Chapter 220

"Yunyao, I found out that Xiao Lingtian had someone arrest Mu Qifeng and not lock him up in his corner, but in an old villa on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by his guards. And that perverted man actually Also, it is estimated that the perverted man has been hiding there for the past two days."

Qiao Yueqing said as soon as he saw Gu Junyao.

"We already know this." Qi Xin replied.

"Huh? How do you know?"

"When I was dealing with Xiao Lingtian on the phone, Xiao Lingtian said it himself, and the old villa on the outskirts of the city is also where he asked us to deliver the goods."

"Dare to ask us to deliver goods in our territory? Is this Xiao Lingtian arrogant or not afraid of death?" Qiao Yueqing snorted coldly, and then asked Gu Junyao, "Are you really planning to exchange the goods for that Mu Qifeng?"

Gu Junyao frowned deeply, but nodded and said, "I'll give it to him if he wants it."

"Ah?" Qiao Yueqing probably didn't expect Gu Junyao to say that, so he was too stunned to react.

"Yunyao, are you really going to do this?" Qi Xin frowned, "Xiao Lingtian is not a trustworthy person, he arrested Mu Qifeng and said that he wanted us to exchange people with goods, but it is also possible that he took the goods and made an inch of us The people who protected him returned to his lair. And when the situation changed, we had no room to speak at all.”

Gu Junyao snorted coldly, "Since he has such a big appetite and wants to eat all of my goods, then I'll see if he has such a big stomach to hold it up." He turned to Qiao Yueqing, "How many grams of drug trafficking is a capital crime?"

Qiao Yueqing's eyes brightened, and he exchanged a glance with Qi Xin, and they both laughed one after another.

As night fell, the slightly remote suburbs were quiet.

"Why hasn't there been any movement from them? Is it true that Gu Junyao would not exchange so much goods for him as the old guy said?" Xiao Lingtian asked Yin Ming, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, with his elbow. .

"Isn't the time you gave him up to one day? What's the rush?" Yin Ming lazily tilted his head to the side of the sofa, followed by his body, but halfway he was pulled back by Xiao Lingtian.

"Xiao Di, if I can't make a comeback this time, will you still follow me?" He looked at Yin Ming who was detained by him and asked.

Yin Ming's eyelids moved, but they were still closed, with a sneer in his heart.

Except for Gu Junyao, no one is his destination.

This Xiao Lingtian was just being used by him. When Gu Junyao was turned into a pauper, it would not be easy for him to bow his head and become a minister?

"Xiao Di? Why don't you talk?"

"Yes." Anyway, he was asking Xiao Di, and he was Yin Ming.

"With your words, I think it's worth it." Xiao Lingtian sighed.

He has been on the road for so many years. He used to kill people like hemp, and he was afraid of others. He had countless women before, and he never thought that he would like a man.And for the sake of this man, he did not hesitate to offend the famous cold-blooded Satan, to such an extent.

"Is it wrong for us to trade on his land?" He suddenly thought of this question.

"How to say?"

"City A is Gu Junyao's territory after all. Even if he agrees to trade with us, there is no guarantee that he will bite us back and report us to the police for drug trafficking or other crimes?"

Hearing this, Yin Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

"We are asking him to come and deal with us in person. If he dares to report to the police, he will shoot himself in the foot, unless he wants to put himself in jail."

"You are wrong. Do you think that Gu Junyao's police background in City A is all in vain? If he really reports us, he will naturally have a way to exonerate himself."

"It's all about drug dealing, how can he get himself off the hook?" He stood up, "It's because you think too much, I'm sleepy, go back to my room first, you make people look after that old thing."

"Don't worry, he can't run."

Yin Ming turned his head and scoffed coldly, "I'm not afraid of him running away, but I'm afraid that his suicide will spoil our good deeds."

Hearing this, Xiao Lingtian's expression froze, then he turned and walked towards the basement where Mu Qifeng was being held.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
Gu's Group.

"Assistant Mu."

Mu Yu'an raised his eyes upon hearing the sound.

"Secretary Lian asked you to go to her office."

Even the secretary?
Mu Yu'an, who was about to go home from get off work, remembered Lian Nuan's exquisite face, nodded to the colleague who informed him, got up and left his seat, and walked to the secretary's office.

Standing still at the door, seeing that the door was ajar, and was about to push it open, a warm voice sounded next to my ear: "...Okay, I will send Mu Yu'an on a business trip later, and I won't let him know that he The thing about my father being kidnapped..."

As if struck by lightning, Mu Yuan froze at the door.

Lian Nuan hung up the phone, sensed that something was wrong, frowned and leaned towards the door, saw Mu Yunan's leather shoes half exposed, his complexion turned pale immediately.

"Why did you eavesdrop on my phone call!"

She walked over and angrily pulled the frozen Mu Yuan in, raised her chin and asked in an annoyed manner with a cold face.

"Eavesdropping on your phone conversation?" Mu Yuan stared at Lian Nuan and gnashed his teeth, "The content of your phone conversation is related to me! Tell me, why my father was kidnapped?"

"You heard it wrong, there is no such thing." Lian Nuan cast aside his eyes and refused to admit it.

"It's fine if you don't admit it, why don't I investigate it myself?" Mu Yu'an turned around.

"Mu Yu'an!" Lian Nuan called to stop him, and when Mu Yu'an was about to turn around, his neck suddenly felt numb.

Lian Nuan looked at Mu Yu'an who was staring at him with wide eyes, but slowly turned upside down and shrugged, "You forced me to do this, who told you to eavesdrop."

Tong Tong.

A clear calling sounded in my ears again and again.


In his sleep, Nian Tong closed his eyes tightly and danced his hands in the air, then suddenly opened his eyes.

It was pitch black.

Panting heavily, she recalled the dream just now, she actually dreamed that her father was being chased by a ghost.

Could it be that the father is in any danger?
She turned on the bedside lamp, looked for her mobile phone to make a call, but remembered that her mobile phone was broken, so she got up and walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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