Chapter 224

"I didn't expect that Gu Junyao, who was famous for his first life, would not be able to pass the test of feelings, and obediently let me order for a woman."

Xiao Lingtian drank tea comfortably, imagining the scene where Gu Junyao gave all the goods worth 1000 billion, couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, grabbed Yin Ming's hand beside him and said, "Thanks to your reminder, I can Make a comeback."

Yin Ming glanced at him, pretended to break the teacup, and took out his hand without showing any signs.

"What did Qi Xin say on the phone?"

"He said that Gu Junyao had delivered some of the goods to the place I designated two hours ago, and I have sent someone to check and accept them, and there will be news soon."

"Then do you think Gu Junyao will cheat in that batch of goods?"

"Cheating?" Xiao Lingtian sneered, "Unless he doesn't want his father-in-law's head."

Just after he finished speaking, the phone rang, and he answered it. He listened to the report from the subordinate on the other end of the phone, the expression on his face became more and more joyful and surprised, and after hanging up the phone, he couldn't restrain himself from laughing loudly.

"Is there any problem with the inspection?" Yin Ming asked.

"Not only is there no problem? Gu Junyao not only offered all the goods he had on hand, but even sent an extra batch of arms imported from Germany."

Hearing this, Yin Ming's face changed slightly, and he said in confusion: "Gu Junyao has never been such an easy-to-compromise person. This time, he is uncharacteristically not only following our wishes, but also being so generous. What the hell is he doing?"

"We have the trump card in our hands, how dare he not compromise?"

"Don't you think it's strange for him to do this at all?" Yin Ming asked Xiao Lingtian back.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Gu Junyao single-handedly escorted another part of the goods to the appointment, and I came prepared this time, with so many people around me, should I still be afraid of him alone?"

"You underestimate Gu Junyao."

"I overestimated him too much, thinking how powerful he is, and why didn't he bow down for a woman? No wonder the world says women are disasters."

Yin Ming sneered: "That's why you like men?"

Xiao Lingtian raised his eyebrows like a knife's edge, squinted at Yin Ming and said, "You seem to be out of order these two days? Why do I feel that you are always against me?"

"You think too much." Yin Ming stood up, "Hurry up and prepare, Gu Junyao should be on the way here, ask your people to find out if there is an ambush, and remember to wrap the old guy around Dynamite."

"where are you going?"

"Sleep for a while, and I will come down when the time is up."

Xiao Lingtian looked at the back of him going upstairs, a look of confusion appeared between his brows, he faintly felt that something was wrong with Yin Ming, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Boss." A figure hurriedly came from the direction of the basement: "We have tied a ring of explosives inside that old guy's coat according to your instructions, and tied his hands and fed him a drug for temporary aphasia, so that the Even if he sees Gu Junyao, he can't inform him."

Xiao Lingtian sneered, "Well done, bring him up, the fun will begin soon."

****************************************split line******** ***********************************
There was a dull siren sound outside the door, and then the door was pushed open with a 'crash'.

"Boss, Gu Junyao has arrived. It turns out that he drove an extended version of the Hummer by himself, and the car stopped outside the boundary we designated."

Hearing this, Xiao Lingtian unhurriedly put out the half of the cigar left in his hand, and said with a sneer, "I really don't know whether to say that Gu Junyao is kind or that he loves great? He is willing to sacrifice for love, so why should I?" Adult beauty?"

He stood up slowly, stopped after taking two steps, looked towards the stairs, "Go and see if Xiao Di is up."


After a few minutes.

"When I went up, Master Geng was already up in the bathroom. He asked you to negotiate with Gu Junyao first, and he came down later."

Xiao Lingtian felt his eyelids twitch, and a strange thought inexplicably popped up in his heart—could Xiao Di deliberately find an excuse to delay the time, and let him first test whether Gu Junyao had an ambush?
"Boss, it's not too late, we have to hurry up."

The words of his subordinates brought Xiao Lingtian back to his senses, he looked in the direction of the stairs again, and finally walked towards the door with a solemn expression.

But after he left, a figure slowly descended from upstairs, and the face covered with hideous scars was not Yin Ming's face.

Gu Junyao sat in the driver's seat calmly and calmly, looking at the old villa not far away shrouded in the dark night, her fingers tapped the steering wheel unconsciously, her black eyes were as deep as the night.

More than ten minutes later, several figures came out from the old villa. He narrowed his black eyes slightly, and he saw clearly that one of them was Mu Qifeng.

He didn't seem to have received any cruel treatment except for his face being unwell and his hands tied behind his back.

At least on the surface, the clothes are still intact, and there are no torture marks on the face.

Behind Mu Qifeng are Xiao Lingtian and his right and left hand.

Gu Junyao frowned and looked at it more carefully. After making sure that he didn't see Yin Ming, he quickly picked up the phone and dialed Qiao Yueqing's number.

"Yin Ming probably sensed that something was wrong, and he didn't come out with Xiao Lingtian. You should pay special attention to it, and don't let Yin Ming escape in the chaos."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and at this time Xiao Lingtian and others had already approached.

He tilted his mouth coldly, opened the door and got out of the car.

"Mr. Gu personally delivered the goods to the door. It's really a sin for Xiao to miss him."

Xiao Lingtian looked at Gu Junyao who was walking towards him, with a smile on his face.

He looked around and saw that there was nothing wrong, so he winked at his left and right hands, signaling them to go forward and check if there was anything they wanted in the extended Hummer.

The left and right hands knew each other, and trotted past Gu Junyao without saying a word.

Gu Junyao's face remained unchanged, his black eyes that became colder and colder in the night passed over Mu Qifeng, seeing that his face was full of anxiety, but he opened his mouth but made no sound, instead he just looked at him anxiously, nodded violently, and moved his chin hard. The position between his collarbones poked, as if hinting at him.

(End of this chapter)

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