Chapter 231

Leng Siyu was worried that Nian Tong would be uncharacteristic due to too much stimulation, so he quickly called Leng Xiyun, and when he returned to Golden Bay, Leng Xiyun even arrived one step ahead of them.

"Brother Xiyun, Sister Siyu said that your steak is excellent. I haven't tasted your cooking skills yet. I don't know if it is from Sister Siyu's lover's eyes that Xi Shi thinks your steak is very delicious, or is it worthy of the name?"

Nian Tong, who got out of the car first, saw Leng Xiyun approaching and said.

Leng Siyu, who paid the fare behind and followed her, heard her phrase 'beauty is in the eye of a beholder', subconsciously looked at the man in front of her, and just so happened that Leng Xiyun was also looking at her, their eyes met, and the two of them fell in love with each other in a blink of an eye. But they all staggered away, one looked at Nian Tong, and the other lowered his head.

"Didn't you say you're hungry? Let's go into the house quickly." Leng Siyu took her hand and walked forward past Leng Xiyun.

When passing by, she seemed to hear a helpless sigh in her ear, she smiled wryly, and didn't look back.

Steak, spaghetti, chicken soup, and after-dinner fruit, Nian Tong would not refuse anyone who came, but he ate them all, his appetite shocked the brothers and sisters of the Leng family.

"Brother Xiyun's steak is really excellent, and the spaghetti is also delicious, comparable to that made by Uncle Gu." Nian Tong wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, with a satiated smile on his face.

Leng Xiyun and Leng Siyu looked at each other, and asked after a while: "Tongtong, did Lian Rong tell you that the matter of Junyao will be the day after tomorrow?"

"I said, didn't you prepare it? I'm very relieved." Nian Tong was a little stuffed, stood up slowly, and took a deep breath.

"Sister Siyu, these days you have neglected your own affairs in order to take care of me. I am really sorry. I was too fragile before, but now I have figured it out, so you don't have to accompany me anymore. I promise to eat on time every day, Take good care of yourself and your baby."

"You are the only one who is not here, how could I not be with you?" Leng Siyu said.

"Don't worry, I will be fine, even if not for myself, I will also think about the baby in my stomach."


"Siyu, I think Tongtong will take good care of herself and the baby, so you don't have to worry." Leng Xiyun interrupted her, looking at Niantong thoughtfully.

Leng Siyu wondered how he would agree to Niantong and let her be alone, but in a daze, Leng Xiyun also stood up, "Let's go, Tongtong hasn't had a good rest these days, let's not disturb her rest. "

After finishing the words, a big warm hand grabbed his wrist and walked towards the door.

Nian Tong looked at the backs of the two, smiled faintly, and returned to the bedroom after the two left.

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While sleeping soundly, he was woken up by the phone ringing in the living room one after another.

Nian Tong got up from the bed and went to the living room to answer the phone.



There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and Nian Tong said hello again, but hung up immediately after there was no response.

But in less than five seconds, the phone rang again.

She frowned in confusion, looking at the phone that kept ringing, inexplicably, her heart suddenly jumped violently, and a certain thought quickly flashed through her mind.

After the phone rang a dozen times, stopped and rang again, she finally picked up the receiver again.

Before she could speak this time, the person on the other end of the phone couldn't wait to say, "Hello? Are you Nian Tong?"

Nian Tong was taken aback, recalling the somewhat familiar female voice just now, faces flashed in his mind, and finally he was not sure: "Are you...Chen Siya?"

"Ho, is it really you? I thought I made a wrong call."

Nian Tong was taken aback again, and hurriedly asked, "Did you make the call just now?"

"Yes, but you have not answered."

"..." It's connected, you don't talk, okay?
Nian Tong secretly rolled her eyes, feeling a little disappointed - she thought it was Yin Ming who was wanted by the police just now.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"Oh, it's like this. Didn't my mother have the operation in the Sixth Hospital last time? She recovered very well after the operation and can take care of herself now, so this time I came to the hospital alone to make up for my mother's hospitalization. Receipts and invoices. I wanted to ask Director Geng directly for help, but I couldn't contact him. I went to the hospital and found out that Director Geng was not working there, and your mobile phone couldn't get through. If it wasn't for me, you told me I really can't find you with the number of your home electrician."

After listening to Chen Siya's crackling talk, Nian Tong asked: "Do you want me to accompany you to the hospital to issue receipts and invoices?"

"Yes, do you have time?"

Nian Tong hesitated, but still replied: "I'll change my clothes first and then contact you."

An hour later, Nian Tong saw Chen Siya who had been waiting for her for a long time in front of the General Surgery Building of the Sixth Hospital.

"Wow, why have you become so thin? It seems like you have suffered a serious illness." Chen Siya couldn't help shouting when she saw Nian Tong who was obviously thin.

Nian Tong smiled faintly, "I have been ill for a while."

"Is it really sick? Then your husband loves you so much. Didn't your illness make him feel bad this time?"

Nian Tong tugged at the corner of his mouth.She thought that Chen Siya really didn't know about Gu Junyao reported on TV.

"Why didn't you tell me on the phone that you were not feeling well? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have called to bother you." Chen Siya said guiltily.

"It's okay, my illness is cured." Seeing what she wanted to say, Nian Tong stopped her and said, "Let's go, you have to be busy with your internship and take care of your mother. It's not easy to come to City A, so hurry up and give the matter to me." Get it done and go back."

"Are you really okay?" Chen Siya looked at her not-so-good face, still a little worried.

"It's okay." Nian Tong patted her on the shoulder, and the two walked to the elevator together.

It was past five o'clock when I finished my work with Chen Siya.

"You go to buy a train ticket back to City B now, and if you can arrive at night, I won't see you off." Nian Tong hailed a taxi for Chen Siya at the entrance of the hospital and said.

"Niantong, thank you for your help."

Nian Tong smiled, and when the taxi carrying Chen Siya left, she didn't immediately stop a taxi to go home, but returned to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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