Chapter 221

Lu Heng, who hadn't fallen asleep, heard the movement outside the door, and turned over and got out of bed vigilantly.

When the door opened, he caught a glimpse of a petite figure walking towards the living room. He froze for a moment, and called out, "Xiaoye?"

When Nian Tong heard Lu Heng calling her, she couldn't help but stop.

"Xiaoye, why are you still awake so late?" Lu Heng walked over rubbing his forehead, his eyes touched the long black men's nightgown on her body, his eyes darkened, and then he looked away.

"Brother Lu Heng, I dreamed that my dad was being chased by a ghost. I was worried that he was in danger, so I wanted to call my elder brother. But my mobile phone is broken, so I can only use the landline in the living room to make calls."

Hearing that she wanted to call Mu Yu'an, Lu Heng was startled, and hurriedly said: "It's so late, your elder brother must have rested too, I heard that he works very hard at Gu Junyao's company, you will call now Make him rest."

"But I'm worried." Although she still hated her father for treating her mother like that, no matter how much she hated her, it was still her father. It would be a lie to say that she was not worried.

"It's just a dream. I often dream that I'm being chased by ghosts. Isn't it okay?" Lu Heng comforted her and said, "You won't have nightmares if you sleep with the light on. Let's go, I'll take you back to your room."

Nian Tong shook his head: "I haven't gone back to see him for a long time, this time I suddenly dreamed of him, and I always feel that something bad happened."

"If something bad happens, your elder brother will call and tell you. Why wait for you to call and ask?"


"Okay, okay, don't be suspicious, I'm sleepy too, go back to my room and sleep, I have to go to the crew to gather early tomorrow morning." Lu Heng took her by the shoulders and pushed her to her room. Walk.

Gu Junyao's nightgown was too long for Nian Tong, and his thoughts were pushed by Lu Heng and almost tripped over.

"Why don't you wear your pajamas?" Lu Heng asked casually.

When Nian Tong was asked like this, he realized that he had come out wearing Gu Junyao's nightgown in such a hurry, and now that Lu Heng found out, his face became hot, and he bit his lip and remained silent.

"Okay, go to sleep, good night."

Lu Heng sent her back to her room and immediately exited.

Because in that room full of men's perfume, it would be a torment for him to stay for a second longer.

Perfume, aftershave, shirts, dressing gowns.

Every piece belongs to Gu Junyao.

Even though the two of them were not together, it was really hurtful that she missed him in this way.

Fearing that Nian Tong would sneak out to make a phone call while he was asleep, he simply sat at the door of Nian Tong's room and leaned against the door until he fell asleep unknowingly.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the room in the morning, Nian Tong had already opened his eyes in a daze.

She habitually rolled over to her side, the cold bed made her wake up, and then remembered where she was.

It's the fourth day, why are you still used to looking for that familiar embrace as soon as you wake up?
And he ignored her, obviously very used to living without her.

fair enough.

She made a self-deprecating smile, but her heart was bitter.

Remembering that Lu Heng said that today he would take her to his crew to watch the last two scenes of live shooting, she cheered up and got up.

After entering the bathroom to freshen up, I changed into a set of casual clothes, thought about it and put on some light makeup before leaving the room.

The door opened, but was taken aback by what suddenly hit his eyes.

"Brother Lu Heng? You, why are you sleeping in front of my room?" She asked in surprise, staring at Lu Heng who was lying back on the ground.

It was so bad, I fell asleep and forgot the time.

Annoyed, Lu Heng slowly got up from the ground and said, "I was worried that you would be frightened by having nightmares again, so I sat by your door, and who knew that I fell asleep without knowing it."

"Afraid that I would have nightmares, so you sat at my door all night?" Nian Tong was speechless, "Then do you want to go back to bed and sleep for a while?"

"No, I'll go to the set after I wash up and change my clothes."

"Okay, then hurry up and I'll make a simple breakfast."


Seeing Lu Heng return to her room, Nian Tong's eyes flashed, remembering that she said she wanted to call her elder brother last night, but Lu Heng kept blocking her, and then sat at her door again. Does this mean something really happened at home?

She bit her lip and walked to the living room.

He picked up the landline on the coffee table and dialed his eldest brother's number, but no one answered the phone.

She glanced at the time, it was already past eight o'clock, could it be that the elder brother hadn't woken up yet?

She redialed again, still no answer.

Nian Tong held the phone and thought about it, then dialed the home number at home.

He thought that if it was Mu Qifeng who answered the call, it would prove that he was fine. She hung up immediately when she heard the voice, and he would not know that it was her who called back.

But to her disappointment, no one answered the phone.

what happened?

She redialed again and again anxiously, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"Xiaoye, who are you calling?" Lu Heng came out of the room, saw Nian Tong calling in the living room, and immediately asked nervously.

Nian Tong was silent, just stared at him quietly for a while, and then said: "Brother Lu Heng, do you know that something happened to my family?"

Lu Heng's expression froze, and he forced a smile and said, "What are you talking about, what happened to your family? Don't say it early in the morning..."

"Brother Lu Heng!" Nian Tong interrupted him, his bright eyes filled with affirmation: "Every time you smile at me ugly, you are lying to me, so, is it my father or my elder brother? ? Why can't I contact them?"

"Xiaoye." Lu Heng stared at her with a troubled expression, "No matter what happens, you don't have to worry, someone will help you solve everything, you just need to take good care of yourself."

"It's Gu Junyao?"


"It was Gu Junyao who told you to hide it from me?"

Lu Heng was silent.

Nian Tong smiled wryly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips: "I'm really stupid, besides him, who else can be so impeccable?"

"What happened?" She calmed down and asked.

Lu Heng twitched the corner of his mouth, hesitant to speak, and finally said helplessly: "It seems that paper can't cover fire. It's your father, he was arrested."

(End of this chapter)

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