Chapter 218

"A very important hostage?" Qi Xin looked at the phone screen showing the end of the call, and then looked at Gu Junyao, "Didn't you call just now to make sure Tongtong is safe?"

Gu Junyao nodded, and at the same time guessed in his mind who the hostage that Xiao Lingtian was talking about was very important to him.

"Since my sister-in-law is safe, and your parents are far away in Italy, it is impossible for Xiao Lingtian to capture any of them as hostages, so who is the very important hostage he is talking about?" Qiao Yueqing asked.

Gu Junyao frowned in thought, and said after a while: "Your people have been guarding over there all the time, why didn't anyone report Xiao Lingtian's going in and out so much?"

"Could it be that he lied? Actually, there is no such thing at all? Otherwise, why didn't he say who was arrested?" Qiao Yueqing also felt strange.As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Qi Xin say: "I just received a multimedia message from Xiao Lingtian."

"MMS? Could it be a photo of the person captured by Xiao Lingtian?" Qiao Yueqing said while moving his face closer.

Qi Xin opened the MMS, and after a while, a photo of a portrait appeared in it, and the person in the photo made Gu Junyao slightly startled, and then frowned.

"Here, isn't this the former mayor Mu Qifeng?" Qiao Yueqing pointed to the person in the photo and asked in surprise. "How did Xiao Lingtian catch him?"

"Did you forget that Mu Qifeng is Tongtong's father? They probably couldn't catch Tongtong, so they moved their thoughts on Mu Qifeng." Qi Xin analyzed.

"I know that Mu Qifeng is my sister-in-law's father, but so what? Mu Qifeng is just a useless pawn in Yunyao's hands. They can't threaten Yunyao at all if they capture him."

Qi Xin glanced at him, stroked his forehead and said, "Mu Qifeng is not important to Junyao, but if you think about it from another angle, Mu Qifeng is Tongtong's father, and they take advantage of this, because as long as Tongtong knows Her father was arrested, it is impossible for Jun Yao to stand by and watch this matter."

"But sister-in-law didn't get along with Mu Qifeng because of her mother's affairs?"

"If you don't get along with her, that's the father who gave birth to her. Don't you also hate your old man? If your old man was arrested today, would you not save him because you hate him?"

Qiao Yueqing was speechless by the rebuttal.

"Xiao Lingtian is such a bastard, he actually arrested Mu Qifeng to threaten you." Qi Xin looked at Gu Junyao, "What should I do now? He only gives you one day to get all the goods in the warehouse to exchange for Mu Qifeng. not much time."

Gu Junyao glanced at the time, and calmly ordered: "Qi Xin called Xiao Lingtian to delay the time, and Yue Qing went to find out where they arrested Mu Qifeng and locked them up, and sent additional troops to guard Xiao Lingtian's corner. "

"Okay." The two responded separately.

****************************************split line******** *********************************
In the brightly lit hall, Xiao Lingtian glanced at Mu Qifeng, who was sitting on the sofa with a slightly pale complexion, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is a mayor who has seen the world, even when he is kidnapped as a hostage. It's amazing how calm you are."

Mu Qifeng lifted his eyelids, looked coldly at Xiao Lingtian and said, "It's useless for you to arrest me and blackmail Gu Junyao, I'm just a waste in his eyes."

"Trash?" Xiao Lingtian played with the meaning of the word, but smiled, "You think I'll let you go if you say that?"

"You don't want to let it go. Anyway, I'm already old, and my children hate me. It's meaningless to live. You'd better kill me, lest I can't do it myself."

Xiao Lingtian really didn't expect Mu Qifeng to have such an idea.

"If you want to die, you have to wait until we finish using you." A cold and hoarse voice came from Xiao Lingtian's side.

Mu Qifeng shifted his gaze from Xiao Lingtian to the master who spoke just now, and snorted coldly: "Since I am a waste to him, how could he trade all his property in order to save me?"

"You are not important to him, but who made your daughter his treasure?"

Mu Qifeng's heart was shocked by Yin Ming's words, but he still said calmly: "Your wishful thinking is wrong. I killed my daughter's mother, and now she hates me so much that she doesn't even want to look at me , she doesn't care at all whether I live or die, so how could she ask Gu Junyao to save me?"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Lingtian and Yin Ming looked at each other, and the former said: "Then let's bet on your importance in your daughter's heart. If she really doesn't care about your life, we can only admit that we are unlucky, otherwise Find a way to catch your daughter and come back to threaten Gu Junyao."

"Don't grab my daughter!" Mu Qifeng roared anxiously.

Yin Ming laughed, "You can't even protect yourself, and you still care about your daughter's safety? I don't know how your daughter will react if she finds out that you have been kidnapped?"

He said and looked at Xiao Lingtian, "Did you tell that girl that her father is a guest here?"

Xiao Lingtian took out her mobile phone and said, "I just had someone find out her phone number, and I'm about to make a call."

Mu Qifeng stared straight at Xiao Lingtian with a pair of eyes, seeing him put the phone to his ear and answering the phone, his heart seemed to jump to his throat, and his whole body was tense with tension.

But after a while, Xiao Lingtian took down the phone and frowned, "It turned off?"

Yin Ming thought for a while and said, "Since she turned off the phone, there will always be a time when it will be turned on. You send her a photo of her father first, and then leave a number. She will call when she sees it."

Xiao Lingtian said: "I just said to give Gu Junyao a day to prepare, what if the girl doesn't turn on the phone within a day? If she didn't know that her father was arrested, she wouldn't ask Gu Junyao to save her father , but with Gu Junyao's personality, he won't care about the life and death of a useless person at all."

"You don't have to worry about this, I believe she will know soon even if she doesn't turn on the phone."


Yin Ming sneered: "Because someone will tell her."

Xiao Lingtian was confused, and before he could speak, he heard Yin Ming say a person's name, while Mu Qifeng's expression turned pale in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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