Chapter 226

Nian Tong walked back and forth in the room, his face was full of uneasiness and worry.

Although Gu Junyao's words made her feel very uncomfortable, but after returning to the room to calm down and think about it carefully, she felt that those were not Gu Junyao's sincere words.

Although he didn't want to admit that saying that was just to prevent her from following, but she believed that this should be the case, otherwise there was no need for him to come to Lu Heng's house to meet her.

Watching the time go by little by little, every minute and every second is suffering.

"Knock knock knock!"

She looked towards the door, hesitated, or walked over.

The door opened, and Lu Heng stood at the door with a bowl of seafood noodles in one hand and a glass of warm water in the other.

"If you haven't eaten for a day, your body won't be able to bear it." Lu Heng handed over the noodles.

Nian Tong shook his head.

"I really don't want to eat it."

Whether her father is safe or not is still unknown, and Gu Junyao is holding her whole heart. Under such circumstances, how can she have the appetite to eat.

"Then you plan to starve yourself out and let me hold you to see your father when he comes back?"

Nian Tong was startled and looked at Lu Heng.

"What I'm saying is the truth. In your condition, I think you'll pass out from hunger soon."

"Eat as much as you want." He forced the bowl into her hand.

Nian Tong had no choice but to walk out of the room holding the bowl in both hands.

Sitting down in the living room, looking at the colorful and tempting seafood noodles, but because of the mood, the taste is like chewing wax.

"I don't know..." She wanted to say that she didn't know how Gu Junyao was doing to save her father, but she swallowed a few words before she spoke.

He asked her to wait for his good news, so she should not think about it and doubt his ability.

Lu Heng guessed her worry and uneasiness, and comforted her: "Don't worry, your dad will be fine."

Nian Tong nodded, took a sip of the warm water on the coffee table, but Lu Heng's cell phone rang suddenly.

Both of them looked shocked.

"Maybe the crew came looking for me. After all, I had an appointment to shoot normally today, but I suddenly rescheduled the appointment." Lu Heng explained.

Nian Tong nodded, but watched him take out the phone, and after a trace of surprise appeared on his expression, she concluded that the caller was not from Lu Heng's crew.

Lu Heng received her questioning look and said, "It's Gu Junyao's friend calling, I'll answer the phone first."

After finishing the sentence, he pressed the answer button, and a happy expression appeared on his face after a while.

Nian Tong guessed that his father was saved, and his high heart gradually sank.

But the strange thing is that the joy on Lu Heng's face was instantly replaced by a touch of disbelief and shock, and then his whole face turned pale.

She lifted her heart to her throat again, and asked tremblingly, "What's wrong?"

Lu Heng took a deep breath and said, "Your father is safe now, he is in the hospital. But Gu Junyao..." He paused, and Nian Tong followed him, as if his heartbeat had stopped.

"What's up with him?"

"Severely injured in the firefight... whereabouts are unknown..."

With a 'bang', Nian Tong felt the floor under her feet split apart, and she fell all the way down.

**************************************split line********** *********************************
"How is my dad?"

Mu Yuan, who was forcibly detained by Lian Nuan for a day and two nights, saw his father lying on the hospital bed in the hospital, and immediately turned around to question Lian Nuan, who arrived earlier than him.

"The doctor said that he was not injured, but that he was given a drug that caused temporary aphasia, and he would be back to normal in a few hours." Lian Nuan replied blankly.

"Then why is he unconscious now?"

"Where is he unconscious?" Lian Nuan gave him a white look and said, "The doctor gave him a tranquilizing injection to let him rest, can you stop being so anxious?"

"You still said that I haven't settled the score with you yet." Mu Yu'an was relieved to hear that his father was fine, but then thought of another thing.

And Lian Nuan obviously knew what he wanted to say, and immediately said: "I don't have time, you are here to take care of your father, I have to rush back to the company."

"Hey!" Mu Yuan stretched out his hand to clasp her wrist, but before he exerted any force, he felt that Lian Nuan's wrist had already been clasped behind him in a blink of an eye.

"Assistant Mu, don't you know that I know martial arts?" Lian Nuan asked with a snort.

"You woman, you were the one who sneaked up on me last time!" After being controlled to death by a woman, Mu Yu'an became angry from embarrassment, his handsome face was so red that he didn't know whether it was shame or annoyance.

How could such a big man be so shy?

Lian Nuan stared at his face and smiled playfully, "Last time it was a surprise attack, so this time it's not right? You can't do anything to me? Settle the score with me, and you will be in your next life!"

"You!" Damn it!This woman speaks so godly that she will be so angry that she vomits blood.

"Let's leave you, me, and me, dear, my sister is going back to the company." Lian Nuan let go, with a childlike tone of comfort, and a smile in his eyes.

Mu Yu'an's eyes were about to burst, but he was afraid of Lian Nuan's good skills and dared not speak out for a while.

Lian Nuan smiled triumphantly, turned and walked towards the door of the ward, just as her hand touched the doorknob, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

"Little sister?"

When Mu Yu'an saw the person standing at the door, his handsome face brightened, and he strode over.

Nian Tong looked at Lian Nuan, "Secretary Lian, where are Brother Xiyun and the others? Why didn't they answer my phone? What happened? Where's Uncle Gu?"

"Xiaoye, calm down first."

Lu Heng, who went out together, comforted her.

Lian Nuan looked at Nian Tong whose face was covered in tears as if she was heartbroken, and a flash of shock flashed across her beautiful face: "I don't know any news about Mr. Gu and the others, but I just received a call from Officer Qiao to know that your father was rescued successfully. The person is in the hospital, so I came here."

"You don't know?" Does that mean...

"Little sister, why do you ask like this? What's wrong with Gu Junyao?" Mu Yu'an noticed that the little girl's expression was not right, so she couldn't help asking.

But Nian Tong seemed to have never heard of it, staring blankly at the snow-white wall, suddenly his eyes went dark, and he was carried into Lu Heng's arms behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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