handed it over.

Xiao Lingtian took it, and his expression suddenly changed when he glanced at the person in the photo.

"Looking at Mr. Xiao's face, it seems that he not only knows this person, but is very familiar with him?" Gu Junyao said.

"What do you mean by Mr. Gu?" Xiao Lingtian put the photo on the coffee table, suppressed the displeasure on his face, and his expression returned to normal.

"I want to know what's the relationship between Mr. Xiao and him?"

"...It's just that we met a few times."

"Really? Isn't it a lover relationship?"

As soon as Gu Junyao's words fell, not only Xiao Lingtian, but also Qi Xin and Qiao Yueqing were taken aback, and Xiao Lingtian's complexion changed suddenly!

"Are you checking me?" He asked in a cold voice, with a gloomy expression and a hint of anger in his eyes.

Gu Junyao smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Xiao, don't be angry. I didn't intend to investigate you on purpose, nor did I intend to investigate your private affairs. It's just because of this person that I have to investigate."

"What's wrong with him?" Xiao Lingtian's eyes fell on the photo on the coffee table.

"He used to be a subordinate who worked with me, but later he committed a crime and was hunted down. I don't know how he knew Mr. Xiao."

"You said he used to be your subordinate?" Xiao Lingtian was puzzled, "He told me that he had been teaching in the school since he graduated from medical school, and what I found was exactly in line with what he said."

"Because what he said and what you checked were not himself."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Lingtian was even more puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Gu Junyao didn't reply to him in time, but took out his phone and dialed a number, and said, "Come in."

Just after hanging up the phone, the door was pushed open again, and a tall and slender figure walked in.

"Xiao Di?"

As soon as Xiao Lingtian saw the person coming, he immediately got up and rushed over, but his outstretched hands were in vain.

"Mr. Xiao, he is not the pillow person you thought." Gu Junyao explained.

"How is it possible? Xiao Di, I'm Ah Tian!" Xiao Lingtian said and wanted to rush over again.

"I don't know you! Although I am Geng Di, I am not the Xiao Di you mentioned." Geng Di frowned and stared at Xiao Lingtian, with a flash of disgust on his expression.

It's hard to believe that Yin Ming turned to Xiao Lingtian in order to take revenge on Gu Junyao, became his same-sex lover, and used his power to protect his own safety.

But Qiao Yueqing and Qi Xin on the side thought, no wonder Xiao Lingtian has no wife or children at 36, and he has never heard of any woman he dated, so it turns out that he doesn't like women at all.

"You are Geng Di, but not the Xiao Di I know?" Xiao Lingtian was confused, "Could it be that you are twins with the same name and surname?"

"Mr. Xiao, this is a long story, you sit down first." Gu Junyao said.

Xiao Lingtian glanced at Geng Di suspiciously, and after thinking about it, he sat back in his original position, but his gaze was fixed on Geng Di all the time.

Geng Di was so stared at by him that he wanted to dig out his eyes, but because of Gu Junyao's plan, he had to bear it.

After more than half an hour, Xiao Lingtian's face turned blue and pale after hearing the whole story.

He didn't expect that the person next to him was a traitor who had been hunted down by Gu Junyao for many years.

"Mr. Xiao, I have no other meaning in telling you this. I just accidentally learned that he has been lurking by Mr. Xiao's side all these years. I am afraid that he will betray you like he betrayed me back then, so I specifically remind Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Lingtian is not a fool.Of course he guessed that Gu Junyao was doing this to kill people with a knife, and asked him to get rid of Yin Ming.

It's just that his feelings for Yin Ming are not a play on the spot, so even if Yin Ming is Gu Junyao's traitor and has concealed so many things from him, he doesn't intend to kill him, but just give him some small punishments. up.

Gu Junyao seemed to guess what he was thinking, and suddenly said: "If Mr. Xiao has sincere cooperation, I am willing to share it with Mr. Xiao at an ultra-low price of 50 yuan per gram, which is lower than the market price."

Hearing this, Xiao Lingtian's expression brightened, and there was a slight sparkle in his eyes.

Not to mention a reduction of 50 yuan per gram, even a reduction of five yuan, can save a huge amount of expenses when converted.

The wages of avarice is death.

It's really hard for him not to be moved.

"Mr. Xiao, don't say I won't give you time to think about it. I'll give you one night. If I don't get your reply before ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I will treat you as giving up this cooperation automatically."

Xiao Lingtian's expression froze, he thought for a while and nodded, "Then please wait for my reply, Mr. Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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