Chapter 223

"Why did you let brother Lu Heng hide the kidnapping of my elder brother and my father?" She asked in a questioning tone, but her tone was not harsh.

Gu Junyao sat down on the edge of the bed, patted the bed beside him and said, "Who said your elder brother was also kidnapped?"

"Then why can't I contact him?"

——Mr. Gu, when Mu Yuan heard me say about his father's kidnapping, I was afraid that he would do something bad, so I knocked him unconscious.

Thinking of the text message Lian Nuan sent last night, Gu Junyao couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

In my impression, Lian Nuan was always calm and composed, so how could he do such a bandit thing.

"Your elder brother is safe, you don't have to worry."

Although he didn't hear the news of where his elder brother was, Nian Tong had no doubts about Gu Junyao's words, and believed that his elder brother was really safe.

"What about my dad?"

"It's none of your business, I will return you a complete father then."

"None of my business?" Nian Tong's eyes widened in disbelief, staring at Gu Junyao like an alien.

"It's my dad who was kidnapped, you say it's none of my business?" What is this?

"I mean he was kidnapped because of me, so I will be responsible for finding a way to bring him back intact, you don't have to worry."

"But it's dangerous for you to save my dad. How can I not be worried?" Nian Tong blurted out, and immediately realized what was happening as soon as the words fell. Narrow and playful glances.

"You're going to divorce me, and you're still so worried about me?" Gu Junyao took her hand and held it, motioning for her to sit down beside her.

However, Nian Tong broke away in a bit of anger, and snorted: "However, it's a husband and wife relationship. Last time you were injured in order to save me, I just cared about you based on humanitarianism."

"Really?" Gu Junyao looked at her, his eyes fell on her pink cheeks that couldn't help but blush like blood, his eyes were gentle.

"Be obedient, wait for my good news obediently, and don't cause trouble impulsively."

Although his gentle tone was irresistible, Nian Tong couldn't help retorting: "I want to go too!"

Gu Junyao frowned, looked at the time displayed on the phone, got up and said, "Stop making trouble, be obedient, I'm leaving."

"Gu Junyao! Can you stop being so domineering!" Nian Tong felt anxious, and couldn't help hugging his arm, "Whether my father was tied up because of you or not, how could I stand by as a child?"

"It's not about sitting on the sidelines, you just take care of yourself and don't worry me."

"Are you afraid that I will cause trouble for you if I go with you?" Nian Tong was so confused that he didn't notice the concern in his tone.

Gu Junyao was silent.

"Don't worry, as long as you agree to let me go, I promise to obey you obediently, and I will do whatever you tell me to do, and I won't mess around, okay?" Nian Tong only wanted him to agree, and his tone became more Si begged.

Gu Junyao gently pushed her hand away, and sighed almost inaudibly.


Nian Tong was startled, and said angrily, "Why not?"

Gu Junyao glanced at the time again, a trace of concern flashed across his expression.

If you don't leave, it will be too late.

He turned his head to look at Niantong, his face darkened, and he said coldly: "Tongtong, why are you always so ignorant? How much trouble did you cause me when we were with you? Is there a time when I didn't solve it for you? I'm tired of constantly cleaning up the mess for you!"

Nian Tong didn't expect that he suddenly seemed to be a different person, not only his face was abnormally indifferent, but even his tone was so cold that it could frostbite people.

"You caused so much trouble for me, and you almost killed me last time, can you listen to me obediently this time, just stay at home obediently, and don't go anywhere?"

" blame me for hurting you last time?"

Gu Junyao turned his eyes away from her hurt expression, and moved towards the door.

"So you agreed to divorce me not for my sake, but because you really think I'm a trouble and can't wait to get rid of me?"

Wei An who walked to the door paused, but finally didn't answer her, opened the door and walked out.

"Gu Junyao!"

Nian Tong chased him out, looked at the back of Jue Jue with blurred eyes and said with a choked voice, "You actually just said that because you didn't want me to follow you, didn't you?"

Gu Junyao stopped, and glanced at Lu Heng who was looking at him from the other side of the living room. The other party looked at the person behind him, with suppressed emotions in his eyes.

"Tell me, are you..."

"I'm tired of you keeping me in trouble!"

As if his chest had been hit hard, Nian Tong's face turned pale from the pain, watching Gu Junyao stride out of sight without looking back, but he couldn't say anything.

——Why are you always so ignorant?How much trouble did you get me into with you?When was it that I didn't solve it for you?I'm tired of constantly cleaning up the mess for you!

——You caused so much trouble for me, and almost killed me last time, can you listen to me obediently this time, just stay at home obediently, and don’t go anywhere?

—I'm fed up with you keeping me in trouble!

Thinking of what Gu Junyao said before, Nian Tong couldn't help but burst into tears.

Now, what else can she say?
"Little Leaf?"

Lu Heng's worried voice rose in his ears.

Seeing her suffering so much, he really wanted to tell her that what Gu Junyao said just now was just to stop her from following.And he didn't speak in the end.

Just let her think that Gu Junyao hates her.

Whether it was because she was worried that she would immediately follow after explaining to Gu Junyao, or because he wanted her to misunderstand Gu Junyao because of his selfishness.In short, let her misunderstand.

Anyway, isn't this what Gu Junyao wants?
"Xiaoye, you..."

"Don't worry, I won't follow." Nian Tong interrupted him, with wet tears still hanging on his face, but his tone was so flat that no one could detect her emotions.

"He wants me to stay obediently, so I will stay obediently and won't cause trouble for him again."

"Then you'll have something to eat later, and I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

"I don't want to eat." Nian Tong said as he walked towards his room.

Lu Heng looked at her dejected back, and his heart was covered with a layer of haze.

(End of this chapter)

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