Chapter 219

The twilight is getting thicker, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the large clear glass windows, refracting colorful rays of light.

Nian Tong nestled on the sofa in the living room, looking out of the window with an expression of wandering.

Just as Lu Heng finished processing the ingredients and came out of the kitchen, he caught a glimpse of Nian Tong curled up in a ball on the sofa as lazy as a cat, and unconsciously curled his lips.

"Xiaoye, didn't you say you want to learn how to cook fish?"

When Nian Tong heard his voice, she rolled her eyes and looked in Lu Heng's direction.

"I suddenly don't want to move, so forget it."

Her soft voice made Lu Heng feel like a cat more and more.

He came over, squatted down next to the sofa, and asked softly, "Didn't you just talk about learning how to cook fish with great enthusiasm? Why don't you want to move all of a sudden?"

Nian Tong blinked, and instead of answering, he asked, "Brother Lu Heng, who was the caller you received on the way home from the hospital just now?"

Lu Heng's expression changed slightly, and he smiled before saying, "My colleague from the film crew asked me something about work."

"Really?" Nian Tong murmured and looked away.

"Of course, otherwise, who do you think?"

Gu Junyao.

She thought it was Gu Junyao.

When Lu Heng received the call, Nian Tong noticed that he glanced at him, and then his tone was a little strange.

So she suspected that the call was from Gu Junyao.

But why did Gu Junyao call Lu Heng?
If it's something related to her, he can go to her directly.

So she was not sure if Gu Junyao hit her.

"Xiaoye, you suddenly want to learn how to cook fish, do you want to learn how to cook it for someone?" Lu Heng changed the subject, worried that she would bring the topic to Gu Junyao again while talking.He really doesn't want to hear that man's name now.

"Yes." I want to have a chance to cook it for Gu Junyao after I learn it.

But it seems that there is no chance.

"In this case, why don't you learn? Come on, help me, let's cook together." He leaned over and pulled her arms.

Nian Tong smelled the scent of other men in his breath, and instinctively resisted: "Brother Lu Heng, I can do it myself."

Lu Heng was slightly taken aback, and his eyes flashed with a look of injury—he had another man in his heart, so he began to avoid even the most basic physical contact?
In a daze, Nian Tong got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Do you want to peel the garlic or wash the onion?" She asked back.

Lu Heng walked over and shook his head.

"Then what do you want me to do?" In the past, Gu Junyao asked her to help peel garlic or wash green onions every time he cooked.

Nian Tong looked at the emerald-green shallots on the cooking table, and remembered all the things she did when cooking with Gu Junyao in the past. She couldn't help but hug him secretly from behind him, and he would occasionally kiss her face ...

Since he was injured and hospitalized, she has been the one who cooks and cooks soup for him. It has been a long time since she has eaten the meals he cooks, and she really misses it.

"Xiaoye?" Lu Heng's voice brought her back to reality from her memories.


"I called you three or four times before you responded." Lu Heng sighed helplessly, "You can't calm down and learn things if you are in a daze all the time, but to cook fish, you must control the fire, be in a daze like you, and wait until you come back to your senses." The pot is going to burn through."

Nian Tong stuck out his tongue guiltily, then nodded and said with a cute look: "Mr. Lu, I will definitely not be in a daze again. Please start teaching me the skills of cooking fish."

Lu Heng hadn't seen her mischievous and somewhat shy expression for a long time, and was a little stunned for a moment.He didn't react until he smelled a strange smell, and quickly looked at the stove, only to see that the sliced ​​ginger in the pot had been burnt into a black object.

Seeing this, Nian Tong curled her lips, then giggled and said, "Still talking about me, aren't you the same?"

Lu Heng's cheeks were a little hot, and he quickly avoided her teasing gaze, and pretended to be busy, fished out the blackened ginger and threw in a few slices again.

Nian Tong obediently stood by and watched him do it step by step, when Lu Heng's cell phone rang.

She glanced at Lu Heng's mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room outside, and said, "You're not free, let me bring it for you."

Lu Heng wanted to refuse, but Nian Tong had already walked to the living room.

He was afraid that Gu Junyao was calling, so he turned off the fire and ran to the living room, snatching the phone before Nian Tong picked it up.The speed was so fast that Nian Tong was stunned.

"Uh, I should be looking for something urgent." He apologized, glanced at the phone that had stopped singing, his tense expression eased instantly, and handed the phone to Nian Tong again: "My assistant is calling of."

Nian Tong took a look, smiled faintly, turned and walked to her room.

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and called back, but after a while, he heard Nian Tong's exclamation from the room.

Startled, he immediately ran over.

"what happened?"

Nian Tong held his mobile phone in his hand and said with a sad face: "I didn't realize that my mobile phone is broken, and I can't even turn it on." No wonder I haven't received text messages or calls from Gu Junyao.

Lu Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "If it's broken, I'll buy another one tomorrow."

"I'd better take it and have it repaired." This mobile phone was the first gift Gu Junyao gave her, how could she be willing to change it.

Lu Heng probably guessed something from her expression, so he didn't continue to say, but said: "Then I will take it for you to repair in a few days."

"No, I'll take it to repair tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow." Remembering Gu Junyao's warning, Lu Heng blurted out.

Nian Tong was stunned, "Why not tomorrow?" Is it necessary to pick a date to repair the phone?
Lu Heng was suffocated for a while, and then he said bravely: "...Don't you want to watch our crew wrap up this filming? Tomorrow is the last two scenes. I'll take you to watch them?"

"But my hospital..."

"Let's ask for leave over there. It's just a few days. It shouldn't be a problem. I've already discussed it with the crew. Just now, my assistant called to talk about this matter. I asked him to arrange it."

Hearing what Lu Heng said, it's hard for Nian Tong to make a decision.

"Let's go, that fish has already gone into the pot, it won't be fresh if you don't cook it." He snatched her mobile phone and threw it back on the bed, then pushed her out.

(End of this chapter)

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