Chapter 233

I don't know if it's luck, but when Nian Tong and Geng Di arrived at the funeral home, Lian Rong, who had been guarding Gu Junyao, was not there.The staff on duty at the funeral home knew about the relationship between Nian Tong and Gu Junyao, so they didn't stop her.

Nian Tong led Geng Di to the room where Gu Junyao's body was stored. When she pushed open the door of that room, she didn't know if it was her illusion. breath.

"You go in first, I'll go to the bathroom and come back." Geng Di said suddenly.

Nian Tong looked at his face, nodded and said: "Okay, but you have to hurry up, because the temperature here is too low, I don't want to stay for too long."

"it is good."

Geng Di left in response.

Nian Tong stood at the door, looking at the coffin box inside, but did not approach.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Geng Di didn't come back, Nian Tong became colder and colder.

The surroundings were quiet and gloomy, and there was a strange and creepy aura floating in the air.

After more than ten minutes passed, footsteps finally sounded in my ears.

Nian Tong put down the hands that hugged her arms, took a deep breath, and quietly put one hand into the messenger bag she was carrying.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Geng Di came over and actually smiled.

"I seem to have a bad stomach."

As he spoke, he looked at the transparent coffin box inside that became more and more translucent under the white light, and asked, "Why don't you go there? Isn't it because you are afraid?"

"Why?" Nian Tong walked in, "They said that it's better not to get close to dead people when you're pregnant, otherwise it's bad for both the fetus and the pregnant woman."

"Dead?" Geng Di snorted, his tone seemed a little mocking.

Nian Tong turned around, but saw that he had actually closed the door, and couldn't help but change his expression: "We will leave in a while, there is no need to close the door."

But Geng Di acted as if he didn't hear, and went straight to do his own thing, not only closed the door, even locked the door, and then walked towards Niantong.

"Before he died, you said that he was the man you loved the most. Now that he is lying here without moving, you treat him as a dead man, not a lover anymore? Is this the love of your women?" He looked down and read Tong, eyes full of ridicule and contempt.

Nian Tong leaned back a little, frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Why did you lock the door?"

Geng Di glanced at her, "You will know the answer soon."

Nian Tong watched him walk towards the coffin, and then stopped. When he saw the person in the coffin, his gloomy face seemed to be struck by lightning, his complexion turned livid and then turned white.And a pair of hands hanging on both sides of the body were clenched quickly, and Nian Tong could even hear the clear sound of bones rubbing against each other.

"Gu Junyao, is it really you?"

Geng Di slowly stretched out a hand to touch that icy face, followed the lifelike eyebrows and eyes on that face with his white fingers to draw a chiseled outline, all the way down, and glanced at the broad chest. To the old and new scars from several gunshot wounds.

His fingers froze, his expression froze, and then his eyes widened, his chest heaved violently, as if he had suffered some great stimulation and his heart could not bear it.

Nian Tong looked at Geng Di like this, and the palms of his hands in the small bag couldn't help being wet.

"Gu Junyao, I didn't expect you to really die?" Geng Di muttered to himself, and suddenly let out a strange laugh.

"You didn't let me touch you when you were alive, but now that you're dead, you can't refuse, right? Are you angry? But what should we do? You're dead, and even if I hug you, you can't resist me anymore."

His tone was particularly gentle, and his eyes were even more gentle as water, as if what he was looking at and touching was not a cold male corpse, but his favorite lover.

He leaned over to pick up the corpse in the coffin, but suddenly thought of something, his eyes turned and fell on Nian Tong who had already retreated to the door.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" He asked quietly, his expression calmed down abnormally.

"I found out earlier that you are not Geng Di." Nian Tong looked at his hand still in the coffin, then looked at him and said, "You are Yin Ming."

Yin Ming was not very surprised when his identity was exposed, but he still asked: "When did you find out? Because of my voice?" He knew that his vocal cords were damaged, and it was difficult to pretend.

"Your voice is second. The main reason is that your eyes with color-changing contact lenses also betrayed you... The first time I was deceived by you successfully, I never thought that someone would pretend to be Geng Di, so I didn't notice that you wore them." Color contact lenses. And if I am deceived by you again, I will be so stupid." So she knew that he was Yin Ming when she saw his face clearly under the street light.

"And what you said is full of flaws. It's hard for me not to find out that you are a fake Geng Di." When he said that he wanted to treat the wound by himself, he said that he was an all-rounder in surgery. Although he corrected it in time, she still noticed it. Arrived.

And in the car, he asked Gu Junyao again and again, and even accused her in a resentful tone of not being sad because of Gu Junyao's death.What's even more weird is that he actually proposed to go to the funeral home to see Gu Junyao.

Geng Di and Gu Junyao had no friendship, and the relationship between the two was not so good that he would go to see him after Gu Junyao died.

Also, the car accident was too fake. If Yin Ming really wanted to put her to death, he wouldn't just hit her with a car, but would directly kill her with a gun.

"Since you found out that I'm not Geng Di, why did you bring me to the funeral home? Don't you know that your behavior is tantamount to asking for death?"

"You are the one who is looking for your own death!" Nian Tong took out the hand that had been hidden in the small bag, holding a pistol in his hand, and pointed the gun at Yin Ming.

Yin Ming looked at the black pistol aimed at him, but his expression remained unchanged. "If you are caught carrying a gun without permission, you will be sentenced to a severe sentence, don't you know?"

"It's hard to believe that I heard something from a bastard like you." Nian Tong snorted coldly.

"Do you think that having a gun will definitely kill me?" A strange dark light flashed in Yin Ming's eyes.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

"Then it depends on whether your gun is faster or I hide faster?"

"No matter how fast you hide, you don't want to escape today." Nian Tong narrowed his eyes, held his breath, aimed at Yin Ming's heart and pulled the trigger with his finger.

Yin Ming snorted coldly, and when the bullet flew out of Nian Tong's hand, he leaned back, and at the same time quickly rolled over and fell into the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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