Chapter 225

Xiao Lingtian noticed Mu Qifeng's actions, and said with a smile: "When people are old, they don't need to be scared, so they can't even speak. In fact, I didn't treat him badly these two days. I provided him with good food and drink."

Hearing this, Mu Qifeng turned his head and stared at Xiao Lingtian, his eyes were so sharp that he wanted to tear Xiao Lingtian into pieces.

Xiao Lingtian didn't take it seriously, and the smile on his face didn't diminish.

Gu Junyao looked Mu Qifeng up and down carefully, and suddenly his expression froze, and he looked over, seeing Mu Qifeng looking at him and then at himself, a thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but understand it.

Mu Qifeng wanted to tell him that Xiao Lingtian tied explosives to his body.

And the reason why he couldn't speak was probably because Xiao Lingtian tampered with him.

Thoughts were spinning in his mind, but on his face he was circling with Xiao Lingtian: "Mr. Xiao, I have already prepared the goods according to your wishes, so should you let him go?"

"Don't worry, isn't this person just right in front of you?" Xiao Lingtian said while looking at his left and right hands, seeing the two of them made an OK gesture to him after checking, his expression lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but feel elated.

"Mr. Xiao's refusal to let people go is because he is worried that I will single-handedly deal with so many of you?" He pointed to the group of subordinates who were rushing towards this side behind Xiao Lingtian, with a trace of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

Although Xiao Lingtian was high-spirited, he did not push Mu Qifeng impulsively after being so provoked by Gu Junyao. Instead, he said: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, when my people drive away, they will naturally return a car." Give the car to Mr. Gu so that you can go home with your father-in-law."

Gu Junyao heard the meaning behind Xiao Lingtian's words, and became more sure of his inference just now.

"Mr. Xiao is so cautious, it's really hard to be admired." Gu Junyao mocked him for his timidity.

Xiao Lingtian lost two-thirds of his hard work, but now he has gained ten or twenty times more wealth than before. He is in such a good mood that he can't understand the meaning of Gu Junyao's words.

"Mr. Gu has won the award. Speaking of which, Xiao has to thank Mr. Gu for destroying my warehouse, and even more so, Mrs. Gu and Mr. Gu's father-in-law. If it weren't for these things, how could I make a comeback? I don't know if it is Isn’t it a blessing in disguise?”

Xiao Lingtian's loud laughter appeared arrogant and arrogant in the night.

Gu Junyao stopped talking, watched his left and right hands get on the Hummer, and then drove the car over.

And Xiao Lingtian's subordinates who rushed over stood in front of Xiao Lingtian in an orderly manner, forming a protective circle with Xiao Lingtianwei in the middle.

When the Hummer drove away, Gu Junyao said, "Can you let him go now?"

Xiao Lingtian smiled back at him, "Of course, how could Xiao stop Mr. Gu from reuniting with his family?"

At the end of the sentence, he winked at his subordinates to let him go, but Mu Qifeng hooked Xiao Lingtian's foot as if a root had grown in his foot, and refused to pass Gu Junyao's side.

"What? You don't even want to let you go?" Xiao Lingtian asked sharply, avoiding Mu Qifeng's entanglement.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qifeng entangled another of his subordinates.

"Mr. Gu, it doesn't look like Xiao is unwilling to let him go, but your father-in-law refuses to leave. I don't know if he fell in love with the delicious food we serve?"

As soon as Xiao Ling finished his words, all his subordinates laughed strangely.

Mu Qifeng's expression burst into anger, and he stared at Xiao Lingtian with red eyes.

Gu Junyao knew that he wanted to entangle Xiao Lingtian, so that Xiao Lingtian would not dare to shoot, lest he would die with them.

He estimated the destructiveness of the explosives and the number of people in Xiao Lingtian's group, then glanced at the thin watch on his wrist, and then said to Mu Qifeng: "Come here, Tongtong is waiting for you at home."

Mu Qifeng's expression was shocked, and he looked at Gu Junyao with despair and pain in his eyes.

"Old man, I'll go over and shoot you!" One of them, Huang Mao, who didn't know that Mu Qifeng was strapped with explosives, drew out a gun and pointed it at Mu Qifeng's waist to threaten him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Lingtian slapped his face severely.

"Bastard! Is Mr. Gu's father-in-law something you, a bastard, can insult? None of you are allowed to shoot me!"

Gu Junyao watched him play and snorted coldly.

Xiao Lingtian was afraid that his subordinates would accidentally shoot and explode the explosives on Mu Qifeng's body, that's why he was so annoyed, but this sudden accident was a good turning point for him.

"Come here." He looked at Mu Qifeng, his tone was the same as usual, but with an irresistible strength.

Mu Qifeng smiled wryly, and slowly walked towards Gu Junyao.

At the same time, Xiao Lingtian led his men back towards the villa.

There was a stormy smell in the air.

When Mu Qifeng approached, Gu Junyao took out a dagger from his body and cut the rope binding Mu Qifeng's hands.

Mu Qifeng got his hands free, and immediately made a gesture to take off his coat to get the explosives tied to his body, but Gu Junyao stopped him.

"They are all watching, there is no time, and even if you can unload the explosives in time, we can't hide from so many of them shooting at the same time." The terrain where the two are located has almost no cover, and they must run at least 500 meters There will be an abandoned gas station in meters.

Hearing this, Mu Qifeng was so anxious that the blood vessels on his forehead would burst.

He grabbed Gu Junyao's cuff, wanted to say something but forgot that he couldn't speak.

"I know you're trying to say that if you don't unload the explosives, I'll be dead if they shoot you."

Mu Qifeng nodded hastily.

"Don't worry, I have estimated the destructiveness of explosives, and they dare not shoot at a certain distance, so you should calm down now, listen to me, when I tell you to run later, don't look back, just run forward, about There is an abandoned gas station 500 meters away, you will be safe if you run there, I have already ambushed my people around, and none of Xiao Lingtian's people can escape."

Mu Qifeng nodded, but couldn't help shaking.

Suddenly thinking of something, he looked at Gu Junyao with worry in his eyes.

Gu Junyao twitched the corner of her mouth, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry. Just do what I say, you're fine, Tongtong won't blame me."

Mu Qifeng's chest was swollen and painful, and he gritted his teeth and walked forward, not daring to be distracted in the slightest.

As if a century had passed, Mu Qifeng suddenly heard Gu Junyao's voice in his ears: "Run!"

Immediately afterwards, there were ear-piercing sirens and gunshots that pierced the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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