Chapter 232

"Miss Mu, this is your examination report. Your blood sugar is a bit low, and you are slightly malnourished... Judging by your complexion, it should be caused by lack of sleep and improper diet. I will prescribe some soothing nutrition for you. You should rest and recuperate."

The doctor's tone is kind.

Nian Tong stared at the data shown in the group of test sheets on the inspection report, his eyes fixed on a certain place, like a bolt from the blue, his whole body froze, his face was paler and uglier than before the physical examination.

"Miss Mu?" The doctor called her worriedly, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Niantong shook his head sternly, stroked his abdomen with his palms, a helpless and ironic smile appeared on his lips, he struggled for a long time before standing up, and walked out the door with weak footsteps.


She snorted, feeling her throat hurt unbearably.

After leaving the hospital, it was already dark outside.

She walked aimlessly for a long way, until she felt that her legs were too heavy to move, and she stopped to wait for a taxi.

Standing under the orange street light, she looked at her elongated figure on the ground with a concentrated expression, unaware that the whistling motor sound was getting closer.


There was a sound in the ear, and then the arm was tightened, and the whole body was pulled aside by a powerful arm, and after a harsh brake, a male body was knocked to the ground.

Nian Tong was stunned by the series of events, and stared dumbfounded at the fallen man unable to move.

But the man who was knocked down struggled to get up after landing, but a blinding white light suddenly lit up in front of him.He instinctively raised his hand to block it, but heard the sound of the motor again, and then whizzed past him.

"Are you okay?" Under the orange light, Nian Tong could clearly see the face of the man in front of him, but his expression was even more shocked.

"you you……"

"I'm Geng Di." Seeing her stunned speechless, Geng Di hurriedly said.

Nian Tong's eyes flashed and he nodded.

"Why are you here? What happened just now?"

"I actually followed you all the way here on purpose." Geng Di said, seeing her expression change, he immediately explained: "I didn't mean to follow you, but I knew he would definitely come to you. You know, I can't wait to find him and take him to my mother's grave to apologize."

"So maybe he was the one sitting in the car just now?"

"Yes. It's a pity that he ran away." Geng Di said with a dark face and hatred.

Nian Tong frowned, and suddenly thought of something: "Didn't you go back to England? Last time you said you arrested his mother and threatened him, but in the afternoon you regretted that you didn't say that, and you said you were going back to England. Why didn't you go back again?"

"Because I'm working with Gu Junyao, and he doesn't want me to disturb you."

Nian Tong's expression darkened.

"If he didn't succeed just now, he definitely wouldn't give up. You'd better stay at home and don't come out. I'll take you back."

Nian Tong nodded.

"Are you okay?" Nian Tong remembered that he was hit by a car and fell to the ground just now.

"It's okay, just a little skin trauma." Geng Di wrote lightly, ignoring the burning pain of his limbs, shoulders and back.

"Let's go to the hospital." Nian Tong suggested.

"No need, I'll go back and deal with it myself, you know I'm a surgeon..." He paused, and then said, "There is no one who teaches surgery who can't handle wounds by himself."

"That's right, then I'll follow you."

Geng Di hailed a taxi, and both of them sat in the back seat.

"are you OK?"

Geng Di glanced at Nian Tong who looked gloomy outside the window, and asked suddenly.

Nian Tong smiled bitterly, then slowly turned around and said, "Looking at me like this, I seem to be okay?"

Geng Di looked at her, "I can't believe it's him lying in the funeral parlor."

"I couldn't believe it either, so I kept lying to myself that he was just asleep, and he would wake up when he got enough sleep. But... no matter how cruel the facts are, I have to accept them..."

"Do you believe that he is really dead?" Geng Di suddenly interrupted her excitedly, "Who is Gu Junyao? If he died so easily, how could he have been in the Tao for so many years and become a leader who is frightening?"

When the taxi driver in front heard the quarrel behind him, especially after hearing Geng Di's words, he couldn't help shaking his hands, almost losing his grip on the steering wheel.A pair of eyes glanced back from time to time, as if an extra knife would stab him at any moment.

Nian Tong noticed this, frowned and said, "Master, are you a snake? Why did you drive the car like a snake?"

After she finished speaking, she turned to Geng Di and said, "Didn't you say to cooperate with him? You should know the truth of the matter better than me."

"Have you visited him at the funeral home?" Geng Di asked.

"He is the person I love the most, how could I not go to see him?"

"Then you didn't find anything strange?"

"What strange thing?" Nian Tong didn't understand what he meant.

Geng Di stared at her, and said for a while, "I wonder if you really love Gu Junyao?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't seem very sad."

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong almost laughed out loud.

"I'm so sad because of him that I'm so skinny, and you still say that I'm not sad enough and don't really love him? Does that mean I have to call his name all the time and cry to the death to prove that I really love him?"

"Even if it's not like that, at least you have to be by his side at all times before his burial."

"I want to too, but my body won't allow it."

"You're making excuses for yourself. In fact, you don't love him that much at all."

"It's true. I'm pregnant now. If I don't control my emotions properly, it will easily lead to miscarriage." Nian Tong lowered her head and stroked her abdomen, her pretty face revealing a maternal brilliance. "This is me and his child. I want to take good care of my body and give him a healthy baby."

Geng Di stared at her abdomen in shock, his complexion changed again and again, and countless complex emotions flashed in his eyes.

"I want to see him."

Nian Tong looked at him and nodded for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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